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Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach


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13 minutes ago, The Last Post said:

I'm a PW  fan, Love his after game interviews...but...the proof of the pudding is in the eating, There will come a time when he'll be given money to buy players, Getting frees and loans is all well and good, But buying in a different gravy...only time will tell Sad Season 9 GIF by The Office?

Only time will tell but I just get the impression that Warne and his coaches are pretty astute and we're a long way away from having money to risk.


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25 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

Only time will tell but I just get the impression that Warne and his coaches are pretty astute and we're a long way away from having money to risk.


Talk I've heard that restrictions maybe loosened next season, Warne is a good judge of character imo...and getting players that will run all day for you is easy enough...but waving a bigger pay packet under a players nose can have an adverse reaction to players that are already here, A collective bunch of players that fit together like a glove on O J Simpsons hand can be a disruptive influence in the changing room, In 18 months time we're going to need some 10+ players...so I'll hold fire until then ☺️

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Of course we're all enjoying the run. I was cheering in the living room when we scored that late winner against port vale just as everyone else was. I do think Warne will get us out the division, if not this season then next and he is proving more adaptable than I previously thought, in formation if nothing else. However, long term i still question the appointment, but my record for predictions is terrible so I'll most likely be wrong. Let's just all enjoy having a well run club, supported to the hilt, and hopefully promotion around the corner at Wembley with 45,000 rams fans!

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16 minutes ago, The Last Post said:

Talk I've heard that restrictions maybe loosened next season, Warne is a good judge of character imo...and getting players that will run all day for you is easy enough...but waving a bigger pay packet under a players nose can have an adverse reaction to players that are already here, A collective bunch of players that fit together like a glove on O J Simpsons hand can be a disruptive influence in the changing room, In 18 months time we're going to need some 10+ players...so I'll hold fire until then ☺️

From what I've seen so far, character is of great importance. He won't take a player who won't fit in with the rest. That was Clough and Taylor's policy - they wouldn't tolerate disruption. We're already hearing from this squad how tight they have become as a unit and how he gets more from them individually - Max Bird recently expanded on that in the DET. you've got to trust Warne on this until he gives you cause to think otherwise. For now, keep the faith.

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I'm always staggered, reading this thread and seeing how many fans still have doubts about Warne.

In my opinion, Warne's biggest strength is his clarity of thinking and the simplicity of the message he passes on to the players. Everybody knows exactly what their job is and exactly what is expected of them, both players and staff. Players are not asked to do anything complicated or anything they aren't capable of, which is rare in today's over complicated game.

I think that this clarity will also extend to the signing of players and I'm really looking forward to seeing the quality of the players he brings in once he has a free reign in the transfer market, because you can bet that players won't be signed on reputation. He will be just as happy buying a non league striker as an international one as long as they have the right character. 

He is proving to be far better than I imagined, as I was fairly cautious about him when he came in, but I think we have a special manager here and our biggest job is going to be hanging on to him if we can't keep up with his ambitions.

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6 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

I think this is disingenuous about Mel who is also a fan, I felt he was quite private (but that might be debated), had the best intentions of the club at heart and likely bled black and white (or hopefully blue and white with red numbers). He mainly failed because he was incredibly unluckly and was battling a rigged system. He also made some poor choices, but for much of the time I admired his personal sacrifice in the Arthurian quest to establish Derby as a Premier League club. If I recall, the guy is at least £120m poorer as a result.

Not read beyond this post. I'll try to catch up tomorrow. 

Mel wasn't a fan. Mel knew nothing about the history of the club barring things you couldn't miss as a teenager growing up in Derby whilst Sir Brian was lording it.

Mel was a fraud as a fan, driven by ego, just wanting to be on the scene as a premier league chairman.

( Some of my post is undoubtedly fact, the rest is just my opinion) 

Fill in the gaps.

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It seems to me that the older supporters seem much quicker to buy into Paul Warne and his philosophies and ambitions than the younger ones. That's because we were around when three managers with similar ideas came into our club and took us to the top tier and kept us there for a while. It seems to happen every 20 or 25 years or so and none of them had pots of money at their disposal to achieve what they did.

We are now overdue for seeing it again. Let's hope that Warne realises the potential we see in him.


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1 hour ago, Brailsford Ram said:

It seems to me that the older supporters seem much quicker to buy into Paul Warne and his philosophies and ambitions than the younger ones. That's because we were around when three managers with similar ideas came into our club and took us to the top tier and kept us there for a while. It seems to happen every 20 or 25 years or so and none of them had pots of money at their disposal to achieve what they did.

We are now overdue for seeing it again. Let's hope that Warne realises the potential we see in him.


Really love this post and you are correct about the cycles of our club. Started going in 83/84 so remember the excitement and fun of the second two but unfortunately not the first but my dad went everywhere. We are overdue and would love it for my boys steadfastly supporting Derby through constant mockery through school. But my sixth former is loving this season and group of players. It feels fun again

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There is a lot of similarities between Paul Warne and Arthur Cox. I think Paul has a much better set of players to work with than Arthur inherited though. We are already at least the same point as we were in Arthurs second season playing wise. It would be good if we had the equivalent of Davison and Gee though. If Warne can find a goal scorer we will be cooking on gas

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12 minutes ago, Gerry Daly said:

There is a lot of similarities between Paul Warne and Arthur Cox. I think Paul has a much better set of players to work with than Arthur inherited though. We are already at least the same point as we were in Arthurs second season playing wise. It would be good if we had the equivalent of Davison and Gee though. If Warne can find a goal scorer we will be cooking on gas

And also a lot of similarities with the ideas of Brian Clough - honesty with the media, his passion for the game, his appreciation of the efforts of the fanbase, the importance of team bonding and good character, the need to know his players and their families and their needs and problems, emphasis on their own performance and not the opposition's, believing in themselves and instilling in them the fact that football is a simple game, so don't over complicate it.

Clough never worried about even the strongest opponents, simply telling his team before they went out, if we play well we win the game, it's as simple as that.

I see a lot of that already in Warne's approach. Having a bit of Arthur Cox's philosophy helps too and Jim Smith shared a lot of those ideals.

Paul Warne will do very well to get near to what any of those men achieved at this club, and of course there'll never be another Brian Clough, but simply sharing those ideals gives him a head start on most.

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What I also really like about PW is the fact that recruiting players appears to be going through him.

Plenty of clubs adopt this policy where a director of football or someone looks and recruits whereas the comments from Warne strongly indicate he has the choice and thats how it should be.

He commented on the recent CB who was offered and has also mentioned the calibre of player and personality he desires at the club

I like this approach , not someone else buying players with good stats but the Manager looking at a players personality and playing attributes and judging if he would fit in, also saying that money will not be spent if it is not a player who will fit in. and make us better.

A lot of clubs don't use this approach but I for one think this is the way to go.


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The boss has certainly been busy with the papers this week. As well as the Telegraph one already posted, here's a piece from the Dailly Mail https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-11690119/I-Derby-boss-Paul-Warne-reflects-dad-death-Rams-revival.html

And here he is in The Mirror https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/derby-boss-names-sport-hed-29080409

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4 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

Some funny and different bits in the Mirror piece. 



Because he's so interesting, deep and different, Warne is fast becoming a cult figure for the national football media. The good news is that the media don't usually follow duffers in that way.

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