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8 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

Graham Richards is/was a COMMENTATOR

Craig Ramage, and Eric Steele were/are employed as SUMMARISER

There is a difference. The Commentator only needs to be able to describe in simplistic terms what is going on during the event he or she is commentating on, The Summariser should be an expert in the subject/event that the commentator is commenting on and be able to provide a more detailed analysis that the commentator would not know. With this in mind, Ramage sadly provided no more information than Dawes did, so was effectively pointless/ineffective in the role. Steele on the other hand, was able to add something to the coverage that Dawes could not. Steele was effective and successful as a Summariser.

The summariser is there to provide a better understanding of the event, not be a loud, churlish, happy-clapping comedy act.

I always liked Colin Gibson and Ian Hall as commentators.

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1 hour ago, RAM1966 said:

How do you know its not Morris footing the bill? 

Seems unlikely. If there’s a tough negotiation going on I think it’s unlikely he’ll be providing further funding.  

(unless he’s selling it as an organic farm for 23m (that’s a joke please don’t worry B4 we’ll be at PP next season) )

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1 hour ago, RAM1966 said:

Its effectively extended his period of exclusivity by claiming he will pay the bill as of yesterday.  If the deal on the stadium has not been resolved by 31 May, he can simply walk away as the sale of the stadium is a condition of the sale.

Do you really think in the next week he's actually going to write a cheque?  He will be stalling asking fir a list of bills etc thst require paying, I'd very much doubt he's going to party with one penny until the Stadium deal is resolved by the minimum of an agreement to purchase.

Still baffled that he's not purchasing the stadium too, suggests a lack of budget to me.

I genuinely hope it goes through though, its definitely not as cut and dry as many are assuming.....  If Mel does not budge, I can see it all collapsing...

Does it? It suggests to me it's more financially viable for him to not buy it. If you read my earlier posts, it could be better for him to invest that £20m elsewhere and use some of the gain on the rent. Although, it's clear by now that you choose to either not read, or disregard it anyway.

1 hour ago, RAM1966 said:

How do you know its not Morris footing the bill?  It depends whats on the current lease says.  Whats in the EFL rules about standard of pitches?  It maybe  requirement of the EFL to have a certain standard of pitch...

I'm not trying to be the merchant of doom as some are accusing me of, but, if it was all done and dusted why is there a condition on PPS unless the ground is sold?

Contrary to popular belief, I like CK, O just have reservations as to his funding model, surely purchasing the ground would have been a long term aspiration, if he is in it for the long haul?

After everything you think there's a chance Mel would willing pay for something he doesn't need to? Maintenance such as this on Pride Park Stadium would be included within P&S the framework. As such, it would be included within The Club accounts, as such paid for by The Club (either administrators or Kirchner)

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2 hours ago, RAM1966 said:

Its effectively extended his period of exclusivity by claiming he will pay the bill as of yesterday.  If the deal on the stadium has not been resolved by 31 May, he can simply walk away as the sale of the stadium is a condition of the sale.

Do you really think in the next week he's actually going to write a cheque?  He will be stalling asking fir a list of bills etc thst require paying, I'd very much doubt he's going to party with one penny until the Stadium deal is resolved by the minimum of an agreement to purchase.

Still baffled that he's not purchasing the stadium too, suggests a lack of budget to me.

I genuinely hope it goes through though, its definitely not as cut and dry as many are assuming.....  If Mel does not budge, I can see it all collapsing...

One way to look at this is that CK providing funding piles the pressure on MM.  And I’d think the amounts being funded will rank pretty high up the pecking order - so maybe not even massive exposure for CK ?

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19 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

Graham Richards is/was a COMMENTATOR

Craig Ramage, and Eric Steele were/are employed as SUMMARISER

There is a difference. The Commentator only needs to be able to describe in simplistic terms what is going on during the event he or she is commentating on, The Summariser should be an expert in the subject/event that the commentator is commenting on and be able to provide a more detailed analysis that the commentator would not know. With this in mind, Ramage sadly provided no more information than Dawes did, so was effectively pointless/ineffective in the role. Steele on the other hand, was able to add something to the coverage that Dawes could not. Steele was effective and successful as a Summariser.

The summariser is there to provide a better understanding of the event, not be a loud, churlish, happy-clapping comedy act.

I'm impressed that you explained all of this without the use of the word "pundit" ?

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33 minutes ago, Ian Buxton's Bat said:

Looking at L1 highlights on Quest, it seems a mud:sand:grass ratio of around 45:45:10 is OK for some.

I think the fact that they're doing the pitch is a positive sign. Remember, at one point last season, they had to turn those mobile lamps / grass-growing thingies off to save a few quid.......and at that stage Mel owned the ground.

Mel probably doesn't have to meet pitch Maintenance costs.

If its necessary to refurbish the pitch it needs to be done now to be ready to start the season.

The funding of it is a mystery but I wouldn't read too much into it.

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Shining White Knight owners may exist, Bangor Town FC certainly thought so. Look what's happened to them since. Liquidation beckons after their absentee owner appears to have turned off the money tap.

CK seems a good guy, but his interests are so widespread in terms of his sponsorship I worry that he really has the motivation he claims.

Golf, Indy500, they don't come cheap.

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1 hour ago, Mostyn6 said:

Graham Richards is/was a COMMENTATOR

Craig Ramage, and Eric Steele were/are employed as SUMMARISER

There is a difference. The Commentator only needs to be able to describe in simplistic terms what is going on during the event he or she is commentating on, The Summariser should be an expert in the subject/event that the commentator is commenting on and be able to provide a more detailed analysis that the commentator would not know. With this in mind, Ramage sadly provided no more information than Dawes did, so was effectively pointless/ineffective in the role. Steele on the other hand, was able to add something to the coverage that Dawes could not. Steele was effective and successful as a Summariser.

The summariser is there to provide a better understanding of the event, not be a loud, churlish, happy-clapping comedy act.

I agree with all that. But I used to find myself laughing quite a bit at the double act.

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1 hour ago, FindernRam said:

Shining White Knight owners may exist, Bangor Town FC certainly thought so. Look what's happened to them since. 

The owner Colin Benwell thought it would be Standard practice to buy a football club until the bills came in then there was fireworks, He put a rocket up the accountants backside, The secretary Catherine Wheel was dismissed for going round in circles, Guido Fawkes the entertainments manager resigned as he said his job was torture, Never ever buy a club on the 5th of November.

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2 hours ago, seths-cap said:

The commentary under that pairing was absolutely abysmal. I was surprised it was allowed to go on as long as it did. It took Craig’s racist outburst to kill it.

Eric came in and did a far better job and also improved Ed I’d argue.


Here's the 3 of them at a day out in Masson Cavern



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1 hour ago, Phoenix said:

Maybe a prospective purchaser of the stadium has insisted that the pitch must be brought up to scratch as a condition of purchase.

Not impossible, but I'd say it's more likely that any purchaser of the stadium would stick it on a schedule of dilapidations and negotiate something off the price.

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4 hours ago, RAM1966 said:

Its effectively extended his period of exclusivity by claiming he will pay the bill as of yesterday.  If the deal on the stadium has not been resolved by 31 May, he can simply walk away as the sale of the stadium is a condition of the sale.

Do you really think in the next week he's actually going to write a cheque?  He will be stalling asking fir a list of bills etc thst require paying, I'd very much doubt he's going to party with one penny until the Stadium deal is resolved by the minimum of an agreement to purchase.

Still baffled that he's not purchasing the stadium too, suggests a lack of budget to me.

I genuinely hope it goes through though, its definitely not as cut and dry as many are assuming.....  If Mel does not budge, I can see it all collapsing...



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