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50 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

Quote from Simon Jordon from Talk Sport

"It is in the League's rules, there is a parameter to be able to accept fines or points' penalties if you are more prepared to not go through appeal processes. So this is a matter of fact, they are going to get a points sanction."

Asked why the EFL does not just apply that sanction, Jordan replied: "Because if they apply it, then they (Derby) will appeal it. If they can get them to agree it, then there is no appeal.

"If they automatically apply the sanction, Derby go 'we'll appeal it', back into the long grass it goes for another year. If they can get an agreement between the League and the club, saying this is what we are going to do. That is what they are negotiating."


Then get given a so called punishment and appeal it and get the proper representation at the hearings to follow through our case. We should use the full parameters of what we are allowed to do.  Especially if we believe we have acted within the law 

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6 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

He’s calling the complaints line at Just for men hair colour, asking for his money back

He. is on the phone to manscape asking for a bigger trimmer as their current pubic trimmer won't do all of his head on one charge.

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This has gone on far too long now and I'm fed up with it.

However if Mel and his lawyers feel that our case is watertight and we've done nothing wrong then I would be taking this to court and clearing our name.

If they feel it's 50/50 then we're just gonna have to take it on the chin and move on.

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Just now, MACKWORTHRAM said:

This has gone on far too long now and I'm fed up with it.

However if Mel and his lawyers feel that our case is watertight and we've done nothing wrong then I would be taking this to court and clearing our name.

If they feel it's 50/50 then we're just gonna have to take it on the chin and move on.

Lawyers never ever ever give better odds than 50/50 they always say it depends on the judge on the day.

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Didn't really take this para in from the EFL statement earlier. 

""In any disciplinary matter, the EFL will always consider whether it can be concluded by way of an Agreed Decision as per EFL Regulation 85. An Agreed Decision, which is subject to independent ratification, is deemed appropriate in circumstances which justify the conclusion of an effective and equitable resolution without a referral to a Disciplinary Commission."

Who would do the 'independent ratification'?

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3 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Didn't really take this para in from the EFL statement earlier. 

""In any disciplinary matter, the EFL will always consider whether it can be concluded by way of an Agreed Decision as per EFL Regulation 85. An Agreed Decision, which is subject to independent ratification, is deemed appropriate in circumstances which justify the conclusion of an effective and equitable resolution without a referral to a Disciplinary Commission."

Who would do the 'independent ratification'?

Steve Gibson's dog....

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5 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Didn't really take this para in from the EFL statement earlier. 

""In any disciplinary matter, the EFL will always consider whether it can be concluded by way of an Agreed Decision as per EFL Regulation 85. An Agreed Decision, which is subject to independent ratification, is deemed appropriate in circumstances which justify the conclusion of an effective and equitable resolution without a referral to a Disciplinary Commission."

Who would do the 'independent ratification'?

Probably Rick Parry's mum

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6 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Didn't really take this para in from the EFL statement earlier. 

""In any disciplinary matter, the EFL will always consider whether it can be concluded by way of an Agreed Decision as per EFL Regulation 85. An Agreed Decision, which is subject to independent ratification, is deemed appropriate in circumstances which justify the conclusion of an effective and equitable resolution without a referral to a Disciplinary Commission."

Who would do the 'independent ratification'?

That's a good question - i don't think it goes to a vote (or I can't remember such a thing being voted on at an EFL meeting) so I don't think it's ratified by the other members (who would not be independant). My guess is someone sufficiently qualified to give an opinion the agreement is in line with the rules and fair to both parties (i.e. prevent a club and the EFL coluding something not very fair or the EFL bullying a club into an unfair agreement). So it's probably a case of a QC rubber stamping the thing.

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9 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Didn't really take this para in from the EFL statement earlier. 

""In any disciplinary matter, the EFL will always consider whether it can be concluded by way of an Agreed Decision as per EFL Regulation 85. An Agreed Decision, which is subject to independent ratification, is deemed appropriate in circumstances which justify the conclusion of an effective and equitable resolution without a referral to a Disciplinary Commission."

Who would do the 'independent ratification'?

The relevant bit of the rules:


And for reference...


So it's basically someone who could potentially lead a Disciplinary Commission.  Not a member of the EFL board, or Steve Gibson or anything. 

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31 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

Then get given a so called punishment and appeal it and get the proper representation at the hearings to follow through our case. We should use the full parameters of what we are allowed to do.  Especially if we believe we have acted within the law 

It seems to me that the EFL are worried that we might win an appeal and therefore want to commit us to an agreed punishment. They state there is no timescale so presumably they are intending to draw this out until we are forced to agree to their proposals.

Hardly seems fair and begs the question “who regulates the regulator”.

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The really ominous line from the EFL which comes across as a threat is:

"There are no timescales for this matter to be concluded and the League will not be providing any further comment at this time."

This is a not so subtle message to Derby that "either you agree to us punishing you with a hefty deduction or we'll keep you in embargo for ever and you'll never be able to sell your club, Mr Morris. Which will serve you right for trying to lead a breakaway TV deal."


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Just now, chadlad said:

It seems to me that the EFL are worried that we might win an appeal and therefore want to commit us to an agreed punishment. They state there is no timescale so presumably they are intending to draw this out until we are forced to agree to their proposals.

Hardly seems fair and begs the question “who regulates the regulator”.

I think they are worried we will appeal and it will dragged on to close to the end of the season with some uncertainty as to whether we will still be in the top 6 after a penalty.  They don't want us to delay until we get promoted.

Joking apart, they do want to have this resolved as amicably as possible.  If we felt so abused that we couldn't come to agreement and they forced a penalty it will be off to the High Court and all the uncertainty of whether it will be resolved early enough for next season not to be affected

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If the EFL had a cast iron, watertight case they would slap us with a points deduction immediately and dare us to appeal it. They haven't done that, which could indicate that they aren't entirely sure.

On the other hand, if we were totally bang to rights and had a 0% chance of winning an appeal we would take whatever was on offer and just get this over with.

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