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Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool


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6 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Perhaps he could have a chat with Duncan - can he tell him about the chances of playing for the 1st team coming through Liverpool's Academy?

Have you noticed how many academy products Liverpool have had in their match day squad of late? They have 3 playing even as we speak. And another 3 on the bench. One of those playing today is considered one of the best in his position in the whole world.

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25 minutes ago, Nick_Ram said:

How much can the board influence the fee? If they can approach him and just pay a compensation fee, maybe this deal works better for us than what any comp would be. 

Let's be honest, we're not exactly the most attractive team to play for right now... 

I'm gonna stick my neck out a bit here and suggest differently. We might not be scoring tons of goals, but we're a team loaded with young lads given a chance in the first team that have come from our very own academy. It's not a new phenomenon, we've been doing it more progressively for years now. 

We don't play unattractive football either, particularly since Rooney has taken over. We've had a way of playing since the end of Clough's tenure, in various different forms but the stamp has been there, also for years. Let's forget the Rowett year.

Sure, we've had a terrible start to the season but the last twelve games haven't been terrible. They've actually been quite positive, plenty to feel good about in a footballing sense, and that's all a young player should be concerned about. Getting a chance for first team football.

I'd hope any young player showing promise has good advisers around him, we've got to be one of the most attractive looking clubs for any youngster wanting to play first team football. Especially one from our own academy. Only thing is, so are Liverpool, and they're a massive club that gives youth a chance.

I wouldn't blame him for wanting to go to Liverpool, but with him being on the fringes of the first team here he must be tempted to stay and take the chance he's been given.

Edited by blackNwhites
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4 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

Have you noticed how many academy products Liverpool have had in their match day squad of late? They have 3 playing even as we speak. And another 3 on the bench. One of those playing today is considered one of the best in his position in the whole world.

So he won't listen to Duncan.

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40 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

Stephen Pearce was on Radio Derby last week saying we would only sell if it made financial sense.

Selling one of the best 16 year olds in the country for £1 million makes no financial sense at all.

I don't care what financial situation we are in this is disgusting.

If he's that good. Which he obviously is (already training with the first team and Rooney said he's one of the best in training)

Then you keep hold of him and get him in the first team next year.

Just like Birmingham did with Jude Bellingham. He was on of the best 16 year olds in the country. One season in the first team and he's off for £35 million. 

I mean it's pretty clear that everything Stephen Pearce said on the Radio was a lie.

Delap looks good in the Man City stiffs, and he’s played a few first team cup games, and scored. But, there’s no set rule that 16 year olds will kick on and perform at a higher level.  The league’s been littered with wonder kids over the years.

Lets not forget where we are in the pecking list.

1 million for unproven talent isn’t to be sniffed at.  Don’t forget we bought many a player who got injured and were never the same again. Let alone money going to their heads.

Im not saying these lads are money mad, but let’s not forget we are still a small fish in the big pond.


Edited by Boycie
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41 minutes ago, Nick_Ram said:

How much can the board influence the fee? If they can approach him and just pay a compensation fee, maybe this deal works better for us than what any comp would be. 

Let's be honest, we're not exactly the most attractive team to play for right now... 

Compensation due is just over £200k so they are getting a lot more for him than due plus Derby will get add ones depending on how he progresses.

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46 minutes ago, Topram said:

The worst thing about this is that it’s probably just to pay the players for the last month or so, that’s the situation we are in! Losing a top top talent just to pay a months wage! 

Almost as important as paying the players is freeing ourselves of a transfer embargo - barely a week left of this transfer window.

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2 hours ago, Footymum2017 said:

Think you need to take with a pinch of sale anything that Derby say, they’re not known for being truthful. Derby have engineered the tweets and quotes to create a buzz and increase his value. He’s not even done a full season for the U18s so can’t really be judged at a first team level.

I agree with you.

The only independent press I've read regarding him had in on a list of the 10 best sixteen year olds in the country.

The quote about being the best 16 yr old in the country was actually about a different player on the list, not Gordon, but it seems to have been attributed to him regardless.

Fact is, if being Cat 1 doesn't protect us from losing talent cheaply, why do we bother?

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3 hours ago, Topram said:

The worst thing about this is that it’s probably just to pay the players for the last month or so, that’s the situation we are in! Losing a top top talent just to pay a months wage! 

Yes absolutely. Makes a mockery of the Mr Morris's youth policy. 

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