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Posts posted by Millenniumram

  1. Right boys and girls… we’re ducked. The EFL want us dead, and what Steve Gibson says goes it seems, whether lawful or not. It’s looking increasingly likely the only way we’ll have a football club this time next year is with a Phoenix club.

    With that in mind, thought it might be some light relief from the constant pain in other threads to discuss our “dream” phoenix team. As DCFC’s largest fans forum, I’d expect us to have a part to play in any potential fan built club. Let’s pretend for a minute we can duck Ramstrust and all them lot off, and we have total control over a new club. Who would you want as our “Phoenix Knights” to help build a new legacy? I’m talking Chairman, CEO, Manager, Players, DoF, Kit Man, Groundsman, Tea Lady, whatever you think we’ll need. I want either forum members, or DCFC alumni.

    Note: This thread is clearly not intended to be serious, but who knows, if worst comes to worst, there might actually be some useful suggestions!

    I’ll get us started:

    DoF - Me, obviously. I know everything, and I watch far too much football not to put my player knowledge to use.

    Chairman - @David Has to be our supreme leader

    Player/Manager - Curtis Davies. Absolutely Derby legend. Exactly the sort of warrior we want leading our revival.

    Mascot - @B4ev6is No one shows more passion.

    Commentator on match streams - @one_chop  Need someone to replace Ed Dawes’ negativity. 

    Academy director - @angieram / @Ghost of Clough Undecided here, both have an almost suspiciously good knowledge of youth football

    That weird guy who hangs around the training ground but no one actually knows what he does - @Boycie Self explanatory.

  2. Can see why people would be having flashbacks to Erik Alonso over this, but think there’s two key differences here:

    1. The administrators aren’t Mel. There’s no way this guy makes it to the stage of making an official bid if he doesn’t prove he at least has some money.

    2. Slync.io is a legitimate company. They sponsor a number of top level golfers and tournaments, I recognised the brand as soon as I saw it from watching on TV. No Limits Sports Limited (ffs) did not have any clear operations, other than stuff Alonso seemed to make up as he went along.

    The guy doesn’t appear a billionaire by any stretch of the imagination, but that doesn’t mean he can’t run the club. It’s quite possible he’s a front man for some bigger money men behind the scenes, who could provide the funding to him. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if that $76 million to slync.io came from one Micheal Dell, who I think it’s already been mentioned would be willing to provide further loans like I believe he’s doing at Burnley.

    Its likely there’s a second party which is yet to be revealed, which is who Nixon was referring to. I suspect that will be the big money man behind the Appleby/Rush/Moxey deal, who will blow anyone else out the water if the bid comes in. Suggestions of David Tepper make a lot of sense, what with his links to Glick and therefore Appleby.

  3. Where are the Mel defenders now… hate to say I told you so…

    Man is a total disgrace. Even has the ducking nerve to call himself a “fan” in that statement. Hope he gets everything that’s coming his way tomorrow. Lies and more lies.

    I’ve not posted for a long time because I’ve been so angry about what’s been going on. So so angry that one man can destroy a football club we all hold so dear. And the worst thing? He won’t even take any ducking responsibility. Utter disgrace.

    I’ll be there tomorrow, in full voice against against our supreme overlord (without any NDA on what I say). And I’ll keep going, because this is my football club.

    Hopefully one day Mel will be gone, and never darkens the doors of Pride Park again. Once we’re got a proper owner who’s worthy of this great club, I’ll be back. For now I bid you all farewell…

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