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Posts posted by Millenniumram

  1. Buchanan is definitely a player with real potential - his ability in the air is immense for a fullback. Obviously he’s still very raw with only around 20 appearances, but I think once he builds his physicality and becomes stronger on the ball he’ll become a possible Premier League class player.

  2. 29 minutes ago, Grimbeard said:

    Why would we do that? A very good player for us, who, as far as I can see, did very little wrong.

    A very good player yes, but did little wrong? No way. Maybe shouldn’t have been sacked over the other two, but he still disrespected the club and his position as captain that night.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Rev said:

    Who knows, honestly?

    Maybe the fact his judgement was impaired through alcohol goes in his favour and lessens his culpability for his injury in the eyes of the law?

    Maybe our offer to reduce his terms for the remainder of his contract weakened our case for dismissal?

    One day, when everyone is far removed from the situation, we'll probably learn the truth, I'd wager Keogh's teammates involved will back him to the hilt.

    Not so sure about the first point, but the second one definitely seems a possibility. Do wonder whether we’ll ever learn the truth. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

    It's the equivalent of a criminal case being dismissed on a technicality. A case can be dismissed without ever getting to hear the actual evidence if the process is not followed correctly.

    Ah right, so effectively they’re saying we didn’t follow the process correctly when we dismissed him?

  5. 10 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    The employment tribunal isn't about the 'merit' of Keoghs case it is about the 'process' of whether he was unfairly dismissed. The two topics are separate things.

    That’s just making me more confused ? Can’t see how the merit of his case and being unfairly dismissed are any sort of different argument.

  6. 18 hours ago, Rev said:

    What inconsistency?

    They could fulfil their contracted duties as professional footballers, Richard couldn't.


    I’m not an expert on contract law, but if we dismissed him for misconduct, it doesn’t feel to me like we could bring the injury into things. Maybe I’m wrong, but I struggle to see how you can have 3 players involved in similar misdemeanours, and choose to only sack one because he was unlucky enough to get injured, while the other two were fine. That feels like inconsistent punishment to me. Maybe that sort of treatment is allowed within contract law, I don’t know, might be harsher than I’m imagining!

    I mean, I could see the argument if it’s written in his contract that if he gets injured outside football and can’t play anymore, we’re entitled to dismiss him without compensation. But I can’t see how, if that was the case, Keogh has won the case in an employment tribunal. You wouldn’t think he’d have a leg to stand on, so I assume that isn’t the case. There must be a reason why he won the initial hearing, I’d be interested to hear what his defence was to be honest.

  7. Somewhat not overly surprised by that news. Especially if he used the treatment of Lawrence and Bennett and the inconsistency there against us. He appeared to have done the least wrong, but got the most punishment. Some might suggest that’s because he was the one who couldn’t play anymore. Doesn’t seem a fair discipline treatment. Should have sacked all 3, as I said at the time.

  8. Good signing for Huddersfield. Last chance saloon for Keogh in the Championship, shame our fans won’t be there to give him a good booing.

  9. Surprised Chelsea haven’t given him more of a chance given their troubles this season, he’s a proper top quality player. AC Milan is an interesting destination for him too, I’d have thought there would have been clubs queuing up over here to sign him. Big club though so good luck to the lad. Amazing signing for them, even at the 30m future fee.

  10. 21 minutes ago, DCFC27 said:

    Getting regular first team game time under Rooney or play in Man United under 18s... I’d like to think given the same opportunity I’d want to play first team football but as a 16 year old if your taken around carrington meeting the likes of OGS and other man United legends and players you can see it would be difficult to turn down and he might really back himself. 
    If he has the same head in his shoulders that Bellingham and sancho did, I’d be really impressed, they’ve gone to a club where they will give them a chance. 
    Hopefully he stays and gets a crack at the first team for for a couple of years, then we can get a big fee for him. 

    Yeah I agree, I don’t think it would be the best move at his age to go to a Man Utd or a Liverpool etc. Considering how good our academy is, I don’t see that there would be any benefit in him going there, other than higher pay. He’d be better off staying here where he’s likely to get promoted to the first team quicker.

    I fear he could be forced out though, even if he doesn’t want to go, so we can pay our bills.

  11. 3 minutes ago, GenBr said:

    The players and whoever else we desperately need to pay will pocket the cash. We won't be getting mega bucks for Gordon, but if we get anything significant for Knight or Sibley I'd like to think that money would be in Derby Countys accounts ready to cover our bills until the end of the season.

    One day we might have a bumper payday at Derby County when the likes of Delap and Gordon get sold on for tens of millions and if we still exist on that day we might finally get our promotion (you can choose which league we are getting promoted to)

    Imagine a world where Derby don’t sell their best players for peanuts. Given my time watching the Rams, I’m not sure what’s harder to envisage - us getting promoted, or us getting a fair fee for one of our youngsters!

  12. Thought he might be one we’re looking at selling to raise the funds to keep the club afloat. It’ll be devastating to lose a player so highly regarded before we even get to see him play, but needs much in our current situation. There’s not much you can do when players his age want to leave anyway, even at the best of times, which is incredibly disappointing. Just hope to goodness we manage to get a decent fee for him. Guess we’ll find out in a couple of weeks...

  13. Can’t see any incoming transfers in January sadly. The takeover will undoubtedly fall through, which will leave us back at square one. Mel will still be the owner of the club, but appears unwilling to fund it anymore. That will mean we will have to take out further loans to see us through until someone genuine investors turn up, rather than the last couple of time wasters. Clearly all that money will have to go toward the day to day running costs of the club, including player wages, which will leave nothing left to spend in the transfer market. Can see us having to sell most of our talented youngsters as well, like Sibley, Bird and Knight, in order to supplement the loans so we don’t end up too much in debt.

    It’s a sorry state we find ourselves in. We’re not the first though, and we certainly won’t be the last. Especially not with the situation at the moment.

  14. They’ve got to be doing better, considering the amount they spent in the summer. Think Lampard could well be finished given Abramovich’s record of sacking managers.

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