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Posts posted by Millenniumram

  1. 3 hours ago, Carnero said:

    The original bid was £28m excluding the stadium (hence I originally put £28-30m). Far in excess of liquidation value. Therefore there must be better offers on the table. No need for bedwetting.

    The original bid is about as relevant as me sticking a bid in now. It was in January, before the fire sale of our youth to keep us funded which has devalued the club. Not sure why you feel the need to hand out childish insults to those worried about our current situation. FWIW my viewpoint hasn’t changed based on todays news, I’m still 50/50 whether we will survive, but certain if we do it will be with a 15 point deduction next season. I think Ashley is the only one who can save us, so the Binnies withdrawing is neither here nor there. But those worried are perfectly entitled too, there’s no “bed wetting” going on.

    Seem to recall you were one of those staunchly defending Mel’s running of the club a year or so back, and slamming anyone who spoke out against him. That turned out well didn’t it? Might be time to wake up a bit.

  2. 15 minutes ago, LERam said:

    I was doing my usual day dreaming earlier, and it usually leads to what I'd spend my 100 million on if I won the euro millions 


    If you won 100m would you be prepared to save Derby by donating x amount, if so how much, and what would you want in return?


    I think I'd be happy putting 20m, I don't want much in return, just be treated like a god, and have free reign to walk around and do as I please

    Mel, is that you?!

  3. Ravel hasn’t been what I expected him to be, is probably the best way I can put it. I was expecting a clearly technically gifted player, who was a bit of a knob and didn’t put enough effort in. I’d argue we’ve seen the exact opposite. There’s been no issues with him off the pitch, and he seems a decent hard working lad. But his performances prior to yesterday were in general those of player who lacks in natural footballing talent. Which was a bit disappointing, considering the potential he was supposed to have.

    However, he was outstanding yesterday. Not just the two goals, but his all round play was superb. He linked up with his teammates beautifully, glided around the pitch with some wonderful touches, and got himself into some great positions. Much, much more like what we want to be seeing from him. Have to be careful that it’s just one game though, and the challenge now is for him to put in those sorts of performances more regularly.

    FWIW, to me, he seems to be the sort of player who does the hard stuff well and struggle with the basics. He’s capable of some amazing skill when he doesn’t have time to think, but can mess up fairly simple passes when he does. I guess that comes from a lack of game time across his career, it’s almost like he’s a raw 21 year old still. But, with good coaching, I’m sure we can make a decent player out of him at this level. We just have to hope Wayne is able to get it out of him. Perhaps getting him further forward more often is the key, I think he’s a natural number 10 and that’s the sort of areas we need to be getting him involved in if we’re going to see the best from him. 

    Hope yesterday proves a turning point for him. Should help restore his confidence, and he appears to be recovering from long COVID as well now.  We need everyone firing over the next 10 games, then we’ll see where we’re at in the summer.

  4. 38 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    Why does it need to be bad - perhaps another bidder increased their bid? Anyway I read it as the plan to announce him as PB on Friday collapsed but doesnt necessarily read as him to be PB collapsed - just on Friday! Perhaps that Studio acquisition had to br completed Friday and that took up all his legal team's time. Or he pethaps said I would like to buy Derby but my son/daughter (sorry does he have one?) is a huge fan of Niall and Jack and it would make her year if she could meet them both. Hence Saturday. Perhaps his wife still wants to meet Wolfie Smith? As ever in this fiasco we just dont know. Could be anything

    You been a Derby fan for long? We don’t get good news

  5. 33 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    But it won't be down to one player if we get relegated - that was what you were saying! It's a team game. For all you know he might have played and been ordinary - or can you see what an excellent player he can be?

    Our relegation will be down to 1 man almost certainly, Mel Morris. But that Lawrence red card was the final nail in the coffin that confirmed it. We get a point in both games this week if Lawrence plays in my view, he’s by far our best (and only really) attacking force.

  6. 6 hours ago, IslandExile said:

    Lost first two games of his suspension.

    Sorry now Tom?

    It's about the team, not about exacting your revenge because the ref didn't give you an earlier free kick.

    Right, lesson learned. Move on. Win us every game on your return. Thanks.

    Said as soon as he got sent off that it could cost us our place in the Championship. I fear I was right. I’m still so pissed off with him. What a complete and utter fool. Let the fans and his teammates down… not for the first time, either.

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