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Posts posted by i-Ram

  1. 5 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    I just have a feeling, from memory of past announcements that's it's an exceptionally rare occurance for Derby to announce ANYTHING on a Sunday, unless there are exceptional circumstances at play.

    Other clubs might do it more often.

    It would be exceptionally rare to buy Olosunde on a Sunday. 

  2. 1 hour ago, S8TY said:

    You don’t know !!! they don’t appeal to too many footballing strikers 

    you just don’t like Warne!!! 

    pathetic really ….try getting behind the manager and the team 

    Oh, and just for the record I don’t dislike Warne. He seems a genuine guy. I just don’t rate him. 

  3. 1 hour ago, David said:


    "I'm absolutely delighted that Liam Delap is coming here, we've fought off a lot of competition from other Championship clubs and clubs around Europe," said Hull head coach Liam Rosenior.

    Good judge of a coach that Pep.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    Fashion Gold GIF by Çantamarta

    I’ve given you a ❤️ as I trust you, and I am sure this must be some term of endearment - I really have no idea.  If I should change the emoji to a 😂 or 🤬 please let me know. 

  5. 1 hour ago, ramsbottom said:

    If it meant I didn't have to sit and read s**** topics started knee-jerk, armchair pundit bamfords like yourself, who think we should start spunking the dosh immediately after coming out of a 2 year embargo, just because we're Derby County, whilst displaying the kind of self entitlement you expect from the "the world famous" scroats from up the road, a ban might be a blessing in disguise...

    Just as a by the way:

    Nobody is making you read any topic on this forum. You could consider removing yourself from this horror without getting someone doing it for you.

    Armchain pundit Bamford. I have to take you to task here. I have no punditry skills whatsover.

    You must point me to a post I have made where I have ever demanded or suggested we splash the cash. I must say I find spunking a rather vulgar term. Come back to me when you have found such a post.

    Self entitlement. Give yourself a shake man. I have supported the Rams for 54 years, and I doubt I have ever felt entitled in any of those years, not even 1970 to 1976.

    I look forward to engaging with you again when you are a tiny bit less agitated.

  6. 20 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    Not "twitching" at all... looking at the list of all L1 transfers so far, it's Derby, Oxford & Portsmouth who have done the most significant business so far.


    Even Bolton, possibly our biggest threat this season, have only signed 4 players... of which 2 are goalkeepers (having lost star loanee Trafford from last season), a right back from Tranmere (having lost star loanee Bradley from last season) and Dan Nlundulu on a permanent (who was there last season).

    Meditation Namaste GIF by Miguel


    It must be Sunday morning. A few sensible posts in the last hour. I will chill a little give old Warney another week.

  7. 1 hour ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

    Most of the twitching is probably borne out of McGoldrick leaving.  Personally, I’m not twitching and I’m pretty relaxed for a few reasons.

    In DC’s interview he said he always goes about his business quietly and I think that’s been shown so far.  I like this approach and it’s a welcome change.  Just because there aren’t lots of rumours, press stories, etc doesn’t mean nothing is happening.  And I suspect a lot of the players we have been linked with we probably haven’t had a serious interest in.

    PW has said it’s easy to get players to sign for Derby but he wants the right ones.  Again, a welcome change from when we seemed to sign anyone and everyone.  PW wants to have a team, rather than a bunch of footballers that he needs to work out what to do with them.

    Our business so far is sensible in that it’s filled gaps.  The midfield, either in CM or ACM/SS role has already been strengthened by these signings.  Smith and Knight (if he’s still here) are free to play in CM.  Sibley is free to play as an ACM/SS.

    I think a lot of the signings will be “underwhelming” but I don’t see that’s as a problem as it’s about the team.  We’ve gone from having MM’s personal real life panini sticker album and signing anyone and everyone at inflated prices to going about our business in a quiet, understated manner.  Dare I say, more professional.

    Another good post. I like the last sentence in particular. I think our only difference is our trust in Warne. Clowes and another manager could be doing exactly the same professional recruiting, and team building, but attracting a different, more exciting, type of forward player. I don’t think Warne’s methods appeal to too many ‘footballing’ strikers, nor hardly any higher league managers who want to give their starlets some playing experience.

  8. 5 hours ago, Rample said:

    Warne did well with Smith and Ladapo up front, Rotherham just lacked the muscle to keep them at the club.

    Ladapo had a decent record and was bought in for a moderate fee (about £500k), and Smith was picked up from Bury where his stays weren't great.

    I think PW is taking his time to get it right and land a player (or 2) he can use as first choice for the next 3 years. I'd guess he wants something or someone specific and we are waiting for Bielik/Knight money to hit the bank so he can grab that, rather than settling for a freebie who may be square peg/round hole or just not as good.

    I have no doubt if he wanted the frees mentioned, apart from someone who has specific geographical issues or has significantly better offers, eg a Blackburn rather than a Gillingham, then we'd have them. We are favourites for promotion, have the biggest abd best facilities in the division and I'd imagine the ability to match or better any offer on the table.

    Good post.

  9. 1 hour ago, ramsbottom said:

    If it meant I didn't have to sit and read s**** topics started knee-jerk, armchair pundit bamfords like yourself, who think we should start spunking the dosh immediately after coming out of a 2 year embargo, just because we're Derby County, whilst displaying the kind of self entitlement you expect from the "the world famous" scroats from up the road, a ban might be a blessing in disguise...

    That’s better isn’t it. 

  10. On 30/06/2023 at 23:29, Rev said:

    Hi all, 

    Rev Jr and a mate are setting off on a European journey next Thursday, starting in Krakow. 

    They've already booked a visit to Auschwicz and the salt mine while in Poland, but have no firm plans for any of the other city's, apart from an Idles gig in Vienna.

    The planned iternary following on from there is Budapest, Vienna, Prague, Berlin, Hamburg, Amsterdam, spending 2/3 nights in each, before ending with a few days in Paris.

    Any ideas of the must sees, don't bother seeing, and any other tips for those cities, or possible diversions along the way would be most welcome.

    We're a well travelled bunch on here, so any genuine advice would be appreciated. 

    Budapest, Prague, Hamburg and Amsterdam are all places I have been invited to on stag weekends. Pretty girls, beer, and easily available drugs abound. I am pretty sure there are other attractions, but after 2 days in each city I really can’t offer any cultural alternatives.

  11. 4 hours ago, Jourdan said:

    It’s only July 1st. We’ve been in pre-season for a few days. We’ve not even played a friendly.

    We have made four signings, all of whom will strengthen the squad and give us more depth and flexibility and all of them have a good track record in this division and experience of the division above.

    Knowing how quickly deals can come together, why would anyone be twitching?

    We need to judge Warne and this squad with the fullness of time. We have to see how the team looks on the pitch and how it performs in relation to the rest of the division.

    Warne is looking for a winning blend. It’s not necessarily always big names and big reputations that deliver the best teams. Last year’s champions Plymouth were not laden with star names, but what they did have was a group of players that bought into the manager’s vision and executed it on the pitch.

    Let’s wait and see if Warne can assemble a group in a similar manner and let’s not let our assumptions hold us in a vice-like grip. We could be one of the best footballing sides in the division come August 5th.

    Ahh, the Cocu hating, Rooney hating, Rosenior hating, Warne loving, supporter is suggesting we need to take circumstances into account, and allow a little more time.

    it crowd news GIF by NowThis

  12. 4 hours ago, NottsRam77 said:

    What if it was “you’re starting the season with James Collins as your main striker” 

    would still get excited lol

    i mean she hot but theres a limit lol

    Britains Got Talent No GIF by Got Talent Global

  13. 3 hours ago, David said:

    Hear you. Just not sure anyone can say anything to get you excited.

    It's League 1.

    I'll be honest, out of all the names linked be it journalists, bedroom ITK's, nothing is getting my juices flowing.

    Even the signings I'm looking at and saying ok, let's see how they get on.

    That's not on the players themselves, nor is it on Warne, truth is there is very little that can genuinely excite a club of this size that is not used to being down at this level.

    Relaxed is where I'm at though, Warne is no mug at this level and even if the signings don't give the WOW factor, I have no doubts he knows what's required and building just that.

    If Michelle Keegan whispered something in my ear that would get me excited.

    Time will tell David whether Warne can excite me. I fear he is building a functional squad that simply suits his basic skill set. He should get us up, but I thought that last season, but l fear it is going to be hard on the eyes. You can take the boy out of Rovrum, but there is an awful lot of Rovrum still in the boy. 

  14. 47 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Did you prefer it when we we’re spunking millions away on the likes of nick blackman and jacob butterfield because you had heard of them?


  15. 3 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    You alright Ped?


    All good. Nice lunchtime beer. A reasonable fight back by our Cricketers, and an evening out tonight to look forward to with friends. Life is grand my top-hatted online buddy.

  16. 2 hours ago, NottsRam77 said:

    So as we know .. the players (not just derby) returned back to training what 2 days ago.

    how many conversations are being had around all football clubs, how many futures are being decided, how many squad lists are being drawn up.

    how much business has been done by anyone. 
    weve brought 4 players in already.!

    warne has already said he could have signed 8, 9, 10 players by now but wants the right ones … so theres ur answer

    he said selling derby isnt even remotely an issue… for obvious reasons and we all know that

    so be patient theres a helluva lot still to happen 

    You mistake me for someone who is impatient. I am more simply underwhelmed, and if I choose to be underwhelmed that is fine. My therapist has confirmed that. He also told me to ignore bullet point comments with no capitalisation and poor use of punctuation. The traits of a madman supposedly.

  17. 4 minutes ago, David Graham Brown said:

    Just remind me of the arms position, one hand on shoulder, one arm round waist, I could be mistaken, and I could be heading for a massive social etiquette blunder.🫣😳

    Just go with the flow DGB. Don’t overthink it. However, you must draw a line if they ask you to go and make them a cup of tea when things are only just getting started.

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