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On 16/05/2024 at 13:25, BaaLocks said:

Humans are a vile, self-serving and heartless species. Whether it is corruption, war, climate change, biodiversity, plastic or inequality we are unable to think beyond personal benefit and manage to ignore the suffering they cause to others. Ultimately, it will prove the demise of modern civilisation, maybe not in our lifetime but the end position is all but guaranteed as they are simply too many routes to if for them all to be avoided.

There, that light enough for you.

That sounds like a big social issue and I’ve just replied, so that’s both of us in trouble 🤣

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People who don't know the difference between two, too and to, as well as their, there, and they're, should not be allowed to have keyboards or phones until they have taken a basic literacy test.

And people who don't know there is no such word as alot should be warned once. And then similarly, have their keyboard/phone removed.

Coincidentally or not, the above group of people all seem fond of the 🤡 emoji and think it somehow demonstrates the winning of an argument and/or a hysterical putdown.  In reality, it just demonstrates their stupidity and inability to say anything genuinely funny or meaningful.

They too shouldn't be allowed the ability to post anywhere at any time. Ever.

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Blood is in fact not thicker than water. Family can be the worst curse put upon someone if you are unlucky and it's good to be honest about that and bin them off when it gets too much. 

in 20 or so years we'll look upon some technology such as smart phones etc. as a real evil and be amazed we let our kids use them. 

things like ADHD and autism are going up in numbers because private therapists are more likely to give clients what they want for the fee and we're creating a world where less concentration is needed and even books are becoming much simpler in form and content.

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10 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

People who don't know the difference between two, too and to, as well as their, there, and they're, should not be allowed to have keyboards or phones until they have taken a basic literacy test.

And people who don't know there is no such word as alot should be warned once. And then similarly, have their keyboard/phone removed.

Coincidentally or not, the above group of people all seem fond of the 🤡 emoji and think it somehow demonstrates the winning of an argument and/or a hysterical putdown.  In reality, it just demonstrates their stupidity and inability to say anything genuinely funny or meaningful.

They too shouldn't be allowed the ability to post anywhere at any time. Ever.

Leave it Bob!



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I'm 6 months sober today, and apart from a couple of hiccups, I have drank very little in the time since my board meltdown 18 months or so ago (I'm guessing).

I'm sick of people in recovery circles saying alcohol is evil.

Alcohol isn't evil, I've had some of the best times of my life in its company.

It's just not right for some people, and too many people are uneducated about how it is/can affect them, but demonising something doesn't help. It just makes people with good intentions look evangelical and hysterical. 

Just because I can't drink responsibly doesn't mean I'm a miserable ducker and expect the world to abstain.


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Inspired by the derbys a poo hole thread,

Town planning is in no small part responsible for the state of many of our towns and cities.

Misguided, easily persuaded by promises of investment, trend following, lack of understanding, poor policy decisions etc etc.

Most of it not intended malevolently but short sighted and missing the point a huge amount of the time.

I'm no libertarian let the market decide guide and I actually think planning is needed, I just lament the quality it has had in the UK over the last 60 years.

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