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DCFC Players' Holiday Watch


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41 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

Why cant they have one in the uk or day trips they can train and relax at the same time we need hit the ground running.

Give over B4! ? 

Even you get time off from selling ice cream in the intervals at the cinema.

They deserve time off in nice places, give em a break youth.

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1 hour ago, B4ev6is said:

Why cant they have one in the uk or day trips they can train and relax at the same time we need hit the ground running.

Come on B4, I don’t think we can begrudge them a couple of weeks in the sun rather risking burnout. Besides, as we can’t renew their contracts just yet, I’d rather they were on a beach on a Greek island (Ideally with no mobile phone connection ?) than receiving offers from their agents 

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1 hour ago, angieram said:

Wayne Rooney also appears to be holidaying in England.



Wazza and wife can’t go on holls this week. He has to give evidence . Legal bill for both sides set to be £1 mill each. But the Netflix series could make both sides £5 mill each. Not bad.

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4 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

Why cant they have one in the uk or day trips they can train and relax at the same time we need hit the ground running.

Yes, why would anyone want to relax on a gorgeous sun soaked Mediterranean beach when they could be getting drenched in the lake district? Even the most hardcore brexiteers still want their fortnight in Benidorm (well most of them....)  

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25 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

I agree with B4. Two days hiking around Skeggy would suffice, then straight back to the Shire with the feckless bar stewards.

Full of Forests finest this time of year. There like the conquistadors taking their sickness out the to the Americas. Anthrax islands safer.   We can't risk any kind of contamination or mutation, we've only got a few players as it is.  The normal symptoms start by referring to yourself as some kind of kingdom or world famous and insisting your the worlds oldest club despite that being boll***s. 

This is quickly followed by an obsession with singing bad 70's songs and -mostly amongst men in there 40's- demanding a responsible adult makes you a placard that a 5 yr old would be embarrassed to have produced, then picks you up at 6 in the morning to drive you to Pride Park when no-ones around so you can hold it up.  Normally dressed in a tatty replica top from the days of Betamax,  and a pair of piss stained jeans borrowed from the lost and found for their day out.

The final stage of the affliction is an obsession with cupping their own players balls after a good performance and rabidly fighting over a cold pie in the concourse.

Skegness is out and if your resident I advise you leave till September.


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