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Fans are our own worst enemy at times


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I'm not a fan of this kind of thing, but simply because I'm feeling belligerent on a Sunday morning, I'll present a counter argument:

Gibson is trying to put our club out of business after 138 years for no other reason that maliciousness. His gripe is with Mel Morris. He knows his 'claim' is without merit and he knows that if he continues with it, it might send us under, with all the associated supporter and wider community connotations. He knows the effect DCFC going out of business will have on the city and beyond. And yet he goes on.

I'm not among them, but appreciate that for some people Derby County really is their life - and something that has kept them afloat during the last two years - and if their is no club, the effect on them would be catastrophic.

So, for the purpose of debate only: rather than outright condemnation, is there a justification, because if there is anyone on here who supports the posting of such videos I'd be interested to know their reasons (simply being pissed or coked up doesn't count by the way). 


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Just now, vivalafiga46 said:

Pathetic thread.

Outside of Derbyshire and DCFC fans around the world, nobody really cares about the survival of Derby County. 

Our fans are keeping us going, not our worst enemy.

I live in Rushcliffe so guess that means I don't care about the survival of the club by your questionable logic. 

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11 minutes ago, YouRams said:

Don’t agree with it but let’s have it right, Gibson is potentially putting hundreds of people out of work, taking away a football club from thousands of people, the effect this could have on peoples mental health to who Derby is their whole life, do you think he’d lose sleep at night if that led to a Derby fan taking their own life? 

I checked with a few of the offended Boro fans on Twitter last night : they felt that the death of any vulnerable DCFC fans was fair retribution for some idiots singing an offensive song.

Some people these days have no sense of proportion. You see it in some of the responses to DCFC's financial crisis. Allot of it is social media grandstanding, but there are those who are utterly convinced and can't be reasoned with. 

Edited by Crewton
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8 minutes ago, VulcanRam said:

So, for the purpose of debate only: rather than outright condemnation, is there a justification, because if there is anyone on here who supports the posting of such videos I'd be interested to know their reasons (simply being pissed or coked up doesn't count by the way).

I don't support the posting of the videos. But I entirely understand the 'emotional' state that Gibson's claim is causing in some fans.

TBH I feel similar myself, if there are crazy scenes when Derby score it is hardly surprising if 'negative' emotions are raised at the thought of losing the Club.

I don't know what was sung but if it had just been some ill-will or personal insulting rather than death I'd probably have joined in to. How else can we fans deal with a situation that we seem powerless to affect, Gibson seems to be 'unreachable' in a moral way?

Edited by RoyMac5
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3 minutes ago, cosmic said:

Middlesbrough away is going to be embarrassing. 

Why is it? You expect the fans to go there, clap, smile and sing how wonderful life is? Gibson is trying to put the final nail in our coffin, and you think our fans will be embarrassing for fighting against that anyway they can, including maybe a few nasty chants? Dear me, the self righteousness on here sometimes is nauseating.  

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3 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Why is it? You expect the fans to go there, clap, smile and sing how wonderful life is? Gibson is trying to put the final nail in our coffin, and you think our fans will be embarrassing for fighting against that anyway they can, including maybe a few nasty chants? Dear me, the self righteousness on here sometimes is nauseating.  

Honest question as trying to play devil's advocate for a change, do you think singing of said nasty chants at the game will make Gibson change his mind

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1 minute ago, Tyler Durden said:

Honest question as trying to play devil's advocate for a change, do you think singing of said nasty chants at the game will make Gibson change his mind

Absolutely not, but I think we should make him feel as uncomfortable as possible. We certainly need to let him know what we think of him and absolutely make it clear to him we won’t forget what he’s doing either. 

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19 minutes ago, vivalafiga46 said:

Yes, "flush out" our own supporters and let Gibson finish us off in peace. 

Perhaps we should have another thread and "flush out" the "weasels" being so rude about to the EFL and our dear uncle Mel. 

Our fans are suffering. Spending money, week after week, to support us in a rendered non-competitive state, even buying up tickets for games that we may never get to play. And other Derby 'fans' want to call them the worst enemy. 

Pathetic thread.

Outside of Derbyshire and DCFC fans around the world, nobody really cares about the survival of Derby County. 

Our fans are keeping us going, not our worst enemy.

Do you think it’s helpful then ? What are you hoping it will achieve?

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Just now, TexasRam said:

Absolutely not, but I think we should make him feel as uncomfortable as possible. We certainly need to let him know what we think of him and absolutely make it clear to him we won’t forget what he’s doing either. 

Without having an insight into Gibsons brain am pretty sure that he's not meatheaded enough to understand the impact his actions are having on his popularity or lack of with our fanbase without it being chanted at him in an offensive manner. 

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13 minutes ago, Crewton said:

I checked with a few of the offended Boro fans on Twitter last night : they felt that the death of any vulnerable DCFC fans was fair retribution for some idiots singing an offensive song.

Some people these days have no sense of proportion. You see it in some of the responses to DCFC's financial crisis. Allot of it is social media grandstanding, but there are those who are utterly convinced and can't be reasoned with. 

I’ve not long rejoined Twitter and remember the reasons I stopped using it during all this, not got a brain cell between them in that region by the looks of it. Once the corruption is ironed out and they no longer have a board member in the EFL they could find themselves where we are, their owners clutching at straws trying to get any money he can to cover his own overspending and they can’t see it, and when it does happen I won’t feel sorry for them after this. 

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35 minutes ago, Indy said:

Idiots like that don’t care what other people think anyway. I knew nothing about the video until I read it on here and I’ve basically been on social media every waking hour for a fortnight. 

Yeah Ive seen nothing but there again don't use Twitter.

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I sometimes wonder if some people have ever been to a football match.

We used to sing about killing F**est fans with a flick knife and a sawn off shot gun. 

Generosity offering away fans a lift home in Derby ambulance was commonplace.

It’s football it’s in your face chanting designed to shock.

People just want to get annoyed about things nowadays.



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4 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

Without having an insight into Gibsons brain am pretty sure that he's not meatheaded enough to understand the impact his actions are having on his popularity or lack of with our fanbase without it being chanted at him in an offensive manner. 

I’m sure he is, but I don’t think we should go there roll over and let him tickle our belly’s while he’s trying to slit our throats. I hope we are loud and clear what I am guessing the majority of Derby fans think of him, regardless if it achieves anything or not. 

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My biggest problem personally this week has been with Gibson and Couhig. 
Yes I know Mel is culpable but that’s for a later date, the immediate problem is those two. I have this deep, gnawing sense of injustice. That they can stop us getting this mess sorted. I have no answer to it and it really infuriates me, maybe those with less life experience think their way to relieve themselves of this is to publicly wish their death. 

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I think there’s more important things to be talking about to be honest.

Maybe it’s just me but I’ve seen quite a bit of people now going after others for stupid chants, fans having a go at other fans for having an opinion, Ed Dawes, Morrison etc and honestly is it all necessary right now?

Yeah, stupid stuff happens but I’m not gonna be given an OTT lecture on it when in the end…is it important?

The only comment I’ll have on the video is that I don’t condone it but I don’t condone Gibson’s actions either and the effect it’s had on the city/county or it’s peoples mental health whilst we are still having the knock on effects of a pandemic/club put through the ringer. Maybe everybody just needs to climb off the high horse a little bit.

Anyway, loads of positive community stuff to get around regarding Derby recently and a bit more positive news happening in the background. Ignore the noise (sometimes literal noise).

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