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The Administration Thread


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Ok. I dont post much but have spent more time on this thread than is healthy. Morning, noon, night, at work, at airports, in hospital and so on. The news is fantastic and I will be eternally grateful to DC for saving the club and allowing me and my boy to keep avidly following dcfc home and away. Means so much to us all. Just a massive thankyou to everyone who has endeavoured to keep posting every snippet of information, every relevent tweet, every update and making it easy to find everything in one place. In the main you have posted stuff on here way before it was picked up anywhere else and seconds after it was realeased.  I really  appreciate your efforts in keeping us updated and once again for playing ahuge part in supporting us all with witty comments, beer talk, absolute rubbish at times but I have felt amongst true fans on this forum and am so pleased we can look forward again. There will be better days ahead for us all. 

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19 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

Good post apart from that mention of Kieran Maguire. He went out of his way to destroy us by picking on one minor accounting detail that the EFL had said was ok. The bloke is an utter Bamford of the highest order. He will be devastated that we have survived.


I think I would have agreed with you mate up until about 6 months ago. Thing is where would we be now without any intervention?  Would Morris still be at the helm? How much debt would have arisen? I think the unfortunate truth is that we needed to hit rock bottom and give ourselves a clean slate away from the previous ownership. The amortisation policy was just a part of many reasons why we were in the stupid mess in the first place, legal or not it was part of stupid gamble tactics that has had serious impact on a community of football fans.

Maguire, like Dawes and others we see as a bit marmite don’t always come across great on twitter and I regularly have disagreed with him but he’s always been up to come on Radio Derby and atleast try and explain to us what’s been going on. I’ve also disagreed regularly with the supporter groups, but I think tonight is about appreciating the effort that’s been put in, even to those I wouldn’t necessarily agree with all the time. I’d even give kudos to @_derby5hire and I think my distaste for that Twitter account has been well documented the last few days!

I’m pretty sure we can both agree tonight isn’t the night to debate Maguire anyway, enjoy tonight and we can do this properly another time!

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3 hours ago, RipleyRich said:


Great news and a great relief.

So please for all my Derby supporting Family & Friends and of course all of you lot here.

Yes, I will admit it now, I am a Forest fan, but contrary to popular belief, there is no law that means being a Forest fan means you have to hate Derby.

Delighted that you are now owned by someone who genuinely loves the club. I  have to say CK struck me as another Fawaz and I think you dodged a bullet big time.

Anyway,  enjoy celebrating this weekend,  then relax and enjoy your summer.

And if you lot can carry the spirit and togetherness you showed last season into this one, it hopefully wont be too long before we can resume those fantastic A52 derbies......hopefully in the PL!

Take care all,


Bloody knew it!!!! Tried to out you a few times. But fair play and a very classy post. 

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A day as important as any in our history. Think we all knew we were on the brink but having had so many near misses & given how long the entire process had dragged, it feels magical to finally have closure.

The suffering this fanbase has had to experience for the sum total of one Championship playoff final defeat has been an absolute disgrace, particularly set against the blatant cheating from some of our peers who fluked the promotion we couldn't. Well done all for keeping sane during what has to rank as the most unfathomable combination of vindictiveness & incompetence experienced by a club of our stature. The fact we not only kept going but rallied in the face of such adversity just shows how bloody strong this club & its fanbase are.

Thank you David Clowes. As you rightly said in your incredibly humble & impressive opening statement, words are cheap & you want to be judged by your actions. And the fact is that by your actions, you have saved this football club & acted like the true DCFC fan you are. Whilst the majority of us will remember this when times are tough, lets be sure to remind the sack 'em all now/where's the ambition/celebrity obsessed berks that we seem to have amongst our number where we would be without him.

Oh, and to Quantuma, the EFL, Mel Morris, Steve Gibson, the other parasite & all the charming tinpot oppo fans who revelled in our misery last season. There's a lot of comeuppance coming down the track for most of you - I can't wait to see it



Edited by LeedsCityRam
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2 minutes ago, LeedsCityRam said:

Oh, and to Quantuma, the EFL, Mel Morris, Steve Gibson, the other parasite & all the charming tinpot oppo fans who revelled in our misery last season. There's a lot of comeuppance coming down the track for most of you - I can't wait to see it;

It's going to feel that much sweeter when we start to climb our way back up if the likes of Birmingham, Boro, Forest, Wycombe and Leeds all finally get their long overdue dose of karma. 

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11 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

I think I would have agreed with you mate up until about 6 months ago. Thing is where would we be now without any intervention?  Would Morris still be at the helm? How much debt would have arisen? I think the unfortunate truth is that we needed to hit rock bottom and give ourselves a clean slate away from the previous ownership. The amortisation policy was just a part of many reasons why we were in the stupid mess in the first place, legal or not it was part of stupid gamble tactics that has had serious impact on a community of football fans.

Maguire, like Dawes and others we see as a bit marmite don’t always come across great on twitter and I regularly have disagreed with him but he’s always been up to come on Radio Derby and atleast try and explain to us what’s been going on. I’ve also disagreed regularly with the supporter groups, but I think tonight is about appreciating the effort that’s been put in, even to those I wouldn’t necessarily agree with all the time. I’d even give kudos to @_derby5hire and I think my distaste for that Twitter account has been well documented the last few days!

I’m pretty sure we can both agree tonight isn’t the night to debate Maguire anyway, enjoy tonight and we can do this properly another time!

You are a better person than me mate. I can never forgive Maguire, Parry, Gibson and Couhig who went out of their way to destroy our club. 

You are absolutely right though, tonight is for realising how close we came to oblivion and celebrating the fact that we have a Derby County to support next season.

David Clowes, I raise my glass to you sir,?

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“As a private person I did not want the publicity and would prefer to remain an anonymous supporter watching from my usual seat. However, if that is the price to secure the future of the club then so be it”

This statement says it all. We are so lucky to have David Clowes as a supporter of his club. He may have done it reluctantly but he’s saved us. He may not stay around long but he will do the right thing by us, stablise us and if he cannot take us forward he will sell to someone who can. But that’s tomorrow. 

We are forever indebted to him. This guy needs to be given freedom of the city, Pride Park stadium also needs to be named after him, he also deserves a statue. David Clowes will go down as one of the most important people in this clubs history. 

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