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7 minutes ago, hintonsboots said:

. I think he will be determined to prove the Toon army wrong.

P.S WTF does Toon army mean ???

There’s a thing called Google, Hinton, and if you type in “why is it called toon army” you get the answer that it’s the Geordie pronunciation of “town” ?

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59 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

Mike Ashley to be named PB tomorrow. @ me screenshot me shoot me

Your articles weren't that bad mate and I rate you chances of finally landing a scoop at 50% as in, he either will or he wont. That said, imagine the absolute scenes if you finally nail the big chihuahua...


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1 hour ago, StrawHillRam said:

1st admin person: should we knuckle down and assess the bids and announce a preferred bidder today?

2nd: Nice idea but two bids to assess is a Lot of  work 

1st: you’re so right

 2nd: how about lunch and a round of golf?

1st: we  do that every day, but yes great idea

2nd “ we did keep the DCFC Breadsall account open so let’s go”

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36 minutes ago, Turk Thrust said:

There’s a thing called Google, Hinton, and if you type in “why is it called toon army” you get the answer that it’s the Geordie pronunciation of “town” ?

Thought I’d ask the question on a specialist football forum rather than using a well known non specific search engine. ?

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I wouldn't expect any of the "last minute" interest to be significant.

We're complicated case and any credible bid would've had substancial due dilligence, legal checking, cost and risk analysis, etc etc done before getting put down - and as the money is running out to keep us going, there;s not really much longer Quantuma can string it along. My hunch is they're going with what was the best offer on Wednesday.

I expect it to be anounced early or middle of next week, we might get unoffical indications before then, but intil it's come from the offical channels, i won't get excited.

And even then, a deal isn't one until it's done.


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21 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

I wouldn't expect any of the "last minute" interest to be significant.

We're complicated case and any credible bid would've had substancial due dilligence, legal checking, cost and risk analysis, etc etc done before getting put down - and as the money is running out to keep us going, there;s not really much longer Quantuma can string it along. My hunch is they're going with what was the best offer on Wednesday.

I expect it to be anounced early or middle of next week, we might get unoffical indications before then, but intil it's come from the offical channels, i won't get excited.

And even then, a deal isn't one until it's done.


Can only assume the late enquiries were from the likes of the Easdales/kirchners who’d already carried out initial due diligence 

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5 minutes ago, twelveincher said:

Can only assume the late enquiries were from the likes of the Easdales/kirchners who’d already carried out initial due diligence 

Or someone so stinking rich they didnt need to and £60m is just tuck shop money to them and they want to save us because they are nice. Too much red wine on a Friday night perhaps!! Forgot this is us!

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