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5 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

Have read some Tweets from Bolton fans saying exactly the same thing....might as well take both hits in one lump rather than 9 points this season and then potentially another 12 if we're in League 1 next......

Forgetting any other emotional or moral aspects other logic, then yeah it's a move that makes sense.

If the battle against the EFL is one we're never going to win, then we either take the hit or go on fighting it as long as possible, which means we won't be sold and risk damaging ourselves further beyond this season.

If we get deducted 9 points we'll go down, so just deduct whatever you want from us if it means the EFL will leave us alone to get on with things and build something we can be proud of again.

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Playing devil's advocate here so don't shoot me down.

Is MM actually ill or has he got the same problem as Ernest Saunders?

For anyone not as ancient as me, Ernest Saunders was jailed for insider trading whilst the boss of Guinness and was sent down. His doctor appealed to have him released early as he was "suffering from Alzheimer's disease". He strangely made a remarkable recovery after he was released (and to this day is the only person ever yo recover from this terrible ailment).

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"The Club’s owner has provided substantial funding throughout this period, even as the process has been underway since June 2019 to find a purchaser."

I don't like this bit at all. Whether it's true or not, please don't try and insult us by chucking something in like that whilst announcing administration.

It means certain relegation, innocent, hard-working people losing their livelihoods, uncertainty for hundreds more, despair and heartbreak for thousands more again, but that's ok. I did pay for the thing I wanted to buy and became obliged to fund you know.

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2 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

suggest that you read the rule text of regulation 85 again. 

The EFL can put their sanction in writing at any time. 

There is no negotiation framework. Any conversation about possible sanctions and the possible reactions is outside of the framework and entirely at the EFL discretion. 

Given the way the rule is written, negotiation is likely - inevitable in most cases - whether or not there is a ‘negotiation framework’ 

This is because the rule allows proceedings to be avoided. This will be in the interests of the EFL and the club, if a mutually acceptable middle ground can be found.  So the drafting of the rule does not need a ‘negotiating framework’ parties are incentivised to find resolution and so they will try, through negotiation. As they have in our case. We don’t need more words in the EFL regs, certainly not unnecessary ones

You also suggest that the EFl was castigated by the panels and that we were not . You’ve obviously not read the LAP judgement. 

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At least there will be no more ridiculous posts defending decisions about the ticket office, lack of communication, the supporters meeting, Mel etc. 

Sick of reading posts from those with their heads in the sand. 

Yo, Mel. Imagine being booed and not being able to do anything about it. Like threaten to walk away. 

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I’m genuinely appalled. MM takes no responsibility for it and blames the EFL (and a subtle pop at a someone there) and blames COVID-19. Sad times - a bit more humility by the owners would have gone down well. I get the scenarios laid out and don’t disagree - but surely they could have admitted to making some mistakes along the way which have served to exacerbate our situation!! 

Edited by Dava75
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5 minutes ago, Grumpy Git said:

Playing devil's advocate here so don't shoot me down.

Is MM actually ill or has he got the same problem as Ernest Saunders?

For anyone not as ancient as me, Ernest Saunders was jailed for insider trading whilst the boss of Guinness and was sent down. His doctor appealed to have him released early as he was "suffering from Alzheimer's disease". He strangely made a remarkable recovery after he was released (and to this day is the only person ever yo recover from this terrible ailment).

It’s irrelevant so not really worth debating. We’re officially in the poo regardless of whether he’s ill or not.

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2 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

If you boil that statement down you could summarise it as we take no responsibility whatsoever.....shocking 

A little bit of humility wouldn't go amiss in a time when people are going to lose jobs and be shafted out of money they are owed. 

At least it stopped short of blaming Kelle Roos for us not getting promoted

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