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Wayne Rooney


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2 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

We will never know. There are some managers doing quite well at other clubs, the chappie down the road for one, guy at Blackburn doing ok too ??

Lets see how good they'd be with a 2 year transfer embargo, Playing half the team with players 19/21 years of age, Being deducted 21 points, Like you said..."we'll never know"

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1 minute ago, Unlucky Alf said:

Lets see how good they'd be with a 2 year transfer embargo, Playing half the team with players 19/21 years of age, Being deducted 21 points, Like you said..."we'll never know"

A lot of Managers would have done better than Wazza did last season, I am pretty sure of that. He has improved a bit this season, I will give you that. Learned from his mistakes ??

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7 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

A lot of Managers would have done better than Wazza did last season, I am pretty sure of that. He has improved a bit this season, I will give you that. Learned from his mistakes ??

Last seasons gone fella, It's this season that counts or doesn't, He's Galvanised a bunch young and old players into a team that's hard to score against, The football aint pretty to watch, I for one am not expecting flowing football, But what i'm getting instead is a willingness to fight...this is what WR has instilled into DCFC.

Could other Managers have done the same...Hhhmmm!

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1 minute ago, Unlucky Alf said:

Last seasons gone fella, It's this season that counts or doesn't, He's Galvanised a bunch young and old players into a team that's hard to score against, The football aint pretty to watch, I for one am not expecting flowing football, But what i'm getting instead is a willingness to fight...this is what WR has instilled into DCFC.

Could other Managers have done the same...Hhhmmm!

When judging a manager I look at his whole record, can’t just ignore the really bad bits ?

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22 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

We will never know. There are some managers doing quite well at other clubs, the chappie down the road for one, guy at Blackburn doing ok too ??

..........and ermmm the guy at WBA who has his team right up there, but quite a few of their fans think he's poo (I can't be bothered with the little pictures)

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38 minutes ago, Crewton said:

Grudging praise personified ? 

Don't worry, we'll still be relegated, and then you tell us all how any other manager could have done better. 


I don't think 'any other manager' could do better, I think Rooney is doing a good job in the circumstances but I'm not blind to the idea that the circumstances actually suit Rooney's management style, and if there's anything wrong with his performance so far it's been game management and reacting to what other managers do.

Other more tactically consummate managers may have seen us see out games better (and thrown away fewer points) but they may lack the motivational skills needed to enliven the siege mentality that Rooney has cultivated to put is in that position.

...whereas your Woe is Rooney approach to things (something he thankfully doesn't seem to share) seeks only to ridicule any line of thinking that doesn't simply pour praise on his performance and pretend that the only thing he's missing is a better squad / more options - it doesn't always work like that and we've seen some evidence prior to this that the more options Rooney has the more he tends to meddle with the team lineup and make errors.

If you simply write off any analysis of his performance as nitpicking or grudge holding you'll end up very disappointed if a year down the line we're in a better position squad wise but he's still being outmanaged tactically.

I was being sincere, today's changes showed some learning and I hope he continues in that vein. 

Edited by Coconut's Beard
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2 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:


I don't think 'any other manager' could do better, I think Rooney is doing a good job in the circumstances but I'm not blind to the idea that the circumstances actually suit Rooney's management style, and if there's anything wrong with his performance so far it's been game management and reacting to what other managers do.

Other more tactically consummate managers may have seen us see out games better (and thrown away fewer points) but they may lack the motivational skills needed to enliven the siege mentality that Rooney has cultivated to put is in that position.

...whereas your Woe is Rooney approach to things (something he thankfully doesn't seem to share) seeks only to ridicule any line of thinking that doesn't simply pour praise on his performance and pretend that the only thing he's missing is a better squad / more options - it doesn't always work like that and we've seen some evidence prior to this that the more options Rooney has the more he tends to meddle with the team lineup and make errors.

If you simply write off any analysis of his performance as nitpicking or grudge holding you'll end up very disappointed if a year down the line we're in a better position squad wise but he's still being outmanaged tactically.

I was being sincere, today's changes showed some learning and I hope he continues in that vein.


Excellent, considered post ?

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Take away the points deduction, we would be 15th on 28 points from 23 games with a squad that before a ball was kicked and we were on zero with all the other teams most people outside Derby and some within Derby thought would struggle to survive. This has been the most difficult period in our history, Rooney’s leadership has been outstanding, a lesser leader (forget managerial tactician, many of those aren’t good leaders) the players would’ve thrown in the towel. Instead we’re fighting every game and I’ve never felt prouder of a Derby team and Coaching staff than I do right now. That for the most part is down to Rooney.

He is still learning the coaching game, he will make mistakes but the passion and drive he has to succeed and that he has instilled in the players is getting us through and he is doing an excellent job. He is absolutely the right man for Derby right now and it shouldn’t even be questioned for what he has given this club in difficult times. The only way Rooney is not manager of Derby is if financially it cannot work with the new owner. We need to control our costs but otherwise - crack on Wayne.

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7 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

Take away the points deduction, we would be 15th on 28 points from 23 games with a squad that before a ball was kicked and we were on zero with all the other teams most people outside Derby and some within Derby thought would struggle to survive. This has been the most difficult period in our history, Rooney’s leadership has been outstanding, a lesser leader (forget managerial tactician, many of those aren’t good leaders) the players would’ve thrown in the towel. Instead we’re fighting every game and I’ve never felt prouder of a Derby team and Coaching staff than I do right now. That for the most part is down to Rooney.

He is still learning the coaching game, he will make mistakes but the passion and drive he has to succeed and that he has instilled in the players is getting us through and he is doing an excellent job. He is absolutely the right man for Derby right now and it shouldn’t even be questioned for what he has given this club in difficult times. The only way Rooney is not manager of Derby is if financially it cannot work with the new owner. We need to control our costs but otherwise - crack on Wayne.

The bit about leadership looks to be spot on. 

Needs to maintain the improvement noted today on the tactical stuff tho....that's as important for picking up the points. 

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2 hours ago, Coconut's Beard said:


I don't think 'any other manager' could do better, I think Rooney is doing a good job in the circumstances but I'm not blind to the idea that the circumstances actually suit Rooney's management style, and if there's anything wrong with his performance so far it's been game management and reacting to what other managers do.

Other more tactically consummate managers may have seen us see out games better (and thrown away fewer points) but they may lack the motivational skills needed to enliven the siege mentality that Rooney has cultivated to put is in that position.

...whereas your Woe is Rooney approach to things (something he thankfully doesn't seem to share) seeks only to ridicule any line of thinking that doesn't simply pour praise on his performance and pretend that the only thing he's missing is a better squad / more options - it doesn't always work like that and we've seen some evidence prior to this that the more options Rooney has the more he tends to meddle with the team lineup and make errors.

If you simply write off any analysis of his performance as nitpicking or grudge holding you'll end up very disappointed if a year down the line we're in a better position squad wise but he's still being outmanaged tactically.

I was being sincere, today's changes showed some learning and I hope he continues in that vein. 

Like I said, "grudging praise". 

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If the club survives I think Rooney has the potential to be the most influential Derby manager of my lifetime (I should mention I'm only 24 before you start twatting the keyboard). Even if this is his last season with us, the siege mentality he's created could have a lasting effect on the club.

I'm particularly thinking about the relationship between the club and the fans when I say this. I'll leave the tactical stuff to our resident football geniuses.

I hate Leeds and their fans as much as the next Ram but the relationship they have with their teams is almost second to none. They went to hell and back but on their way down the divisions they gained a siege mentality. They have a bravado/arrogance to their fanbase that can seem distasteful to the outside but is incredibly galvanising for the players/staff. They also don't boo them.

Pride Park is different this season, the fans still showing up are generating the best atmosphere I've been a part of and there's 10,000 less of us. If we keep that, a club the size of ours will be successful without having to chuck too much money around.

If we're getting results now with washed up free agents, academy players and 39 year old CB's, imagine what it's going to be like when we have a decent team again. The supporters getting an extra 10/20% out of the players will only get us so far and affect the table so much now but if we'd had more of that in those season's with promotion potential (13/14, 14/15, 15/16, 17/18, 18/19) maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.

I don't take what Rooney's doing this year for granted, under the leadership of a lesser man the atmosphere could be utterly toxic the way it has been in recent tough periods. No offence to a great servant to the club but imagine if Darren Wassall was in charge of this team! Rooney's got this hopeless team in a hopeless situation playing with more guts than anyone else, if he wasn't doing that we'd be gaining nothing from our fall. 

Maybe Rooney isn't a tactical mastermind but he's used what he has got to keep everyone's heads up; despite everything going on we feel like a "big club".

I'm an optimist but I'm hoping we'll look back at the Rooney years as the period in which our support went from quite good to up there with the best in the country. That's something that will attract players, get us results we don't deserve and make the experience of watching Derby simply more fun, even if we're poo.

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Given derbys current circumstances, which wonderfully gifted manager wants to manage the club.

In my opinion rooney is doing a great job with a 21 point deduction to the team, no money to spend on the team and even if there were that has to come with the provision that the efl actually allows the team to buy players plus Derby would have to be in a different position in the league.

What decent player is going to say that they'd like to sign for a team in an almost certain relegation position, hm a decent championship player will not say that they want to spend a season in League one.

I honestly can't think of a manager who could do a better job under the circumstances that Derby find themselves in.


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The praise Wayne Rooney is receiving is similar to that of Nigel Clough in the early years.

Steadying a ship, making us harder to beat, uniting everyone together.

We won’t know what the future holds. Nigel Clough built an excellent squad but he couldn’t coach them as well as McClaren. Could Rooney build a similar squad given the finances? Could he coach them as well as McClaren?

I’m open to the line of ‘time will tell’ but he needs to a huge wage cut to be in line with that of a League One manager. He doesn’t deserve more just because his name is Rooney.

I also have to question the praise for Rooney for sticking it out. It’s laughable.

I’m sure any first-time manager would gladly stick it out earning over £50k a week and being unsackable. If his name was Wayne Smith and he was a former PE teacher you’d say he’d hit the jackpot. But because his name is Wayne Rooney and he’s a former England and Man Utd superstar he is being looked at like he is doing us a favor. It’s ludicrous. 

Edited by Bris Vegas
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42 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

The praise Wayne Rooney is receiving is similar to that of Nigel Clough in the early years.

Steadying a ship, making us harder to beat, uniting everyone together.

We won’t know what the future holds. Nigel Clough built an excellent squad but he couldn’t coach them as well as McClaren. Could Rooney build a similar squad given the finances? Could he coach them as well as McClaren?

I’m open to the line of ‘time will tell’ but he needs to a huge wage cut to be in line with that of a League One manager. He doesn’t deserve more just because his name is Rooney.

I also have to question the praise for Rooney for sticking it out. It’s laughable.

I’m sure any first-time manager would gladly stick it out earning over £50k a week and being unsackable. If his name was Wayne Smith and he was a former PE teacher you’d say he’d hit the jackpot. But because his name is Wayne Rooney and he’s a former England and Man Utd superstar he is being looked at like he is doing us a favor. It’s ludicrous. 


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1 hour ago, Bris Vegas said:

The praise Wayne Rooney is receiving is similar to that of Nigel Clough in the early years.

Steadying a ship, making us harder to beat, uniting everyone together.

We won’t know what the future holds. Nigel Clough built an excellent squad but he couldn’t coach them as well as McClaren. Could Rooney build a similar squad given the finances? Could he coach them as well as McClaren?

I’m open to the line of ‘time will tell’ but he needs to a huge wage cut to be in line with that of a League One manager. He doesn’t deserve more just because his name is Rooney.

I also have to question the praise for Rooney for sticking it out. It’s laughable.

I’m sure any first-time manager would gladly stick it out earning over £50k a week and being unsackable. If his name was Wayne Smith and he was a former PE teacher you’d say he’d hit the jackpot. But because his name is Wayne Rooney and he’s a former England and Man Utd superstar he is being looked at like he is doing us a favor. It’s ludicrous. 

If Rooney leads us straight back to the championship, then a higher wage than the other managers in League one is fine by me.

If chooses to leave then Derby offering a higher wage than the other managers in League one in order to steal the nest manager that Derby can get from another club us fine with me.

At the moment although rooney hasn't won every game he has toppled giants in the Championship, for me that's a good sign.

For me if we want a winning team given where the team is now that Costa, so yes pay above the odds for the manager.

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