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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. Currently halfway through the Bad Sport docs on Netflix and it’s been really good so far, highlight has been the episode on the Juventus scandal from the mid 00’s but the first two before it are worth a watch too.

  2. 1 hour ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    Listening to Rooney he said the referee was awful. I did think he thinks it’s because of all this fair play stuff. I reckon he might be in a bit of trouble.

    Think it might be a tactic straight out of Sir Alex’s book of dark arts. He will take a punishment but puts a bit of pressure on the refs for future close decisions, makes the fans put more pressure on and hopefully gets to have a meeting with the refereeing body.

    Not everyone’s cup of tea I’m sure, but especially in our current predicament then I’m all for it to be honest.

  3. To be honest I think we might get the 12 points reduced to -6 and it makes a bit of sense to do so.

    -The EFL get to keep the -9 + the 3 suspended which is the strong punishment and waives off Wycombe and Boro from further action against Derby or the EFL.

    -If we get it deduced to -6 then we just about remain competitive in the league, we have something to play for.

    I’m not basing it on anything, but it is the cleanest solution to which everyone can then move on.

  4. 16 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    Anyone with a shread of hope, who knows a thing or two about these types of situations, could you please tell us how you see this situation coming to and end?

    15 million owed to MSD, 26, 28 (insert here) millions to HMRC, 8 million to Arsenal, 5 to Cocu etc etc.

    How do we as a club wriggle out of this?

    Is there a takeover done and dusted and all this is dotting I's and crossing T's before it is announced, or are we really in shtuck.

    The administrators will be well ahead of us with this info. They will look to reduce the HMRC first then look to make a plan with MSD afterwards. Both need to be cooperative because if the club ceased to exist then they would receive nothing.

    There is more than a hint that something is in place, but owners need to know what is owed where before proceeding further

    As a fan it’s best to remain calm, buy a ticket some merch and hopefully some of this beer! From our point of view every little bit helps

  5. 46 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    In honour of our defence and all the strong ales of my youth... 

    Old Jags

    Old Curtis..... ?

    In all seriousness actually naming it after Curtis because of his commitment or Fozzy because of his years of service would be a nice touch.

    Or maybe a local hero type, ‘Buckos Brew’ has a certain ring to it…

    If it went down a player route though I think id name it after Fozzy. ‘Pint of the Fozzy please’

  6. 1 hour ago, Crewton said:

    Point was, they either never got a proper chance to show what they could do, or were sidelined or under-used when playing well. Jacob's wiki page tells a familiar story better than I can 

    It was a criticism often leveled at Nigel, and quite fairly, that he treated some players appallingly. You'd have to ask him why, if he knows himself. Small wonder that some of them lost all their confidence and disappeared without a trace. It's not unusual in managers of his and earlier generations, but I don't think it benefited the club at all.

    I think for a lot of his time at Derby he was dealing with players who were wildly inconsistent. He was getting frustrated by them, because he had a frustrating set of players.  I think that’s in part why originally he allowed Savage back into the fold. A player long past his best but he knew he’d get more consistency game by game out of him than others. It wasn’t until Clough got in the likes of Keogh, Ward and Bryson at first then Fozzy, Eustace and Martin the season afterwards that he had a spine of players he could rely on to get 7/10’s week in week out and raise the game of everyone else around them.

    Then he got sacked, rightly or wrongly.

  7. 9 minutes ago, TheTinMan said:

    Obviously we have to be careful with speculating on things we aren't really in the know over but come on now does anybody else buy that he didn't know Lawrence was over the limit? 

    I don’t buy that they weren’t drinking together, but didn’t the breathalyser reports show that Lawrence and Bennett whilst over the limit, and I’m not disputing that, but weren’t a stupid amount over?

    I’d roughly go with the idea that Keogh’s ‘few drinks’ was more than a few, he knew Lawrence would have had a drink that night but not that he was over the limit.

  8. 29 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Got to say I found the idea that cars had been laid on for them a bit sceptical, it never really made sense aside maybe having a bit of a deal with a local taxi service. 

    Overall there’s some things I’d agree with and some things I wouldn’t but I don’t think he’s talking nonsense or anything. It’s his truth and it’s fair enough. 

    CM19 is a notable exemption from Keogh’s pals list, at one time they were seen to be the good friends.



  9. *Dont mention Keogh, don’t mention Keogh, don’t mention Keogh*




    All three would have a field day with how we play. I think Bryson and Hughes would maybe get lost in the shuffle around Morrison, Lawrence, Knight and Sibley.

    Honoury mention for Eustace, but also think our defence is relatively well shielded at the minutr

  10. Problem isn’t necessarily the drugs/drink by itself but how you’re demographic of people who can afford to go to football has changed.

    The Mel Morris era brought in a lot of families and people with a bit more disposable income to home games, and I don’t mean it’s his fault per se because there’s enough of that going round, but there was a notable increase in the price of matchday tickets across the whole of football in this time. I think we are seeing the knock on effect of this a little bit now because those families went as the chances of the premier league diminished but also those who can’t really afford it aren’t commiting either, or at least picking their games more.

    Something similar happened with the away games, in that I think it became less affordable and then you are getting groups of lads that probably have a bit more of a disposable income and don’t really understand consequences past ‘all I care about is me and my mates’ rather than considering you are part of a collective supporter base with people of all ages etc who might think different to you.

    I don’t mean to write such a flippant post, especially with a lot of generalisations based really on class, and I don’t want to write something that can easily be misconstrued. They pay their money and go support the club and in some way that’s fair enough. But simple point is that’s how I largely see the changes in the last 5/6 years, look at the photos of the away fans on Saturday and how they look/dress the same. Let’s be honest even for a short trip to Sheffield, with a ticket, transport, a few travelling beers and a few bits of whatever else you are looking at £70 before you’ve even stepped off the train. Again it’s back to the point I feel like I continually say at the minute that we are a unique club with a wide ranging fan base that spreads over the county and it needs to realised more, the fanbase hasn’t really shrunk but it’s all gone into more niche pockets where everyone wants something different. 


  11. Yeah I’ve been critical of Ed recently when he was critical of Roos, but thought he was excellent today. There’s a good podcast interview (I think with rams review?) where he’s in a similar calm and collected mode and he comes across a lot better than he does in the matchday shows. Chris Coles is a class act, excellent questions and analysis, a real credit to the station. 

    They knew what was coming today and what Rooney wanted to say, so they made sure to broadcast his presser too which gave them a chance to say what they wanted to say without doing it directly.

    They did their role brilliantly and with class today and deserve as much credit as anyone.


  12. 40 minutes ago, sawley_ram said:

    We are and should always be Derby County! Changing to an awful name like “Derby City” would alienate so many people, hundreds of thousands, who like I live in Derbyshire and always follow the Rams!

    I think this is an underrated point that I’d love to go into more in a more appropriate thread, but I don’t think Mel, and other supporters, realised the uniqueness of Derby County that we are largely a one club, one sport county and how important the football club is to such a large community. The closest you get to it is Norwich/Ipswich and Newcastle/Sunderland

  13. Two things

    1) what’s happened to the money from Bogle, Lowe, Delap, Gordon and the other youngsters? That should have equated to a tidy sum, that wouldn’t have stopped the current predicament but everything reads like that money simply hasn’t existed.

    2) after reading the athletic article it can make everything feel like the worst case scenario is the most likely outcome. I get the impression though that anybody who comes in would need to pay off the Dell loan to buy the club. Then after that it’s about creating a business plan (I think HMRC would enter a financial plan of some sort). I mean we are essentially buggered for the foreseeable future and I’d expect a fire sale of players with or without new owners, but I don’t think it means liquidation just yet. I can see the possibility that someone pays £20 mill, enters a business plan, gets the club on a more even footing over 4/5 years and pay off the debts. Then they’d have a good chance of making a tidy profit on the investment.

    The club has a lot that will attract investors, it’s daft but even things like RamsTV would be an attractive proposition and will see that they could make more out of it. Not forgetting the Rooney name, the fanbase and even location will all go in Derbys favour. It just needs someone who understands it’ll be a slow build.


    Realised I’ve written all this without considering the stadium but can’t be bothered to write it again. I’ll just presume someone local will get the option of buying it at a reduced rate then enter the boardroom after that? 

  14. 8 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    You haven't been listening - he's said it all before. I read the bit about the buyers hovering in the background thank you - look at Nicholson's Twitter feed. I'm not surprised he's heaping praise on Rooney, he'll say he appointed him and now that revelations about who's been paying what are being leaked Mel's got to gain some support back. I've read the Covid stuff too.

    Why did I have to listen to Mel and Ed Dawes, I didn't there are plenty of sources information apart from an edited chat.

    Don’t know why you have to listen, I mean the choices you seemingly had were spending an hour listening to an interview or spend the day after not listening to it on a forum questioning others’ opinions and asking why anybody had bothered?


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