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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. 3 hours ago, angieram said:

    Didn't hear the game as at the ground but their post game analysis was pretty good, I thought.

    I do agree Steele worked well with Dawes though. 

    I have to say that when I met Dawes I completely changed my opinion of him as he is funny and very knowledgeable about Derby. He does tend to get a bit carried away in commentary, though! 

    I like Ed overall, he did a good interview with one of those podcasts about a year or so ago which was a good listen. I just think sometimes he doesn’t get his ‘social media’ presence right and comes off the wrong way to many. Nicholson is similar in my opinion.

    BUT all local media outlets are absolutely buggered because they don’t get shareable info out of the club and any breaking story finds itself in the national press. I imagine we all would have had an easier time last week if Mel had maybe done an interview with radio Derby/DET last week instead of a the supporters charter. Fans want to be communicated to and not get second hand information.

    Sorry I went off on a tangent!

  2. I’m gonna give the benefit of the doubt and suggest any NDA will be about names involved as it could effect the takeover/signings going forward. If it’s anymore, then obviously they’ll be uproar but can’t see the point in being annoyed about it before a word is spoken.

    To be honest, ideally I think they should be updating Radio Derby and the DET as I think they then hit the wider fan base but it is what it is from that standpoint. 

  3. Here’s my two penneth on Bobby, with apologies to all who are refreshing the transfer forum atm and only seeing updates to Bobby Duncan’s thread!

    I’ve been pondering since we saw him in that FA Cup game in January that he might be another lad who’s fallen somewhat foul of the Liverpool academy system* and it’s probably why he looked to leave there. He’s obviously got something, there’s no point debating that but in the Chorley game you can tell his positioning was off and was lacking any sort of nous. So he’s behind on his development of where he could/should be, which is probably frustrating when you want to be knocking on the first team. There’s a player there certainly, but it could be another 2 years until he even looks ready for first team football.

    *What I mean by this is tht I think Liverpool run there academy similar to forest in that each level of academy players have a prize goose who they develop for the first team and every one else kinda gets cast aside. It’s works, as you usually get a player worth £10 million plus, but you essentially slow down the development of a load more talented footballers who end up struggling to get higher than league 1. But anyway, different debate for another time.

  4. I tend to think the problem tends to be that when things are going bad the forum tends to attract a few posters who only turn up in those moments and tend to spout their opinion on all topics without even reading what anyone else has to say. So bad becomes very bad and very bad becomes chaotic.

    Essentially both work aslong as posters read each other opinions and try to understand the other side of the argument to theirs. 

  5. Similarly to what I was saying before Cocu left, if you sack Rooney then what? 

    There’s barely a plan in place now, but guess that happens when you sack a manager let way through and replace him with a rookie because you can’t turn anywhere else. It’s what we’ve got but it’s most likely better than anything else we can get right now.

    Unfortunately, i think a few of you want to cut your nose to spite your face!

  6. Also it’s kinda interesting that Rooney’s name was leaked out as the one who caused the training ground injury to Knight, someone from within the club told John Percy that is what happened rather than a training ground injury.

    Maybe it suggests unrest somewhere within the club about Rooneys tenure? Understand it’s pure speculation, but just trying to read between the lines 

  7. A decade or so ago someone I knew find themselves on the front of the sun because she was having a relationship with a future ballon d’or winner who had a stint playing for the team of Red Devil’s. She didn’t sell the story herself, but one of her friends did and pocketed the cash. It was a slow news day and for 24-48 hours it was deemed a ‘big story’, but by the end of the week it was chip shop paper. I'm gonna presume something similar is happening here.

    People were daft, lessons are being learnt by everyone involved. Probs best to move on and discuss the football

  8. Has he officially gone to WBA? 

    Bloody loved him here, he had more defensive partners than anyone else in recent memory and still was one of most consistent players. Deserves the chance to go and play for a good side and hopefully impress somewhere else, in fairness he probably deserves better than what Brighton have given him too. 

    It would have been unfair on his career to come back here, he looked utterly fed up towards the end of last season and I didn’t blame him. Was desperate for a fresh start. 

  9. He’s been a much better player since Cocu’s tenure imo and showed his worth at the back end of last season.

    Hes got something to prove both at club level and internationally, and there’s no time like now for him. Could he be that player who gets us 10-15 goals that puts us in a comfortable position?

  10. Anybody else think in part we just over “Eng-Er-Land” it all last night.

    Dont get me wrong, games are won and lost on the pitch, but all this ‘it’s coming home’, bandwagoning by opportunistic politicians, the bloody red arrows (how much did that cost for 10 secs worth of telly), royal family and celebrities on screen etc etc. It’s just all a bit tacky and borders on arrogance and holds an expectation that does not help a young bunch of players and makes the downfall so much greater.

    We can all get excited, but it was overwhelming beforehand to me. Let the football do the talking and let’s wind the rhetoric back a bit.

  11. Might need a little way to go yet, last seasons shirts currently full price! Also no baby stuff yet, and as someone who’s been patiently waiting to get something Rams related for their new born then they don’t even have that department up yet!

  12. 14 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    England did deserve to win. Denmark were good, played well and even though england were on top more as the game wore on they were resilient and determind.








    You'll never convince me that wasn't a dive though.

    Hmmm I’ll try. 

    I think what sways the decision is that Jensen isn’t in control of his body when he comes in. It might just be a nudge but it’s enough with Sterlings momentum to be knocked to the ground. It’s maybe soft, but it’s not the most sensible way to defend in your own box either. BUT ON TOP OF THAT, if Jensen doesn’t do anything then Sterling is in.

    Im maybe one too many beers in, but that’s how I am trying to interpret it.

    TL:DR it’s as much as a peno as the Denmark FK was a FK

  13. 40 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    You can still do all that ?? But now it looks like we have a choice not to. I’ll choose not to. 
    Also It looks like I will have the choice to attend football matches next season restriction free, so it’s all sunny and good imo 

    Im not asking what your preference is, im asking whats the problem carrying on with precautions at this moment and leading into the summer holidays?

  14. To be honest though…is everything that bad at the minute from a consumer point of view? I can get a beer when I want, have a chat at the local coffee shop, go to shops no fuss, have a bite to eat…and all we need to do is put a bit of sanitiser on and wear a mask where needed to. I mean, I can happily do these things for quite a bit longer.

    Maybe I’m not getting unnecessarily annoyed at stuff enough, but what’s the problem? I mean we’ve got to leave to live with it as we all like to keep saying. 

  15. 32 minutes ago, Boycie said:

    What are the chances of Wayne getting a siege mentality into our young squad this season?

    We will add to the squad, that’s a certainty, but remember Billy’s band of brothers?

    Who's as deluded as me?

    It’s all ifs and buts, which in football never really works out.

    BUT….IF we get a system that suits Knight and/or sibley. IF we can gear a holding midfielder to push Shinnie and Bird forward. IF Lawrence carries on his form under Cocu and back end of last season. IF say Duncan can come in and get a few goals. That we might just be ok. Need signings too ofcourse, but if we sort a decent structure/pattern of play to this side I don’t think we are in as bad a position as some would think.

  16. 5 minutes ago, Simmo’s left foot said:

    He was always going to be a risk, shame for him its not worked out. I do fear for him, if he cannot cope with the privileged life of a pro footballer, what will he do when confronted with the real world we all live in?

    I’d suggest watching the last interview he did a couple of months back with a podcast I can’t remember the name of. I think a large part of his issues was he became targeted because he was a professional footballer.

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