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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. 5 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    What and who are we predicting? I have a sneaky feeling it will be Mike Ashley. 

    I think it’ll be Ashley, as I think he’d been kept abreast of what was happening with the other bid by er, ‘someone itk’ so he could blow it out the water at the last minute. 

    Personally Ashley wouldn’t be my choice, but I can also see the benefits in our predicament and beggars can’t be choosers.  

  2. My conspiracy/drama thought: This is a ploy from Derby that puts the ball firmly in the EFL’s court, either this all gets sorted or the finger will be pointed at you and not us, so it’ll be the EFL who take the brunt of it from fans etc

    The more common sense thought: This is all in hand now, we have a bidder and a business plan in place, it’s all a case of crossing I’s and T’s and we are good to go.

    Dont know which one it’ll be, I’m going for the latter at the minute but we will know soon enough 

  3. 5 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    I think you are the only one who still listens to Radio Derby.

    I do find it a good way of understanding the situation, rather than panicking at any sniff Percy/Nixon decide to say and then writing my immediate thoughts online about it. 

    Why wouldn’t I take it in media that, as a Derby fan, is catered to me to help align my thinking? It makes no sense how people on here hang on the every word of some journalists that aren’t writing for you and ignore the ones that are.

  4. 12 minutes ago, NI RAM said:

    Is it possible that when Appleby was front runner, Mel has decided to throw a spanner in the works by saying he won't sell the stadium to them, hence can't be named preferred bidder? Given that rush is involved with this bid, wouldn't be like Mel to throw his toys out of the pram.

    Or am I too far down the rabbit hole clutching at every straw?

    I did think this, and I gave more credence to the idea after Colin Gibson (the good Gibbo) had pondered similar lines on RD last Saturday, but I think a more likely scenario might be that Morris had kept Ashley informed of what the Appleby consortium was offering so he could outbid them at the very last minute.


  5. 1 minute ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:

    I guess they are only getting their “leaks” from one side of the story. Probably don’t have an anti Derby agenda (like Daily Mail used to). They are probably messaging the administrators same as DET and RD are but getting the same result.

    Not that I think it would do any good, but probably the journalists will need to go and camp out on admins offices hoping to stick a notebook/microphone in their face if they decide they MUST have some kind of response.

    We (fans and journalists alike) all need to wait until they want to talk to us I guess.

    Talking to the media could scupper any sort of deal, what if you say something that could be portrayed that Ashley is now in pole position, Appleby consortium drops out which lets Ashley offers less? Don’t think anybody would be happy with that 

    Keep quiet, got your business sorted and let everyone else play silly buggers if you ask me

  6. Snippet from the phone-in last night because no one else seemingly picks up on these bits!

    Radio Derby say they keep asking question but the administrators aren’t talking to media at this moment (and I’m not really sure as to why they would atm), so any news about the club is either being leaked or from ‘the other side’ and therefore there’s an agenda behind it. 

    Much like the statement this morning, it’s a case if staying calm and hope steady movement is being made.

    FWIW I thought Nixon and Percy have been a little out of order these last few days with their postings and articles. They are both good journalists but Nixon’s cryptic answers and Percy’s last couple of articles that only portray one side have not been helpful or with the best journalistic integrity imo.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Barney1991 said:



    Don’t know how much more Derby fans can take of this. Any more proof the efl and other clubs want us gone 


    I still sense this is getting closer and closer to someone getting into preferred bidder status

    - the administrators are talking to Boro to resolve that situation

    -someone is telling by the administrators to turn down those bids 

    -clubs trying to get our players before the door shuts

    -if we are allowed to extend and sort out some contracts

    I could be wrong, and there’s a lot of noise right now, but none of that is now saying ‘there’s a lot to sort out still’. I’m putting my cards on the table and saying this must now be close

  8. 19 hours ago, Crewton said:

    At Sheff Wed's Tribunal hearing, it was revealed that the EFL wanted Wednesday and Derby's potential penalties to be applied to the seasons that would most impact on them, SWFC in 2019/20 (when their original 9 point penalty would have relegated them, but their eventual 6 point penalty wouldn't have) and Derby in 2020/21 (because we were more than 12 points clear of relegation in 2019/20). The Tribunal threw out their proposal stating that it wasn't the purpose of the Tribunal to directly relegate a team (i.e SWFC) by applying a penalty without giving them the opportunity to overcome that penalty on the field of play, and therefor the punishment must be applied to the following season.

    Boro then further delayed our 2nd Tribunal (arising from the EFL's appeal against the decision of the 1st Tribunal) by commencing an Arbitration against DCFC  that had to be considered and determined before the LAP could determine the EFL's appeal. The panel determined that Boro had no jurisdiction to either start their own Arbitration or join the EFL's action.

    This all started with Boro starting an Arbitration against the EFL in September 2019, which they dropped on the understanding that they would claim compensation from DCFC if the EFL brought charges against DCFC which proved to be successful.

    So you can see clearly that the EFL have been in cahoots with Boro from the outset, simply to protect themselves from a very bitter little man.

    Ah I hadn’t really read the forum yesterday, just pondered over my post that evening or else I’d have quoted you.

    If we’ve sorted everything for the takeover our end, and despite all the guff in the press it’s to be believed we have, then are the legitimate creditors going to be happy waiting round or are they going to start putting the pressure on the administrators who will pressure on the EFL.

    So this is all leading ‘somewhere’ imo. From a biased fan pov are Boro and the EFL going to wait until it’s confirmed that we are relegated to then allow us to finish the takeover? Or how long can the EFL continue to kick a can down the road and do nothing?

  9. Hmm I’ve said this before but I think it’s worth saying it again because I hadn’t thought about it in a while…

    There is a bit of an elephant in the room with all this, that Middlesborough probably do have a bit of claim but it’s not against Derby but the EFL. It was them who later changed their minds on whether our amortisation policy was ok after letting us use it in a season we finished above them.

    We essentially have reaped what we’ve sown, and as a club, accepted what’s come our way even with all instigators gone. The thing is, it’s all a bit awkward and because the EFL don’t want the attention turned to them they’ve allowed us to be scapegoated, which is now adding insult to injury. So much has leaked that shouldn’t have been leaked out via the press, and a lot of it to just upset proceedings, or it’s bringing the game into disrepute and going unpunished, and it’s beyond a joke. 

    I don’t think it’ll stop us getting our ownership sorted in the end, but there is a reason it’s been allowed to happen to this extent and it’s rotten. 

  10. 19 hours ago, Ellafella said:

    Not difficult when you're starting from a very low baseline.

    I've always thought that there is a cracking little business there if only Derby County FC had a bit more imagination...I was having that conversation with a Rams Fan at the Brunswick pre-WBA and it's a potential gold mine in the right hands. Probably potential 100k customers world-wide just as a start...


    Yeah I think there’s a lot of opportunities they’ve missed out on in recent years under Morris to be honest, remember getting a bit of stick on here for suggesting so a few times. As I understand megastore, catering we’re all outsourced on bog standard contracts to companies providing a bog standard service. Which was ok, but it tends to mean you’ll be ripped off for a £4 bottle of carlsberg.

    The example I’ve always said is that Derby/Derbyshire has a lot of good breweries but we’ve never looked to have a Derby County beer. Sheffield Wednesday and United each have a Thornbridge one, they sell it at a decent price at Hillsborough and fans actually go for a pre match pint there to drink, so you are getting fans to the stadium earlier (although Wednesday may not be the greatest example to use all things considered!) As a wider point, I think Derby have missed out on a few things in terms of being involved in the local business community but it’s maybe an debate for another time.

    With the megastore, I ended up using it a few times in the first parts of the pandemic,  partly because ‘every little helps’ and whilst it wasn’t ‘poor’ it was rather limited which only got worse until just before Christmas this time. As I said yesterday, it has improved a bit now and they’ve got a few decent bits in and plenty of stock. Just no bloody masks.

    But it’s a small reason I want to see Appleby get the club because he was someone (along with Rush and Vicars back then), that you used to see around Pride Park and walking round the megastore, ticket office etc, i think they probably have a bit more of a hands on approach to these things than what Morris had.

  11. 23 minutes ago, Ramifications said:

    I bought a face mask from the shop last week on line and it said, only a few remaining. I know that doesn't really help much. 

    Ah well that makes sense. Hopefully they might get a few more. Thanks for the help!

  12. This isn’t anything important but nowhere else to put it really, and emailing the club seems more inane that asking here, but have they stopped selling face coverings in store? Lost mine over Christmas and can’t find them online now which is a mild inconvenience at most, but I’d still like to get one preferably without making a trip.


    Might as well point out, mainly to stretch out this pointless thread, but the store has actually much improved in recent months!

  13. Ha sorry my first post today was trying to hint towards a post below the tweet about a supporters group ‘burning bridges’ with Gibson which I’ve now screenshotted.  I was at work when I did it and didn’t necessarily went to do a post calling anyone out or having to spend my day defending it. Anyway I’ve still left names out and won’t mention the supporters group mentioned as it’s probably not fair without them having a right of reply on here, also I don’t want to spend m my evening defending this point. 

    Anyway I know there might be more to that tweet, but i think if they were looking to sort out a meeting with Gibson (as per the minutes of their last meetings) and you don’t get it because ‘burnt bridges’ then it looks really poor and another example of these groups getting involved when they frankly are out of their depth.

    What we then get is them asking a favour of this other bloke (this is mentioned in the forum link and not the Twitter post) and frankly a load of speculative tripe from Gibson through the aforementioned other blokes words. As others have said, if these are Gibson’s words at all (they probably are but its easier to say this stuff to a Boro fan and get away with it).

    I could be wrong and it was something at Boro’s end that caused a rift, and I’ll apologise if that’s the case. But this seems like it was entirely avoidable and continues to leave the fans in speculative limbo, and isn’t it these groups that should be helping to bring clarity?


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