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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. 6 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    Yes apologies they will need to ask Derby for permission and Rooney will need to confirm his intentions (does he want the interview). But the position we are in, if we could get compensation and save on wages the admins may be up for it, however it could be detrimental to someone buying the club, they will need to weigh it up.

    Admins originally said that having Rooney would help them sell the club, so if he goes will the bidders offer less?

    Unhelpful and unnecessary article either way at this point. 

  2. Did anybody actually email the words vendetta to them? Think it’s a really interesting use of words because I don’t think anyone can really call it ‘a vendetta’, it’s a manipulation of the rules so they can cover up their mistakes. Or scape goating, however you want to put it.

    To suggest a vendetta is convenient way of making out it’s all being overhyped rather than facing up to what the actual issues are.

    Bunch of absolute twits

  3. I’m still trying to understand everything a bit I’ve got to be honest, but I think what’s starting to be clear (and I think something we’ve known all along) is that the true battle is between Gibson and the EFL. It’s a really stupid battle on Gibson’s part but it’s showing up the EFL’s incompetence. We’ve ended up being a very convenient pawn in the process of kicking the can down the road so neither have to act, but maybe it’s starting to come to a head now.

    If any MP’s, journalists want to look into this then that’s where this starts and ends. Morris and Derby were just as stupid, of which we’ve been punished, but their actions are now causing a serious dent into Derbys season and even their existence. All because the EFL don’t want to sort Gibson out. The transfers, the emails, the ststements from the EFL have been nothing short of an insult to Derby County

  4. 14 hours ago, GenBr said:

    There are suggestions we still owed them money. We cherry picked their best assets when they were in trouble and now its coming back to bite us. 

    I'm just hoping we don't have to do the same with Arsenal or Lech Poznan when we end up not being able to pay the instalments we owe them as well...

    Kinda sums up the end of Mel’s reign that we couldn’t even stump up the cash to pay a club in administration the whole amount of a low balled offer upfront. How poor is that?

  5. 34 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    It really annoys me that the only interest the national media - Sky especially - have with us is whether Everton will recruit Rooney.

    Premier, Premier, Premier.

    One angle they could take about Derby's fight with the EFL is that it could scupper an amazing football miracle - in their efforts to get founder member Derby relegated/liquidated, the EFL breaking the law along the way, they may kill a sports story to go with the best of them.

    Yeah it’s a infuriating innit. Think theres a few who can’t be bothered to really look into it. Look at Henry Winter’s half commited tweet last night. It helps but it’s not really getting the point over.

  6. Ed Dawes hinted a while back that there was a lot of interest in Knight and he would be going in January. His impact on how the team plays has diminished over the course of the season too, although that’s not to say he hasn’t been excellent. If we got anything like £8million, then I’d be very pleased but it’s probably gonna be a bit less than that. Unfortunately he needs to move on for his career now too

    Also it’s worth saying that any decent fee for Knight means we probably won’t have to sell any youth players, who’s value will rise, until after takeover is hopefully sorted

  7. 1 minute ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Not for 12 months if they get 10 games and damage what is now a rival for a relegation spot.  He's on probably the lowest wage here as it is, so minimal wages as well.

    Shhhhh don’t encourage their thinking, they might be looking at what fans think!



  8. 1 minute ago, kevinhectoring said:


    If their position is misrepresented, is the EFl not entitled to defend itself ?  Why is it ‘childish’ if they do? Sorry, any restructuring expert who reads the admins’ latest release can see it is misleading and disingenuous. Q are seeking expensively to avoid blame for the sorry situation we are in 

    Are you Rick Parry?

    Sorry mate, you ain’t getting a rise out of me. Been down this path with people claiming to be ‘experts’ before! I’ll stick to my opinion it was a bit of a silly unnecessary comment from the EFL chairman in response to a fan of a club. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, Derbados said:





    You know what these type of ‘beating about the bush’ responses are just as annoying as anything else. I get you can’t say anything, but also childish ‘misleading info from people who should know better’ shouldn’t be coming to a fan from the EFL Chairman.

    With respect, both replies are crap responses and most of us could make an even better automated reply that would be more helpful.

  10. 12 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Why is it not also the EFLs job to keep DCFC playing football as a member of the club?

    Yeah this is what I don’t quite get. Surely they should be working with us to complete the season and beyond, but it’s seemingly looking after the interests of others.

    If they want it resolved they need to play ball a bit and work with us. I don’t even mind that we can’t sign anyone until this is sorted, but the Jagielka situation is just adding salt to a wound.

  11. 1 minute ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    More bleak media reporting this time from Sky


    But the administrators always only had short term funding to see us through to us securing a bidder and that was made clear in the initial interview. So how can we confirm there are funds to the end of the season? How could we have ever done it?

    They want us to sell players and be relegated so we are made an example of, but there is a serious threat of liquidation before that even happens now.

  12. Part of the reason for coming out yesterday was to say that it was all done at our end, and any hold ups are at the EFL end. This then pulls fans frustrations to them and not the club. 

    You can be really cynical and say that the EFL just want us to sell players, get relegated and be made an example of. It doesn’t help that the process is seemingly being made up as it goes along. What I mean is no one at any point has been able to come out and say how this works, no one can really say whether this proof of funds was always needed or is it just a roadblock from the EFL. No one can tell you because no one knows.

    Could be an interesting few hours…


  13. 17 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

    Blimey some of you lot are getting duped a bit easy this morning aren’t you?

    Some of us have very young children and spend the vast majority of the day bleary eyed, atleast that’s my excuse anyway.

    You’ll learn yothe!

  14. 1 minute ago, cosmic said:

    Mate just text me highlights from the office meeting:

    ”To save costs, all printing and copying must now be done in black and white. Colour printing will only be allowed for special circumstances”

    Well, Appleby is very hands on!

  15. 5 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    What and who are we predicting? I have a sneaky feeling it will be Mike Ashley. 

    I think it’ll be Ashley, as I think he’d been kept abreast of what was happening with the other bid by er, ‘someone itk’ so he could blow it out the water at the last minute. 

    Personally Ashley wouldn’t be my choice, but I can also see the benefits in our predicament and beggars can’t be choosers.  

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