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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. Oh also Back To Life and Alma’s Not Normal were two very good more recent sitcoms proving the BBC isn’t just Mrs Browns Boys.

    Back To Life is probably the better of the two but Alma’s Not Normal is a bit more in a traditional ‘northern’ sitcom mould that I think is good to see

  2. 1 hour ago, ollycutts1982 said:

    I can’t see it going ahead tbh. For the sake of the fans these decisions need making far sooner. The PL at the minute is a farce. 

    Problem is you can’t make decisions if those above you aren’t making decisions either. The thought that having tens of thousands in a stadiums right now doesn’t seem right at all and that’s before considering the players. 

    New variant or not, a proper winter break should have be being enforced on this season with more midweek games in warmer months 

  3. Jagielka’s turning circle is better than Keogh’s!

    Love him to be honest, would like to say he coasts through games but just every so often he misjudged the 50/50 and ends up out of position but that’s the only fault I can find. Said it before but him and Davies are great to watch if you want to learn how to position yourself and read the game.

  4. Interestingly poised

    Australia’s luck has seemingly run out whilst England have found some after nothing going their way the past two days.

    Realistically it’ll go back Australia’s way tomorrow but a relatively inexperienced ashes side with little preparation are being competitive here.

    We all questioned Root’s squad selection/captaincy here but maybe wait and see where we are at tomorrow. A good morning session tomorrow and it’s a completely different perspective 

  5. 1 hour ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    It's not looking good really is it.

    On the plus side...there's...err...


    Test matches can change very quickly and the morning session tonight will shape the three days after. One potential good thing is that Australia didn’t get out to bat earlier whilst their tails were up. A good start early on might….might keep us in the game.

  6. To be honest in sport, I really dislike when pundits say things along the lines of ‘playing your game and not the occasion’ and I think that’s what happened last night and why it went so wrong. It’s all hindsight but plumping to bat against Hazlewood, Cummins and Starc, in the opening test of the ashes and at The Gabba was leading lambs to slaughter. The conditions weren’t strong enough either way. Last night should have been about dampening the crowd down at the very least when they very opposite happened. We showed them too much respect and they capitalised.

    I’m not someone who would particularly hang on Broad and Anderson, as I think you need to introduce those coming through and give them a chance, but this test needs your big characters. We lack that side of the game, especially with Stokes not 100%,  and somewhat forget about it whilst overthinking the tactical side. 

    Also the BT coverage is a bit poor, feels very slapdash when it shouldn’t be. Only people who suffer are those who can’t now have Sky’s far better and more in depth coverage and paying more for it!

  7. Some interesting stuff on Radio Derby tonight with Kieran Maguire (yes yes I know, but calm down). And I might have heard these things wrong so don’t take it as gospel 

    -MSD Holdings essentially have £80mill security on their investment and only given the club £1.25mill so far, if the club got liquidated and there was a stadium designed for football and no football they would lose out because the value of the stadium would be less?

    -Maguire mentioned the possibility that this might be the administrators saying ‘we want bids on the table or it’s time to walk away’ to the other potential investors. You’re either interested in sorting out the mess or not.

    -Lots of ‘four dimensional chess’ being played by parties which we’ve known about for a long time.

    -Still a long way to go and won’t be over until the fat lady sings


    So not all positive, but essentially we are in the same boat as we’ve been for the last week, we are waiting for the administrators to name a preferred bidder which will be next week. Everything else for now is just fluff. 

    Edit: Oh final bit, Dawes and Maguire both indicated that if Mel wanted to be true to his word that he should be willing to pay at least some of the debt owed. The simple fact of the matter is that wages/fees we couldnt afford have essentially been hidden within this debt. First time I think I’ve seen it suggested publically.

  8. 5 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Maybe. But he lacked effort - that doesn’t depend on experience.

    Was only watching on the telly tonight but I took it as Morrison not knowing what his role was and letting Lawrence do what he should have been doing.

    Either way, we can both agree that he was a bit crap!

  9. 2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    They were good, but we weren’t much worse. If we’d been on our game we’d have beaten them. Think Morrison wasn’t up to it and was like playing with 10 men (hate saying that).

    Have I said before he reminds me of Dawkins? Got all the quality you’d want but because of his career and lack of game time he lacks the experience, instinct or just a willingness to gamble.

    Its a lack of games for your age essentially 

  10. Wrote after the fulham game that in the championship it’s about playing teams at the right time to accumulate points. I think that’s what QPR got with us tonight. We looked mentally leggy as the game went on after two tough games and battling for points. We ran out of ideas, ran out of quality and eventually ran out of luck.

    Morrison waits for a perfect ball rather than gambling on an imperfect. Look at that Forsyth cross at the end of the 1st half again, if he gambles he gets to it. 

    Had a chuckle at sky at the end calling it a vital 3 points for QPR who are now 7 points behind second place. There’s only one side who can truly call any points they get as vital!!

  11. 3 minutes ago, 24Charlie said:

    How do we lose to Peterborough and Barnsley if we can do this?

    I think it’s about playing teams at the right time. Playing Peterborough so early wasn’t a good thing for us when still finding our feet, and I think when we played Barnsley we had a bit of misplaced assuredness. Now we know our fate of the -21 and we need to battle, I think the last two games have shown we battle a bit more and earn the right to play our football and we look a lot better for it. 

    Also the championship is mad, you are sometimes better playing a team who are on a winning run than a losing one. This is  because you have the mentality that it has to end at some point, rather than ‘well that’s an easy three points’.

    Also I guess we come out better as underdogs rather than the team expected to win

  12. 18 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

    Was going to watch the game tonight  on rams tv rather than sky but struggling to get through to the login page on the website (furthest I can get is that loading page where it freezes), does it work ok if I go through the app on my phone and screen mirror it?

    Sorted this through using PS4! 

  13. Noticed the RamsTV forum has gone so just wondered if there would be room for this now, especially as we have so many threads on the takeover in the main dcfc section. Just wonder, for example if a thread called ‘Kamil Jozwiak’ where all Kamil Jozwiak news and opinions in is better than a new thread being made and being lost from the first page every few weeks? It’s not the most important thing in the world but might just help keep things tidy.

    Been lurking rather than posting these last few weeks for a few reasons so feel a bit cheeky for coming straight in with a new suggestion, but thought it was worth a shout!

  14. 17 hours ago, jono said:

    There is something about his actions that seem out of kilter. My guess is he has certain ethics that he thinks have been breached. Everything I know about him in industry speaks of a straight shooter who plays fair. He’s also been supportive of managers in difficulty. Before all this I saw him as one of the good guys, so one wonders what the story is behind the story ?

    Baddie GIF by Giphy QA

  15. Actually thought last night was a good and clear explanation about the current state of play, Dawes and Coles did a good job at touching most bases and going into the basic processes and potential snags going into the next stage of proceedings.

    Think I learnt more in five minutes of listening to that than anything I’d scanned on here (aside I-Ram and LeedsCityRam who did very good posts from what I saw), so maybe those in glass houses shouldn’t be throwing stones?

  16. 51 minutes ago, ossieram said:

    Any statement from the club or EFL yet?

    No! I'll carry on waiting for that before trawling through all the posts on here.

    Gist of it on Radio Derby earlier was that the administrators were due to be interviewed tomorrow but that’s no longer happening and that there could be an announcement by the weekend but everyone is still in talks.

    They sounded pretty resigned to the idea of -21 too so can presume they may have been told off the record. Unless it’s some elaborate ploy to make John Percy look bad and they are waiting for the confirmation, Ed Dawes did say Percy was only right 98% of the time last night. 

    In all seriousness through I thought it was all up in the air and it might not happen but after listening to that it’s all but confirmed it for me unfortunately. 

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