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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. Just another point but today we really missed Shinnie, Jagielka and Forsyth. Shinnie for his combative nature in the middle as they dominated in there, but I think when you have Jags and Fozzy in there you can be more flexible with formations. I don’t think we could go there at the back today like we have done previously so when Forest have the flexibility to change their formation we had no response.

    This set of players and management are performing near miracles, but as has said, we have lost too many aside being able to field 11 players.

  2. 19 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Plange looked mostly lost. It need CKR on from the start. TBH it needed him on all game.

    I think, in hindsight, he probably could have kept the plan of starting Plange and bringing CKR on. Richards dominating Yates at the back brought the change that gave them a stronger footing. The longer Yates wasn’t in midfield, the more space we had. 

    Like I say 100% hindsight, Im sure a lot of us would start CKR before the game

  3. A game too far, and with the news lane yesterday and off field distraction too far. In a nutshell we looked mentally shattered and we played in the middle of the pitch rather than using Ebosele against Lowe which we all know was their weak spot. 

    Bird and Thompson were poor overall, but it’s not a game to suit them. The impact of loosing Shinnie last weekend probably reared it’s head in todays game as we couldn’t battle and get the ball out wide into those positions we needed.

    It ain’t a red, how Morrison played when he came on played into their hands so I’m not defending him from that point of view, but yeah its just a strong challenge to make sure he got there first. He’s not endangering their player.Ref needed a calm head, but it was long gone those last few minutes. Once he booked Lawrence he was done for. We never get anything in these games unfortunately. 

    They aren’t a bad side, but they ain’t a good one either. Better sides than us will see a weak defence and quite a few players who are capable of loosing their heads. Spence is some player though, dominated front and back.  Probably the MOTM overall. They showed a lack of any class at the end and it showed them up a bit. Uncalled for in the context. 

    Bigger things for us to worry about now 

  4. Just now, David said:

    Whilst I would prefer the EFL to push Boro and Wycombe out the way, this has to be the next best solution, someone willing to accept the claims and take them on head to head. 

    Just hope that the offer is one that covers everything to avoid the further -15 point penalty. 

    Without knowing anything about Carlisle Capital, I’m quietly pleased because I think Ashley’s links to Gibson shouldn’t be ignored.

    Pute conspiracy, but there could be a chance Gibson was trying to get the competition out of the way so Ashley could low ball Morris essentially. I have no proof but it did catch me that all Ashley links have come from reporters who we can presume are getting info from Gibson/EFL.

    So to get a bid in and hopefully stop that, feels a positive step forward?

  5. 5 minutes ago, NottsRammy said:

    I dont expect him to .But like Lampard you have to learn your craft and he is still in nappies . With how the situation is at Derby im a tad disappointed in him when asked the question he was to not say look i love Everton but right here right now these players need me and again say what sort of a person would i be to walk out now . 

    He didnt !! 

    The obvious answer is for wayne to go should he go at the end of the season , i have no problem with that . 

    But right now we need a we are all in together mentality and im afraid to say that wayne rooney right there did not discourage everton at all !! If wayne goes we are sunk without trace the rest of the players will just give in and have the attitude of whats the point . 

    Sorry im disappointed in him right there that was a little McClarenesque again . Totally sick of all players and managers not having any loyalty what so ever . There is a right time to go and right now is not the right time for Mr Rooney . 

    Yeah i was bit disappointed as well tbh, but I think he’s saying he’s available at the right price and if Derby get the payout he’s probably willing to go. That’s what I get out of ‘talk to the administrators’ bit, also Lawrence said similar on Saturday.

    Look at it like this, no one wants to go but if it helps the club survive then they can’t put off a prospective suitor for them? Rooney says he isn’t interested, Derby could lose out on £x amount of millions in compensation that is needed down the line?

  6. I can fully imagine the three statements finger pointing at everyone else involved has probably put him off. 

    Gibson poking his ore in isn’t only stopping a takeover it’s pulling us towards liquidation and could now be putting off buyers…unless he’s putting Ashley in a better bargaining position?? Conspiracy!

    Let’s see if the EFL decide to do anything about it…

  7. 59 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Of course it's possible, Ist what are they sueing for, 2nd do their legal team think they have a case?

    I don’t really know to be honest, presumably if the club was liquidated then the city loses a heck of a lot of cultural value as well as losing earnings on match days.

    I’m only guessing really but if they argued that due to ‘mismanagement’ by the EFL then the city lost x amount of money. Unfortunately I don’t know of any similar cases of the top of my head. 

  8. 52 minutes ago, Ramos said:

    FYI colin Murray five live at 11, segment on Derby for anyone up. 

    I only listened to the first half, will catch up with it in the morning.

    FWIW been a bit critical at times about both of them but thought Maguire and Nigel were doing a good job at outlining the issues without it having any real bias either way. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Rev said:

    I think he did a terrible job with the Mel Morris interview.

    Today's was more useful, by letting the gobshite set out his position in full allows us to see how weak their claims are.

    Yeah I think what needs to be remembered is that they’ve essentially put Couhig’s grievances into the public domain. To be honest having an EFL statement, Parry’s quotes, the Boro statement and that interview in the public domain is a positive thing for us as it means those MP’s and those batting for us actually have quotes that they can scrutinise.

    I know Ed isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and loads of us would have loved the chance to go and argue with both of those twits, but it might have done a more useful job in the long run here.

  10. So…hasn’t Parry in his interview with The Athletics Podcast (I think that’s what Ed Dawes said), essentially admitted that they went after Derby because Middlesborough have told them to? ‘Cause that’s pretty big in my eyes if so as it shows we aren’t being dealt with in a non biased way!

    Said it all the way through, they are scared of being sued by Middlesborough and have let Derby take the flack. The only scapegoats here has been Derby County Football Club

  11. FWIW, I don’t think Ed could engage in a slanging match and went for the ‘give them enough rope’ method. I’m still not sure whether it was a good idea or not.

    What is clear is that the BBC Radio Tees guy (giving the Boro sob story), the Wycombe chairman (asking for handouts) or even Rick Parry (pretty much admitting his vowing to Boro to cover the EFL’s back) are bothered whether Derby survive or not unfortunately. There’s bigger issues afoot than their own self interests and none of them had the awareness of going onto a local radio and how they would be perceived. Which about sums up Boro, Wycombe and the EFL (although Parry’s interview wasn’t with Ed).

    It can’t be forgotten in the city, or the county, who came out in support of the club, those who chose to ignore it and those that tried to take advantage. 

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