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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. To put a bit of a critical eye on the article, Im not 100% sure where it’s come from? Derby and the EFL refuse to comment and there’s a bit of a hint the 9 point deduction is wanted from other clubs in line with the Birmingham punishment.

    Could be wrong, but my cynical pro Derby stance suggests that this might be coming from someone a bit out of the scenario who’s trying to put a bit of pressure on the EFL to go for a harsher punishment.

  2. 22 minutes ago, angieram said:

    Does anyone know the lyrics? 

    Love the song, btw, dance classic.

    I’m kinda thinking you’d just be singing the chorus rather than getting to grips with the verse. Does anybody want to sing the verses of Steve Bloomer’s Watching? I’m not even sure Robert Lindsay even wanted verses when you look at them!

  3. 44 minutes ago, Turk Thrust said:

    People do get confused with libel and slander. Basically if I told someone that you are a murdering thief who has carnal knowledge of your aunt then it’s slander, but if I published it, it would be libel.  Unless it’s true. I think. It doesn’t help that I’m sitting in my garden quaffing my third pint of Guinness West Indies Porter.


  4. 1 hour ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Was speaking to @Coneheadjohn’s Blades mate in the Howard before the game, and he got literal death threats on their forum when he suggested Wilder needed to go 6 months before he eventually did.

    It kinda reminded me of our post Mclaren days when everyone is longing for this ‘Derby away’ that never really existed, but even more possessive without knowing what it is they really want.

    There was a notable lack of interest in the game until Billy Sharp came on, and to be honest that was on and off the pitch. You know it’s holding on to something that won’t be their too much longer.

    Actually what I didn’t bring up last night was there was a lot of groaning towards Bogle who they were expecting to try and control these loose/hopeful panic balls in his general direction. Granted I don’t think he played well, he actually looked a worse player than what we had at his best, but in fairness he kept going and created their first goal and with very little credit for doing so. I can’t see that playing in front of that crowd would be a lot of fun.

  5. First game in 18 months and so my thoughts may be a bit over analytical from finally getting a right eyeful.

    -So I was sat out the other end to our fans with some mates tonight. The biggest positive really was our fans tonight who were superb. They filled the stadium with atmosphere tonight and it’s exactly what the squad needs. I will maybe be slightly critical on one thing later, but I honestly thought they were fantastic 

    -Seen people saying the first goal was Allsops ‘mistake’ and I’m not quite sure I’d go that far. The cross itself was the only bit of quality Sheff U mustered up all game and the striker got a decent header on it. Sure, it could’ve been better defended collectively as a team and maybe he could have been better positioned but I’m not gonna individually blame the keeper for that. It was a collective bad moment to me.

    -My one slight criticism of our support was toward Bogle, not necessarily the booing because it put him off his game. If anything it was a genius crowd move, but I was sat at the other end hearing the ‘you’re a **** Ebosele’ chants and I thought ‘oooo that’s a bit on the nose’. Then a minute later he puts in a pearler of a cross and they are 1-1. I’m not going ott and saying it gave him a point to prove, but it felt like it gave him enough to overcome something in that moment. Again the away fans were superb, but it’s just one tiny aspect I thought at the time 

    -Sibley was the best player on the pitch when he had no right to be all things considered.

    -All our good play went through Jozwiak, those critical of him won’t care mention but the game changed once he went off.

    -They brought on Fleck and Sharp and we brought on kids. They still created nothing aside from our error which I think says a lot.

    -Slight little football crush on Stearman, he just loves football and defending.

    -Forsyth deserves a bit of a mention, thought he was untroubled tonight. I’d say motm if it wasn’t for sibley

    -United fans are a bit weird, both during the game and in the pub after, they are absolutely obsessed with Sharp and Wilder and can’t let go. Genuinely there was more crowd reaction for that scally kid evading stewards than anything on the pitch. Despite the win I’d be worried of the manner of that result tonight, they created so little against a second string side tipped for relegation.  A lot of the fans, and even some of the players didn’t really care until Billy Sharp was introduced

    -The ref…he wasn’t great. Not necessarily in a way that he was getting decisions wrong all the time but I did think the ‘key’ decisions he tended to give them. Main example was the free kick for Sheff U when I think McDonald went for a shot and the defender got his foot their first. Just….no! Also Allsop got properly clattered with intent from one of their players and it was late. Was a booking all day if he caught on but didn’t do anything. Just those tiny little decisions that give a side some undeserved momentum in my book.

    -Last one! All out young players look excellent one minute but al have that mistake in them. They aren’t developed to the standard we need just yet, they are fine and can do a job but we can only throw them in for so long before it has the opposite effect.

  6. Got a few Blades mates who are really pleased we’ve got Jags and are keeping an eye on our results because of him. Same about Ravel Morrison. Seen online everton fans are doing the same. Not saying it’s a greatest pool of data, but it brings up two things

    1) it shows the type of character that Rooney has looked up bring in

    2) it maybe starts to change the thought that ‘all of football hates us’. I know some fans enjoy the siege mentality but I do think it’s a more healthy outlook not to think everyone hates you

  7. 8 minutes ago, brady1993 said:

    Baldock getting the 9 shirt I feel is further evidence that the plan was to go into the season with him leading the line. His goal record is poor and I don't think it will change too much here but I also don't think it's why he's being signed. I suspect he's being signed to get Lawrence scoring regularly. I think the plan tactically is that Baldock stretches the defence, putting the centre backs on the back foot so that Lawrence has space in front of the defence to operate. This is very similar to how Rowett deployed Nugent in order to give Vydra time and space.

    Personally I wouldn't judge him too much on how much he scores and don't expect him to score more than around 5, judge him on if the attacking midfield behind him starts scoring more.

    Good post, hadn’t really seen it from that perspective but that makes a lot more sense. We’ve been crying out for a player with more movement 

  8. I think in general it’s about getting back in the swing of things for most, which is probably still a few months down the road and seeing how bad covid cases get during autumn and winter.

    One thing to remember numbers would have probably gone down in the last 18 months anyway and ofcourse there’s a load of factors on and off the pitch that would have contributed to that, but I don’t think that would necessarily put off the core of your support.

    The clubs supporters base is county wide, it’s not like we are all based in a major city and using public transport and feel like everything’s back to normal. For a lot of people going back to supporting Derby County is a major part of their lives, you know i may hm be umming and ahhing over a season ticket but I’m still thinking about the club for large parts of the day or on here yapping away. 

    So I don’t think it’s about a loss of interest, it’s just gonna take a while to return to normality 

  9. 16 hours ago, DCFC Kicks said:

    Almost all of our starting 11 have been playing in the Championship the last two seasons at least. The problem is the squad depth.

    Our squad is bad but not as bad as some on here are saying. It's certainly better than 1 win in 20.

    So Davies is now our first choice centre half and he’s been injured or in or out of the first team picture since Lampard came in. Forsyth is no where near the steady championship player he was because of injuries. Byrnes been involved in relegation battles the last two years and if he had any value in the championship i think he’d have a few more suitors knocking on the door right now. Bird has not held down his position in this squad. Kazim-Richards isn’t walking in to many sides at this level. 

    There’s good players in the squad, and better than what people realise I do agree with that, but no one to compliment them and you probably need more than 4.5k a week to bring them in. We are in a market of getting anyone we can based on short term moves, it was the same in Cocu’s second season. That’s the issue rather than who the manager is. It’s very unlikely any manager could come in and change everything so much, it’s not about fresh ideas. It’s a half decent league 1 side, which might be enough with a bit of togetherness and character

  10. 20 minutes ago, DCFC Kicks said:

    I think you're underplaying the importance of a manager. Look what Leeds's manager did with a bunch of Championship players. When it's 1 or 2 players who aren't quite right you could put it down to the individuals issues, but if it's pretty much the whole squad you have to question other things. 

    Also I could be wrong but I don't think Byrne and Marshall are that close for it to be affecting Byrne's performance.

    I mean, bless ya for thinking we’ve got a championship squad.


  11. Just now, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

    I thought we all understood that the squad and management were up against it and it was time for better or worse to stick with them? Didn't last long did it. 

    What can you replace with? What players can anyone else bring in?

    Was same when Cocu left, people want change and there’s a lot of hot air but there’s no solutions until any manager can actually make meaningful signings

  12. 1 hour ago, David said:

    I would imagine every football club has players that have influence in the dressing room, footballers will know it's easier to replace the manager than it is the whole squad, especially the key players that are sat on huge contracts and know the team is built around them.

    Look at Chelsea when Terry was there with Lampard.

    You will have those key players which if the manager loses their trust, confidence, whatever it is, the manager has no chance. How that get's back to the owner be it through direct communication or performances on the pitch will differ at each club, but they will know when it's time to change.


    True, I just thought it was one of a few interesting question coming out of the book. To be honest I was somewhat surprised how little Keogh and Martin feature aside a paragraph here and there considering how much they’ve been a part of our recent history, both good and bad.

    Then again if anybody wanted to delve into the history of Keogh or Martin’s time at Derby there’s approx 3472 pages dedicated to those two alone!

  13. 8 hours ago, David said:


    I feel very seen!


    Been meaning to bring this up in the Pride thread because I’ve only just read the book but I think there’s a very interesting question that gets hinted at both in Clement’s era and also Pearson’s. Keogh obviously had a close relationship to Mel and possibly had some influence over Clements sacking. Then a bit later, Bryson when talking about Pearson said he recognised the problems at the club at the time and was looking to solve them.

    Keeping in mind, Im one of the biggest CM fans on here and in the camp that we were a better side with RK in I do think it raised some questions 

    Did Keogh and Martin have too much influence above the current managers at that time? Was the nucleus of the 13/14 squad not as close knit as you would expect (in fairness I think there’s hints of this elsewhere)? How was Keogh and Martin seen in the dressing room?

    Probably a chapter or two in this in the follow up!

  14. Much more impressed with Stretton tonight than I’ve seen previously, he’s maybe a goal (or a keepers glove) away from a decent run. 

    People will criticise Fozzy but slotting into a position you’ve played a handful of times with a rookie as a centre back partner and another as your full back? That’s tough and probably deserves a bit of respect for doing it in the first place. Lovely pen too. 

    ‘Scoring at the right time’ is a weird footballing cliche, but Salford can kick themselves for going 2 goals ahead so early. They looked lost as they tried to defend the lead and invited pressure.

  15. 22 minutes ago, nfb said:

    This is a man with an ego, I feel he didnt ever really want to come, but money agents etc, and the fact we had Bielik swayed him. Bielik being injured has had an impact on his/ our performances and after shining a little at the Euros he has his mind elsewhere imho. Sell. 

    Should Bielik ever get back to what he was,  I fear he will be similarly minded....

    the office rage GIF

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