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Liverpool v Derby (A) Matchday Thread


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2 hours ago, jono said:

Think it would be Barton Bridge over the ship canal on the way to Lymm. Used to be 2p (return) when I was young ! ?

Would be very surprised, that's manned anyway.... way more likely to be Runcorn Bridge which is camera operated and you won't hear anything til the fine drops through the door.

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3 hours ago, Topram said:

Late night that! Great effort from them all, really hope we can go and preform like that on Saturday!

It was a huge effort and in context a good result even if we lost on pens, but (barring effort) I sincerely hope we play absolutely bloody nothing like that on Saturday against MK Dons!

I'd rather we are able to put 5 passes together and don't spend 75% of the match with our backs to the wall.

In the cup against Liverpool fine, in the league against MK Dons (or anyone else) not a chance - yesterday was pretty much Rowettball, reminded me of our 2nd leg in the PO Semi's against Fulham where they actually gave us quite a bit of scope to break away but we constantly fluffed our lines with poor use of the ball.

Edited by Kokosnuss
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45 minutes ago, angieram said:

Although I was proud of all the players last night, I was particularly pleased for Birdy, Cash, Sibley, Fozzy, Knight and Tommo. 

They endured with us last season, got relegated and still stuck around. Character and spirit shown by all of them and I'm pleased they got their opportunity to play at Anfield. Just sorry Curt wasn't fit enough to experience it. 

Truly our own.

True, I was particularly pleased for Tommo. He's had some stick recently but I thought he played very well when he came on.

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17 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Bring back the cone hotline!

The thing that gets me is you would think that when someone is planning the road maintenance they might think about there being big events in the area and delay when the maintenance starts to allow traffic to clear. I guess that costs money though.

Edited by WestStandStartTheBounce
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4 minutes ago, WestStandStartTheBounce said:

The thing that gets me is you would think that when someone is planning the road maintenance they might think about there being big events in the area and delay when the maintenance starts to allow traffic to clear. I guess that costs money though.

You are asking an awful lot there...we only pay the road tax that pays for it all but as "customers" we bear the brunt of maximum inconvenience; travel around the UK is becoming 3rd world standard. Seriously. Crap roads, crap trains. 

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1 hour ago, WestStandStartTheBounce said:

True, I was particularly pleased for Tommo. He's had some stick recently but I thought he played very well when he came on.

That's because he was a footballer, playing against footballers.

It's a different type of player needed to put up with the physical aggression and dogfights in League One. I just hope we can get out of it before we lose all our good young footballers.

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Thoroughly enjoyed the evening. My Liverpool supporting pal got some great tickets. David Clowes etc were on the row behind, next enclosure. They had padded cushions on their seats! Roy McFarland was very gracious, spending time chatting with Liverpool supporters. Managed to get a nice photo of him at half time. 

The pubs were buzzing around the ground before the match. Drank lager because this part of the city isn't renowned for being a real ale mecca. 

We kept our shape brilliantly throughout the game. Maybe gave them a bit too much respect on occasion but I guess the cautious approach was the one to take. 

Thought Craig Forsyth was excellent, penalty notwithstanding. Don't like Cashin playing on the right side of defence. It's fair to say his left foot is by the sweeter. 

I was surprised Dobbin took his penalty with his right foot. I wrongly assumed he was predominantly a left footed player. 

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1 hour ago, Ellafella said:

You are asking an awful lot there...we only pay the road tax that pays for it all but as "customers" we bear the brunt of maximum inconvenience; travel around the UK is becoming 3rd world standard. Seriously. Crap roads, crap trains. 

There has been a 5ft x 2ft hole about 7 inches deep at the intersection of the main road near me for over a year.  It's just as you turn out right in the middle so you have to perform a huge semi circle to go round as cars head toward you at 40 mph from two directions .  Reported it 3 times but they'll wait till someone's killed I assume.  They might want to consider some weed removal from the verges as well which they haven't on off roads for about 5 years.  Beginning to look like this out my window


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@Ellafella - have seen your post in the ratings thread and will see what I can do. I just don't want to look as if I'm taking credit for something that was a joint club/Supporters Charter Group initiative so hadn't mentioned I was doing it.

I would like to think we should all be doing something to educate the fans who think it's okay to take a swipe at Liverpool fans who rightly feel a great injustice over how the tragedy happened and was then covered up over many years. Pointing out Liverpool fans themselves have been in the wrong on other occasions is no defence. There's a small minority of 'fans' at every club who do this, on a huge variety of themes. Generally we put up with it when we should all be as outraged as Liverpool fans are, imo.

It's like our basic humanity disappears in the mob mentality of the crowd.

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I know I'm late to the party, but just wanted to say how proud I am of our performance last night and just wanted thank all the fans who went along last night and showed such incredible support. Thanks to the lads who who worked so hard to try to secure a win. In the end we lost by what is a lottery as PW said, but I am really proud for each and every one of you. X?

Edited by Miggins
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2 hours ago, Ramifications said:

Thoroughly enjoyed the evening. My Liverpool supporting pal got some great tickets. David Clowes etc were on the row behind, next enclosure. They had padded cushions on their seats! Roy McFarland was very gracious, spending time chatting with Liverpool supporters. Managed to get a nice photo of him at half time. 

The pubs were buzzing around the ground before the match. Drank lager because this part of the city isn't renowned for being a real ale mecca. 

We kept our shape brilliantly throughout the game. Maybe gave them a bit too much respect on occasion but I guess the cautious approach was the one to take. 

Thought Craig Forsyth was excellent, penalty notwithstanding. Don't like Cashin playing on the right side of defence. It's fair to say his left foot is by the sweeter. 

I was surprised Dobbin took his penalty with his right foot. I wrongly assumed he was predominantly a left footed player. 

I think the Dobbin penalty was excellent, 9 times out of 10 it would have gone in. Spectacular save…

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1 hour ago, angieram said:

@Ellafella - have seen your post in the ratings thread and will see what I can do. I just don't want to look as if I'm taking credit for something that was a joint club/Supporters Charter Group initiative so hadn't mentioned I was doing it.

I would like to think we should all be doing something to educate the fans who think it's okay to take a swipe at Liverpool fans who rightly feel a great injustice over how the tragedy happened and was then covered up over many years. Pointing out Liverpool fans themselves have been in the wrong on other occasions is no defence. There's a small minority of 'fans' at every club who do this, on a huge variety of themes. Generally we put up with it when we should all be as outraged as Liverpool fans are, imo.

It's like our basic humanity disappears in the mob mentality of the crowd.

Spot on Angie ?

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4 hours ago, Ellafella said:

You are asking an awful lot there...we only pay the road tax that pays for it all but as "customers" we bear the brunt of maximum inconvenience; travel around the UK is becoming 3rd world standard. Seriously. Crap roads, crap trains. 

May I be the first to pull you up on just a teeny-weeny fraction of your post, and point out that nobody has paid road tax since it was abolished in 1937!

Yours pedantically,
Mr V. Pedantic.
Pedantry Place,


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22 hours ago, REDCAR said:

I thought Vydra and Waghorn scored more than they missed also Martin… so think we ok at pens, we just give more away than we get at the min.

Unlucky Rams tonight, did us proud.

To be fair they really should score more than they missed and maybe 9/10 or something in that region is ok. I must admit I remember Waggy scored a fairly important one so he is forever a good penalty taker in my book. But my gut feeling says we have been below avarage on scoring penalties recent years. Might very well be wrong though.

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