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The Administration Thread


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Click-bait nonsense in the main. No doubt there's plenty of clubs who would like us to get another points deduction because it's in their interest, but that doesn't mean there are grounds to do so. You'll notice that there's no suggestion as to what rule has been breached by the club (though we can't of course rule out the football authorities making one up just for us) because paying the wages on time is what they said we had to do. 

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7 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

Apologies if this has been stated before…

Does anyone know roughly how much Clowes / the specific group that are attempting to buy the club are worth? How much money they have in comparison to say Mel Morris / Mike Ashley?

Its fairytale stuff for a fan and local guy to buy your club (heard that somewhere before) but can he actually afford this?

And by afford I mean pay off debts / buy an entire new squad / a new coaching team / new recruitment department / all the other never ending bills that come with owning a money guzzling football club in 2022?

Its all well and good saying: it doesn’t matter how much he has as long as he runs us properly, but that is a very unrealistic way of looking at this. 

Do I take it you're a MA advocate then ? ....should we just wait and wait until someone/no-one with gazillions in the bank rocks up and we go pop ? .......


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9 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

Apologies if this has been stated before…

Does anyone know roughly how much Clowes / the specific group that are attempting to buy the club are worth? How much money they have in comparison to say Mel Morris / Mike Ashley?

Its fairytale stuff for a fan and local guy to buy your club (heard that somewhere before) but can he actually afford this?

And by afford I mean pay off debts / buy an entire new squad / a new coaching team / new recruitment department / all the other never ending bills that come with owning a money guzzling football club in 2022?

Its all well and good saying: it doesn’t matter how much he has as long as he runs us properly, but that is a very unrealistic way of looking at this. 

After 2287 pages that can be expected!

I reckon 100 or so pages back there was speculation that:

He may have a partner come in with him

He may get us right and then look to sell on to a suitable buyer

And some others too, either way the consensus was the days of spending sprees need to end, and that means that the owner doesn't need to be super rich.

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34 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

I don't see that it's anything to do with Morris at all.

As far as I can see, it's by no means certain that this company is even related to the takeover - it could be for something else that Clowes are doing.  But if it is related to us (and bear in mind that this is my wild, probably very uniformed, speculation), then it's my understanding that the only reason you'd issue shares in a big number like that is if you wanted an unequal ownership arrangement (in terms of percentage of the company owned).  Normally you see things like 1 or 2 shares in a company like this - for example Morris only had 1 share in Gellaw Newco 202, since he was the sole owner.  And up until yesterday, it looks like David Clowes and Ian Dickinson had 1 share each as equal partners.  So if they're issuing that many shares now, does that mean they want to give somebody else a smaller holding?  It could just be that they're giving Clowes 99.9% of the company and Dickinson the remaining 1 share, to reflect the amount of cash they've each put in or something. Or it could be a 3rd party is taking some stake.  Or maybe I have no clue what I'm talking about.

Perhaps just easier to do it now in case needed in future

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12 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

Apologies if this has been stated before…

Does anyone know roughly how much Clowes / the specific group that are attempting to buy the club are worth? How much money they have in comparison to say Mel Morris / Mike Ashley?

Its fairytale stuff for a fan and local guy to buy your club (heard that somewhere before) but can he actually afford this?

And by afford I mean pay off debts / buy an entire new squad / a new coaching team / new recruitment department / all the other never ending bills that come with owning a money guzzling football club in 2022?

Its all well and good saying: it doesn’t matter how much he has as long as he runs us properly, but that is a very unrealistic way of looking at this. 

I’m no expert but he must have enough to get us out of trouble and steady the ship. I doubt he’s got enough to sustain a premier league push but I suppose it depends how the club is run and how the money is spent. Throwing 10 of millions at us has landed us in administration.

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38 minutes ago, Ramos said:

Yep that is literally the Mail making it up. An easy one to have made up mind - our players wages were paid through whomever so that 3 points can’t suddenly be applied. The source is Stretfords problem not DCFC if there’s even any truth in it in the first place. 

Exactly. If q thought the source was legit, that should mean it’s not the club’s problem. Q are running the show 

Seems likely q got wind of some irregularity after the payment was made and then told EFL. Dunno 

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17 minutes ago, Elwood P Dowd said:

CK did state, as PB, he would find the club from May.

Q accepted the wage payment on behalf of the Club 

Why would the club be docked three points, the wages were paid!


Which club was CK looking for? No doubt he had a 5-Iron but a-n-other supplied the wedge.

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So 9n the may wages and how they were paid, I might be being dense (probably) - but the suspended 3 point deduction is for failing to pay wages, but the wages were paid?

The question is, was anything improper done in how the wages were paid?

Even if so, wouldn't that be a separate matter for the FA/League to investigate? You can't just say "it was fishy that the may wages were paid, you get 3 points deducted anyway".

I'm also being dense, even if Stretford footed the bill, how did he do that and what evidence of any agreement is there? Must've been done on the presumption CK was going to successfully but the club.

Sigh, kick DCFC = easy win for sports journalist.

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16 minutes ago, Wignall12 said:

Do I take it you're a MA advocate then ? ....should we just wait and wait until someone/no-one with gazillions in the bank rocks up and we go pop ? .......


No we wont go pop for God sake and some really really rich on the board.

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9 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

So 9n the may wages and how they were paid, I might be being dense (probably) - but the suspended 3 point deduction is for failing to pay wages, but the wages were paid?

The question is, was anything improper done in how the wages were paid?


I don't know about improper but certainly strange, Q I'm told got all the players together at Moor Farm, Got them to all sit under a table then they were paid.

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20 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

My view... I don't think he's in it for the long term. I suspect his plan is 3 years max, and he likely has money to do little more than that. I think he's solely in the business of saving the club he loves from disaster (which is why he got involved much later than the other parties) and his limited ambition is to get the club stable and saleable and move on quite quickly.

I suspect you may be right! Part of the reason I’m asking the question is to try and gleam whether this is long/short term!

18 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

That depends entirely on what your expectations are. There are many examples of football clubs that are owned by people who are wealthy but not on the level of a Mike Ashley or Mel Morris, those clubs are ran within their means and exist for the fans to attend, which is something Derby has come dangerously close at ceasing to do.

There are a number of clubs who’s owners are worth considerably more than Mel Morris is reported to be and those clubs aren’t punching at Premier League level. Wealth doesn’t always equal a successful business or football club. 
I am happy that it still looks like I’ll have a club to support, a club that once debts are settled and sensible business models put it place should be capable of competing on the pitch using revenue generated from a good sized fan base and an excellent academy.

Absolutely agree that wealth does not equal success, that is proven time and time again in football. In fact, I don’t actually disagree with anything in your post. But you haven’t really answered my question. I just want to get a picture of what we can expect from this guy in terms of funding. Is he capable of building a squad to push for promotion back to the Championship? Could he sustain us if we got promoted? Or should we expect nothing but survival in the here and how? Just wondering. 

17 minutes ago, Wignall12 said:

Do I take it you're a MA advocate then ? ....should we just wait and wait until someone/no-one with gazillions in the bank rocks up and we go pop ? .......


No sure where you’ve gleamed that from. I’m just asking the question. I wouldn’t need to ask that question if it was Mike Ashley, he is worth over a billion. I just want to understand what this guy is working with, that’s all.

16 minutes ago, Chopper said:

After 2287 pages that can be expected!

I reckon 100 or so pages back there was speculation that:

He may have a partner come in with him

He may get us right and then look to sell on to a suitable buyer

And some others too, either way the consensus was the days of spending sprees need to end, and that means that the owner doesn't need to be super rich.

The days of spending sprees are over for the entire of the 72 I think! And rightly so. Don’t get me started on that, though! 

14 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

I’m no expert but he must have enough to get us out of trouble and steady the ship. I doubt he’s got enough to sustain a premier league push but I suppose it depends how the club is run and how the money is spent. Throwing 10 of millions at us has landed us in administration.

Surely he must do, right? Otherwise he wouldn’t be getting into this? There’s no guarantee he will be able to just sell us after a year or two. We’ve all learnt how hard it is to sell a football club successfully ?

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