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The Administration Thread


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Pretty underwhelming I'd say, but in the wider scheme of things, at least there is no lingering doubt now that it is indeed the spurious MFC/WWFC claims are are preventing us nominating a preferred buyer and the removal of the latest EFL soft transfer embargo. I think the coordinated PR attacks the EFL & MFC/WWFC were something of a clue in this regard (if really needed), Steve Gibson's in particular, so whilst we remain in 'destination ducked' for the time being, this very modest progress will at least will help to focus minds somewhat. 

As regards the mooted fast track mediation, this can, it appears, be handled very swiftly. Unfortunately, it can also take a deal of time. Essentially, all parties are required to make written submissions to the mediator and herein lies the issue; one might reasonably expect both MFC & WWFC to be ready to proceed without undue delay. Presumably they have already drafted their complaints for the EFL, after all. The obvious concern now though, is will they seek to delay this process too? One thing I would feel certain of is that the intended process is fast track mediation and not fast track via the courts (some are confusing the two) as the latter is often still a protracted process. I also feel certain that this was the rationale behind the one month deadline extension, though this had been strongly hinted at beforehand anyway.

I think two things now need to happen; firstly, all interested parties simply must maintain PR pressure, from us lowly Rams Fans to our vaunted government ministers. It's been a wonderfully unified response to the EFL in particular, but it must continue. The MPs involved especially, given their unfettered access to all concerned parties, must do more to ensure a timely and even-handed resolution is found. Grateful for their support as we are, fine words in themselves are not enough.

Secondly, us fans need to remain as squarely behind the players and the coaches as we have been all season and our lads need to reciprocate by carrying on scrapping for every point available. Every win drags us closer to safety and every lion-hearted effort from players and fans alike secures us more and more neutral support. Let's face it, us Brits absolutely love a fighty underdog and the growing support of the football community could prove a hugely significant factor.

So what's the good news, I hear you ask! Well tomorrow there's a game of football, for a start ? Also, I don't think you'd get long odds about the Blades beating Posh, so a win for us may put us only only 3 points behind them. Reading face a tough trip to QPR too. Hmmm... I am an optimist I conceded but I can't help but feel there's a fairy tale in the making here. Rest assured, every time we do close the gap, the bidders too will get a bit more twitchy too, but in a good way! So they should too. After all, we're Derby and we fight to the end!



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I work in a very regulated industry that MP’s don’t have much say apart from changing the law which might take years. What they can do though is make sure everything is being done fair and by the letter of the law and that is where the pressure is on from the MP’s because if they find an irregularity then they can come down like a tonne of bricks.

Edited by Gritstone Ram
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5 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

I guess that might come into play if the EFL try to override statutory insolvency law?

The court of arbitration should be able to do that. If they find that EFL procedures contradict unfairly legal statute, they will rule on it in reaching their decision. They are sitting on English law and will only accept EFL rules if they find them fair. From a point of view of fairness we should be far more trusting and confident in the arbitration process than in an EFL hearing.

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3 hours ago, Chester40 said:

Another day of false dawns then?

All seems very 'Return of the Bodysnatchers'.

Everyone trumpets they are not going to lie down and let this process drag on any more and are demanding answers in a meeting.

24hours later they are like a robot spouting 'All very complicated, but things moving forward....'

Am scared the march has been set up for mass conversion. Expect it to start with bile and by the time the game kicks off there will be 'we love the EFL' chants ringing round the stadium. 

Hell no

They will never never never ever ever ever forget this or forgive eathier they hacked off Derby county fans and city of Derby also.

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20 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Pretty underwhelming I'd say, but in the wider scheme of things, at least there is no lingering doubt now that it is indeed the spurious MFC/WWFC claims are are preventing us nominating a preferred buyer and the removal of the latest EFL soft transfer embargo. I think the coordinated PR attacks the EFL & MFC/WWFC were something of a clue in this regard (if really needed), Steve Gibson's in particular, so whilst we remain in 'destination ducked' for the time being, this very modest progress will at least will help to focus minds somewhat. 

As regards the mooted fast track mediation, this can, it appears, be handled very swiftly. Unfortunately, it can also take a deal of time. Essentially, all parties are required to make written submissions to the mediator and herein lies the issue; one might reasonably expect both MFC & WWFC to be ready to proceed without undue delay. Presumably they have already drafted their complaints for the EFL, after all. The obvious concern now though, is will they seek to delay this process too? One thing I would feel certain of is that the intended process is fast track mediation and not fast track via the courts (some are confusing the two) as the latter is often still a protracted process. I also feel certain that this was the rationale behind the one month deadline extension, though this had been strongly hinted at beforehand anyway.

I think two things now need to happen; firstly, all interested parties simply must maintain PR pressure, from us lowly Rams Fans to our vaunted government ministers. It's been a wonderfully unified response to the EFL in particular, but it must continue. The MPs involved especially, given their unfettered access to all concerned parties, must do more to ensure a timely and even-handed resolution is found. Grateful for their support as we are, fine words in themselves are not enough.

Secondly, us fans need to remain as squarely behind the players and the coaches as we have been all season and our lads need to reciprocate by carrying on scrapping for every point available. Every win drags us closer to safety and every lion-hearted effort from players and fans alike secures us more and more neutral support. Let's face it, us Brits absolutely love a fighty underdog and the growing support of the football community could prove a hugely significant factor.

So what's the good news, I hear you ask! Well tomorrow there's a game of football, for a start ? Also, I don't think you'd get long odds about the Blades beating Posh, so a win for us may put us only only 3 points behind them. Reading face a tough trip to QPR too. Hmmm... I am an optimist I conceded but I can't help but feel there's a fairy tale in the making here. Rest assured, every time we do close the gap, the bidders too will get a bit more twitchy too, but in a good way! So they should too. After all, we're Derby and we fight to the end!



It's arbitration, not mediation.

Sincerely, someone who works for a mediation provider ?

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28 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Pretty underwhelming I'd say, but in the wider scheme of things, at least there is no lingering doubt now that it is indeed the spurious MFC/WWFC claims are are preventing us nominating a preferred buyer and the removal of the latest EFL soft transfer embargo. I think the coordinated PR attacks the EFL & MFC/WWFC were something of a clue in this regard (if really needed), Steve Gibson's in particular, so whilst we remain in 'destination ducked' for the time being, this very modest progress will at least will help to focus minds somewhat. 

As regards the mooted fast track mediation, this can, it appears, be handled very swiftly. Unfortunately, it can also take a deal of time. Essentially, all parties are required to make written submissions to the mediator and herein lies the issue; one might reasonably expect both MFC & WWFC to be ready to proceed without undue delay. Presumably they have already drafted their complaints for the EFL, after all. The obvious concern now though, is will they seek to delay this process too? One thing I would feel certain of is that the intended process is fast track mediation and not fast track via the courts (some are confusing the two) as the latter is often still a protracted process. I also feel certain that this was the rationale behind the one month deadline extension, though this had been strongly hinted at beforehand anyway.

I think two things now need to happen; firstly, all interested parties simply must maintain PR pressure, from us lowly Rams Fans to our vaunted government ministers. It's been a wonderfully unified response to the EFL in particular, but it must continue. The MPs involved especially, given their unfettered access to all concerned parties, must do more to ensure a timely and even-handed resolution is found. Grateful for their support as we are, fine words in themselves are not enough.

Secondly, us fans need to remain as squarely behind the players and the coaches as we have been all season and our lads need to reciprocate by carrying on scrapping for every point available. Every win drags us closer to safety and every lion-hearted effort from players and fans alike secures us more and more neutral support. Let's face it, us Brits absolutely love a fighty underdog and the growing support of the football community could prove a hugely significant factor.

So what's the good news, I hear you ask! Well tomorrow there's a game of football, for a start ? Also, I don't think you'd get long odds about the Blades beating Posh, so a win for us may put us only only 3 points behind them. Reading face a tough trip to QPR too. Hmmm... I am an optimist I conceded but I can't help but feel there's a fairy tale in the making here. Rest assured, every time we do close the gap, the bidders too will get a bit more twitchy too, but in a good way! So they should too. After all, we're Derby and we fight to the end!



Every time we win I get twitchy too mate the mrs always knows if we’ve won ?

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5 minutes ago, Scott129 said:

It's arbitration, not mediation.

Sincerely, someone who works for a mediation provider ?

I was hoping for something more like marriage councelling for Stephen and Mel....

"you're both egomaniac businessmen who think you're right, now look into each others eyes and remember why you thought you'd be egomaniac businessmen on a journey together...."

*i've never had marriage councelling

**or been married.

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4 hours ago, Elwood P Dowd said:

It is a difficult question because we don’t know what the EFL are telling the Administrators.

It would be difficult to imagine that the EFL have continued with their insistence the claims must be treated as football creditors.

No legal action can take place whilst we are under Administration, unless the administrators agree.

I understand that 2 of the biders are happy to takeover the club and deal with the claims after the takeover, this appears to be the best option, but, and here is the caveat, what is the EFLs position???




Read the statement (‘minutes’) that Q handed out at the last supporters group meeting. If you look carefully at their weasel like words you will see that Q has tried but failed to persuade a small army of QCs that the 2 are not football creditors. 
You don’t need to be a lawyer to know that M and W are football clubs and therefore - if they are awarded damages - they are football creditors. 

All the EFl has done on this issue is to point out to Q how the EFl rules work. We can blame the EFL  for plenty of things over the past couple of years but this is not one of them. Q has been sleepwalking towards this quicksand for 4 months 

Q tried to blame the EFL by saying the EFL rules go ‘against statute’. Fans have adopted that as gospel truth. But that claim sent the EFl into orbit and no one either on here or in the press has explained how they go against statute. Q certainly has not and now you will notice they have gone very very quiet on the point because they have finally understood it 

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4 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

Read the statement (‘minutes’) that Q handed out at the last supporters group meeting. If you look carefully at their weasel like words you will see that Q has tried but failed to persuade a small army of QCs that the 2 are not football creditors. 
You don’t need to be a lawyer to know that M and W are football clubs and therefore - if they are awarded damages - they are football creditors. 

All the EFl has done on this issue is to point out to Q how the EFl rules work. We can blame the EFL  for plenty of things over the past couple of years but this is not one of them. Q has been sleepwalking towards this quicksand for 4 months 

Q tried to blame the EFL by saying the EFL rules go ‘against statute’. Fans have adopted that as gospel truth. But that claim sent the EFl into orbit and no one either on here or in the press has explained how they go against statute. Q certainly has not and now you will notice they have gone very very quiet on the point because they have finally understood it 

Sorry, you lost me at 'Read'.

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5 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

Read the statement (‘minutes’) that Q handed out at the last supporters group meeting. If you look carefully at their weasel like words you will see that Q has tried but failed to persuade a small army of QCs that the 2 are not football creditors. 
You don’t need to be a lawyer to know that M and W are football clubs and therefore - if they are awarded damages - they are football creditors. 

All the EFl has done on this issue is to point out to Q how the EFl rules work. We can blame the EFL  for plenty of things over the past couple of years but this is not one of them. Q has been sleepwalking towards this quicksand for 4 months 

Q tried to blame the EFL by saying the EFL rules go ‘against statute’. Fans have adopted that as gospel truth. But that claim sent the EFl into orbit and no one either on here or in the press has explained how they go against statute. Q certainly has not and now you will notice they have gone very very quiet on the point because they have finally understood it 

I hope you are wrong

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