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31 minutes ago, StaffsRam said:

Friday the week before last it was bad news. Last Friday it was good news. So by my reckoning, we’re due another poo Friday again. Just in time to take the edge off what would otherwise be a great weekend. ?

Yes but wasnt the good news through a supporters group rather than Q? Have they even acknowledged the bid? If good wouldnt they just announce it and have an early friday finish

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6 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

Yes but wasnt the good news through a supporters group rather than Q? Have they even acknowledged the bid? If good wouldnt they just announce it and have an early friday finish

Not sure. I heard it through RD but I think you’re right it wasn’t directly via Q. Good news rarely is. Any news rarely is. I suspect it will be more platitudes and sound bites so that they can then say that they HAVE engaged with the fans.

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9 minutes ago, NottmRAM said:

I just keep thinking that the EFL has the power to say Boro and Wycombe are not football creditors which would allow the sale to be completed. Is that correct? If so, shouldn't we be pressing MPs to force the EFLs hand?

This is the main issue apart from the stadium, they EFL know that Boro and WW aren’t creditors but they can’t back down because Boro will sue them , if they don’t back down Derby can then put a claim in against QPR etc and all clubs will be suing each other, they have backed themselves in a corner they can’t get out of it.Some serious legal issues going to come, these need to be called out in public so folks see them for what they are.

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27 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

Not so sure. They’ve got a month to move  things forward - we know they have cash to  survive to 1/3 - and maybe they are going to inform fans what the plan is for the month. I think it could involve dealing with creditors in the courts because until they do that, they don’t know what they are selling.   

Ed Dawes said he had been told tonight the funding raised goes beyond that date into middle to end of March

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23 minutes ago, falconram said:

This is the main issue apart from the stadium, they EFL know that Boro and WW aren’t creditors but they can’t back down because Boro will sue them , if they don’t back down Derby can then put a claim in against QPR etc and all clubs will be suing each other, they have backed themselves in a corner they can’t get out of it.Some serious legal issues going to come, these need to be called out in public so folks see them for what they are.

Not so sure. It's definitely one of the main issues. I've certainly not heard or seen any agreed solution as to how the £28 million debt to HMRC will be resolved? Just speculation that it's 'OK'. Or perhaps I have missed something. Apologies if so. 

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1 minute ago, europia said:

Not so sure. It's definitely one of the main issues. I've certainly not heard or seen any agreed solution as to how the £28 million debt to HMRC will be resolved? Just speculation that it's 'OK'. Or perhaps I have missed something. Apologies if so. 

If the asking price for the club is 28 million minimum and that has been offered, it would right to assume agreement has been reached with creditors.  Hence, I am unsure why this is now dragging on . 

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So I’ve actually had a day where my jam packed diary has meant I’ve had no choice but to actually work so not been checking and now about caught up with all the non stories. 

We have a factual joint statement from Derby/EFL confirming they’ve kicked the can down the road for another month. That’s exactly what I was expecting tbh.

We have Percy saying HMRC and stadium are issues and Appleby is frustrated and threatening to pull out. Leaked from Trevor Birch no doubt.

We have Nixon saying similar but Appleby doesn’t have the money lined up and Ashley is frustrated, but doing what he always does low balling and waiting for the other bids to fail. Leaked from Trevor Birch no doubt but with his own spin on it.

However for me the most interesting piece of the day was the interview with Garry Cook. While he said something we all know and suspect, it’s interesting someone who was so actively involved in the acquisition is basically saying the problem is neither Mel, Gibson, or the EFL will back down from their high horse and until one of them does nothing will happen and Derby are at serious risk. ??‍♂️

Hope the MPs can sort them out I really do!

But at least Rooney isn’t in the final 3 Everton candidates ?

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7 minutes ago, europia said:

Not so sure. It's definitely one of the main issues. I've certainly not heard or seen any agreed solution as to how the £28 million debt to HMRC will be resolved? Just speculation that it's 'OK'. Or perhaps I have missed something. Apologies if so. 

Until there claims are dropped I don't think they can give anything definate to hmrc as no one knows how much they have available to pay them. EFL are the only folks who will either save or sink our ship, decision in there hands

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9 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

Derby are at serious risk. ??‍♂️

Hope the MPs can sort them out I really do!

Yes. This is all starting to sound too close for comfort now. Too close to the precipice.  Maybe those at the centre of it all don’t realise it yet either, and won’t until it’s too late. 

Edited by Kingpin
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Just saw this on a twitter in response to a story about Bolton converted their defaulted loan from government into shares so we all, as taxpayers, own a bit of the club. Just thought it was interesting, as I’m guessing the comment is from a Scunthorpe fan - nice to see the message is getting through. 


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I’m still not sure what to make of today’s announcement.  The good thing is it’s a joint one so at least we’re not playing ‘announcement top trumps’.  But it doesn’t really tell us much other than what Nixon put out there on Tuesday.  It puts us through another month of uncertainty.

What it has done is certainly grab the attention of the MPs in the area.  I really hope they give the EFL what for tomorrow.  The EFL could make all the MFC and WWFC claims go away.  A word with Gibson that he’s got what he really wanted with Mel out of the way and tell Couhig they actually set the deadline.  The EFL keep saying, or hiding behind, the phrase “the EFL is all 72 clubs”.  Well,  if they were that bothered about all 72 clubs they’d sort it out or there’ll be carnage.

To be fair, I’m struggling to lay any of this at Quantuma’s door.  They’ve got the devils own job sorting this out, especially as all someone is buying is a debt.  MM still owns all the infrastructure and a lot of players are out of Contract in less than six months so investment in the team is needed.  Plus the two claims to try and resolve at the same time.

And, if the EFL are leaking details, as Quantuma have said - and Nixon has a source somewhere - it really is despicable.  It’s hard enough for us fans but what if your employed by the club and keep reading rumours every day.  I hope the MPs make this point too.

Edited by FlyBritishMidland
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You've got a crowd of thousands marching down on Sunday, and arriving an hour early!

Get the fan park open, get Joey Greener on doing his stuff, contact @superdavefor bookings.


 Even book @Inverurie Ram for a pre match and post match DJ set.

Get those food stalls and beer tills ringing ten to the dozen, and watch the cash roll in.

Show some imagination for god's sake.


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