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The Administration Thread


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4 minutes ago, DerbyRevolution said:

Nothing, other than the admins will be 4 weeks richer. 

They are going to decimate the club, my only hope is that Ashley is waiting in the background for a reduced price football club with next to no assets or stature. my guess or hope is that this is already agreed. I no longer believe the hold up is EFL, Boro or Wycombe, but it is only the administrators and Mel Morris. 

Hopefully Mel situation will be finally sorted at the meeting tomorrow ?

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1 minute ago, Malty said:

I don’t know about Rick Parry, but we should invite the local MPs. At least they are trying to help; I’m not convinced they are BIG Derby fans, but they are supporters nonetheless. Would love to see them at PPS supporting the rams.

They may not be big Derby fans, But I can assure you that their constituents will be, They would have been emailed to help, If these MPs do what is Necessary and give the EFL more grief then job done, And votes to follow at the next GE

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2 minutes ago, hiltonram said:

Jim Wheeler said last night on radio Derby that from his source the Appleby group were happy to contend the Boro and Wycombe claim.

Today Nixon saying this is holding up that group. I hope the MP's meeting might flush out the truth so we know.


I don’t think it’s overly fair to call one person out, especially a rams fan at the minute, but I don’t think Wheeler covered himself I’m glory last night. Im sure he’s got some info, but his big play about the statement coming out today has made todays news feel flatter imo. 

He might need to have a few words with those he’s getting his info from

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I don't mind admitting that this is really starting to have affect on my mental state.

It's becoming tiresome.

I've felt genuinely depressed for days, with nothing at home or work to make me feel down. I have this constant cloudy feeling in my head and I've realised its the bloody football.

I'm on my phone when I should be working, when I should be sleeping. I'm even playing with my son less and less as I'm listening to radio Derby every night or starring at my phone.

I wish I could switch off from it all but I can't.

This isn't a cry for help, just hoping by typing these words I realise how stupid I'm being ?

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2 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

They may not be big Derby fans, But I can assure you that their constituents will be, They would have been emailed to help, If these MPs do what is Necessary and give the EFL more grief then job done, And votes to follow at the next GE

I think some of them are doing a really good job. At the moment they are, to some extent, in the same boat as us: not really clear on exactly what the problem is or who should be told to do what in order to find a solution. Hopefully they press for answers. Ideally we need them to be able to say: "Right I've spoken to all parties and understand all the issues now and what needs to happen is for the EFL to do X and Middlesbrough and Wycombe to do Y and the administrators to do Z." Once we've got that clarity it's a lot harder for people to finger-point, selectively brief journalists, and evade responsibility.

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1 minute ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

I don't mind admitting that this is really starting to have affect on my mental state.

It's becoming tiresome.

I've felt genuinely depressed for days, with nothing at home or work to make me feel down. I have this constant cloudy feeling in my head and I've realised its the bloody football.

I'm on my phone when I should be working, when I should be sleeping. I'm even playing with my son less and less as I'm listening to radio Derby every night or starring at my phone.

I wish I could switch off from it all but I can't.

This isn't a cry for help, just hoping by typing these words I realise how stupid I'm being ?

It’s not being stupid, it’s how most of us feel.

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Rick Parry was on 5 Live last week saying that 'the EFL have processes to deal with club disputes', referring to the Boro and Wycombe claims.

We are all guessing at what's really happening and what the order of priorities is but we do know that if the vexatious claims went away, or were classed as non-footballing debts, then we'd be in a better position.

We should encourage the MP's and media to force the EFL to convene a meeting/tribunal (or whatever the process is) in the next week.

If we win and they are dismissed and/or deemed non-footballing debts, then we're over a hurdle.

If we lose and they are deemed footballing debts, we may lose a bidder and ultimately we may get liquidated but..........

......as soon as they are deemed footballing debts, we go after QPR, Villa etc and register those made up figures (£200m?) on our balance sheet. When pressed, they will not dare to legitimise the Boro and Wycombe claims.

We have to bring this one to a head.

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I've actually got to the stage now, where... totally out of character for me... I'm skimming over the last 7 or 8 pages, rather than taking an age to read every word in case I miss something important.

We've gone from cancelling Monday's meetings due to exceptional progress being made (or some such phrase?) to today's joint statement that "Nothing has actually changed in the last month, so we'll give it another month, just for giggles"!

I'm not sure I'm overly fussed anymore.

Might just stick with the footy, while I still can!  Sunday it is, then!  ?

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16 minutes ago, DerbyRevolution said:

I don't like it at all, its all very convenient and too much of a coincidence in my opinion. 

so what are the facts here?

this Jimmy McLoughlin guy has rocked up out of nowhere and is now running these twitter meet ups and so on.

the administrators were appointed in September 2021

only 5 weeks later Jimmy McLoughlin is sat in a meeting / discussion with Mr Carl Jackson, CEO and founder of Quantuma, see link


Patrick McLoughlin, father to Jimmy, has in the past received large sums of money as donations from Mel Morris


So what is Jimmy's agenda here? he will have you believe it is to save Derby County. 

My guess is he is being paid by Quantuma and or Mel Morris to push the anti EFL, Boro, Wycombe motion hard to fans, and thus deflecting on the actual shambolic job the admins are doing as they line their pockets by the hour. 

I'm now as sure as ever that Mel is still pulling the strings, still with no concern for club or fans, as he hopes to limit his losses on the MSD loan. These creditors (excluding MSD) wont get paid enough, we will not exit administration cleanly, ensuing League 1 and minus 15 points come July.


As I say , I regularly post anti EFL stuff all the time I think they are not fit for purpose and clearly have a vendettta against us. 

There has been a significant risk that we could be expelled from the League and there is only one entity that has the power to do that and that is the EFL.

So as far as I am concerned they are the number one threat and the number one enemy.

And I have only one motive  and that’s to save the club that I have supported since childhood. 

I have no interest in what politics people have what donations they make or anything like that. I only care about my club.

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8 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

I don't mind admitting that this is really starting to have affect on my mental state.

It's becoming tiresome.

I've felt genuinely depressed for days, with nothing at home or work to make me feel down. I have this constant cloudy feeling in my head and I've realised its the bloody football.

I'm on my phone when I should be working, when I should be sleeping. I'm even playing with my son less and less as I'm listening to radio Derby every night or starring at my phone.

I wish I could switch off from it all but I can't.

This isn't a cry for help, just hoping by typing these words I realise how stupid I'm being ?

We're all there with you mate.

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6 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

I don't mind admitting that this is really starting to have affect on my mental state.

It's becoming tiresome.

I've felt genuinely depressed for days, with nothing at home or work to make me feel down. I have this constant cloudy feeling in my head and I've realised its the bloody football.

I'm on my phone when I should be working, when I should be sleeping. I'm even playing with my son less and less as I'm listening to radio Derby every night or starring at my phone.

I wish I could switch off from it all but I can't.

This isn't a cry for help, just hoping by typing these words I realise how stupid I'm being ?

You are not being stupid, I think lots of us are going through the same, not sleeping well, not able to concentrate at work, looking on social media and listening to radio Derby for any info all the time, ignoring family. It is like when I lost my father, wake up every morning and the pain is still there,  its a living nightmare presently.

What else can we do.

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20 minutes ago, vonwright said:

I'd assumed the point was if their claims were dealt with as part of the administration process, such future legal claims would not be possible, or would at least be severely compromised. Hence the administrators wanting to get clarity that the EFL doesn't consider them "football creditors" - so they can essentially compress the claims, and tell investors they don't need to worry about them, without the EFL vetoing the deal/kicking us out of the league. 

The "Binnie compromise" seems to me to be something like "Okay we won't deal with these claims at all during administration and just look at them later". I daresay other would-be investors want them dealt with now as potential liabilities of £50m or so are pretty off-putting when the club isn't worth anything like that.

It's incredibly annoying how Boro and Wycombe are acting like creditors in this process when they are actually claimants. 

Not only that but trying to pursue their cases via the media. Gibson “open letter” and all that.

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32 minutes ago, DerbyRevolution said:

I don't like it at all, its all very convenient and too much of a coincidence in my opinion. 

so what are the facts here?

this Jimmy McLoughlin guy has rocked up out of nowhere and is now running these twitter meet ups and so on.

the administrators were appointed in September 2021

only 5 weeks later Jimmy McLoughlin is sat in a meeting / discussion with Mr Carl Jackson, CEO and founder of Quantuma, see link


Patrick McLoughlin, father to Jimmy, has in the past received large sums of money as donations from Mel Morris


So what is Jimmy's agenda here? he will have you believe it is to save Derby County. 

My guess is he is being paid by Quantuma and or Mel Morris to push the anti EFL, Boro, Wycombe motion hard to fans, and thus deflecting on the actual shambolic job the admins are doing as they line their pockets by the hour. 

I'm now as sure as ever that Mel is still pulling the strings, still with no concern for club or fans, as he hopes to limit his losses on the MSD loan. These creditors (excluding MSD) wont get paid enough, we will not exit administration cleanly, ensuing League 1 and minus 15 points come July.


Or he may be a genuine fan with a good head for PR, who is trying to keep the fans' spirits up at a difficult time. I haven't heard a particular anti EFL feeling at the meet ups.

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12 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

I don't mind admitting that this is really starting to have affect on my mental state.

It's becoming tiresome.

I've felt genuinely depressed for days, with nothing at home or work to make me feel down. I have this constant cloudy feeling in my head and I've realised its the bloody football.

I'm on my phone when I should be working, when I should be sleeping. I'm even playing with my son less and less as I'm listening to radio Derby every night or starring at my phone.

I wish I could switch off from it all but I can't.

This isn't a cry for help, just hoping by typing these words I realise how stupid I'm being ?

You're not alone.  It's consumed so many hours of my life I ought to give myself a slap. As much as I love this club I know there are many on here for whom this club IS their life.  It's not mine, I'll be honest here; I have a bloody lovely wife and kids but it's still draining me as I pray we come out the other end of this.  I posted the other day that I recently forced myself to take a screen break from everything as it was getting to me.  It helped.  Get out, go for a walk, and leave your phone behind!   

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27 minutes ago, Malty said:

I don’t know about Rick Parry, but we should invite the local MPs. At least they are trying to help; I’m not convinced they are BIG Derby fans, but they are supporters nonetheless. Would love to see them at PPS supporting the rams.

Can't speak for them all but Pauline Latham is a season ticket holder.

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