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1 hour ago, GenBr said:

Having such a large deficit is his fault and spending 200 million on it was entirely up to him. The club could easily be run at break even if he'd wanted to. You can thank him for a lot of things, but this is just silly.

That's wildly optimistic though. The Americans ran a tight ship, spending little on the squad, to the extent that some fans stopped going and a significant number wanted them out (until a bit of serendipity got us into the play-off final) - but even they had to cover substantial losses every season. 

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35 minutes ago, Malty said:

Brilliant: yes, you’ve nailed my problem right there, thank you.

However, In the nicest possible way, I really hope that you won’t be offended if I don’t take advice from someone called “Bob the Badger”.

I was being tongue-in-cheek and agreeing with you mate. I would have thought my first line made that clear.

But now you've gone Badgerist on me I think I shall take it all back.

Edited by Bob The Badger
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50 minutes ago, StarterForTen said:


Just lifted the below from the EFL website. So, if a first team player was to leave today, we'd need to sign a replacement before the window closes as the staffing up option drops from 23 players Professional Standing to 16 once the window closes. I was thinking getting rid of a player or two today might give us a couple of spots 'in the bank', but no....


Under what circumstances can a Club operating under an Embargo sign players?

Outside of a transfer window, Clubs can only register Out of Registration players (free agents) and Clubs can only register Out of Registration players if they have less than 16 players of Professional Standing (2x Goalkeepers, 14x Outfield Players)


That's terrifying. Sadly it looks legit. Do you have a source?

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3 minutes ago, Ramos said:

I mean I meant by 11pm tonight, I’d like to think by jan 1 it will be resolved! 

I wouldn’t count on it!

Apparently Bobby Duncan’s loan to Plymouth has been pulled as they wanted to take him for six months and that would have meant returning in January as a player of professional standing. We seem to be in this for the long haul!

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5 minutes ago, StarterForTen said:

I wouldn’t count on it!

Apparently Bobby Duncan’s loan to Plymouth has been pulled as they wanted to take him for six months and that would have meant returning in January as a player of professional standing. We seem to be in this for the long haul!

Proper in the mud we are 


Festival Mud GIF by Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk

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1 hour ago, StarterForTen said:

I wouldn’t count on it!

Apparently Bobby Duncan’s loan to Plymouth has been pulled as they wanted to take him for six months and that would have meant returning in January as a player of professional standing. We seem to be in this for the long haul!

I fail to see how Sept to end of Dec is 6 months.

Edited by gccrowdpleaser
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