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El DerbyCo


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I don’t want this idiot anywhere near this football club.

Pretending a house is yours when it isn’t to counter rumours of not having money is an embarrassment.

I do not want him associated with this club.

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1 hour ago, Bubbles said:



I've been open minded on Erik so far, but this has tipped me over the edge to being against him. The Matt Southall links, the Indonesian links, the Vox links, the allegations of a lack of money, I could look past them, but there's absolutely no way I want our club ran by someone that uses TikTok.

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17 minutes ago, Derbados said:

Serious questions 


Derventio holdings 


Is Mel honestly that incompetent? if he is that incompetent, who the duck is advising the bloke and why are they also that incompetent, I’ve never seen anything like it!

Get it wrong once, fair enough

Twice, then you’ve got to start asking yourself some serious questions

Three times, you deserve everything you get 

THE worst judge of character!

"Fool me once, shame on you!"

"Fool me twice, shame on you again!"

"Fool me three times, shame on you again actually"

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1 minute ago, Anon said:

Stop your messing around.

Better think of our future.

Time you straighten out right.

Creating problems in this club.


A message to you Melanie

A message to you.

Great song which would actually work better with Rooney. 

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28 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

If you assume MM has not put equity in since last accounts, then you can pretty much work out how much debt there is. Most of it is on the stadium co, ok, but the stadium rental is in effect debt on the club. 

But Slater is an @rse. The debt isn’t an impediment to a sale: if the buyer wants to de-lever, MM or the buyer needs to reduce the debt.  So it goes to terms of sale. 

Surely covid/ongoing losses is more the issue, because the uncertainty means it’s hard to agree a price 

But he had £80m (from the sale of the ground) to play with before putting any debt on the club.

Im really struggling to see how in 3 years we have burned through that £80m and loaded lots of debt on thr company too?

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1 hour ago, DanS1992 said:

I have come to the conclusion that Alonso is a twit and I do not want this fraudster anywhere near the club. MM is an even bigger twit, this is not once, but TWICE that he has has tried to sell us to some pretty dodgy people. People say he has the best interests of the club in mind. Best interests my a*se. Anyone with a modicum of a brain can see this deal is dodgy as hell, but fear not everyone Super Mel the savior has the clubs best interests at heart. MM can't run a club, MM can't sell a club. Doesn't seem there is much the man can do apart from how not to run a club.

MM has one last chance to salvage a small portion of his reputation and legacy (which is tarnished in my eyes) and that is to pull his finger out and sell to the right people and not just the first chancer that appears. Jesus get with it Mel!

Three times if you include Gabay.

I've said it before, Mel with our club is like an old man with a car who just needs someone to take the keys off him for his and everyone elses safety.

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17 minutes ago, TheresOnlyWanChope said:

Wayne and consortium ? Where’s this from? 

Sorry, yes, this is me putting 2 and 2 and coming up with 5. All rumours and speculation on my part. 

My understanding from paper talk is that Rooney favours an American consortium. Could it be that he's involved? Probably not! 

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32 minutes ago, Big Trav said:

In 2019 you said that you would give away the club for 1 pound if it was the right owner and the right deal. Be a man of your word. Don’t sell to erik alonso

I was actually flippant in my first response - apologies for that.

In a "discussion" in another topic, one in which people are pressing for action without saying what, I suggested someone start a thread with ideas on what we could do.

One idea, for example, if we can actually agree on the wording (big IF), might be to send an open letter to Mel voicing our concerns. @Big Trav's plea could then form part of that submission.

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12 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

But he had £80m (from the sale of the ground) to play with before putting any debt on the club.

Im really struggling to see how in 3 years we have burned through that £80m and loaded lots of debt on thr company too?

I don't really understand it either.  From what I do understand, the stadium sale basically resulted in this (approx figures):

Derby sold a £40m asset for £80m.  Mel's other company is paying for this in instalments, so they owe DCFC a debt, not the other way around.  That generated £40m paper profits which covered FFP, but didn't really affect cash flow (because of the instalments).

Mel has been putting money in to cover running costs, and may have taken a loan out during the COVID closures. But I don't see where massive debts have come from.  Signings have been covered by other player sales.  And Mel has covered overspend in wages. So what else is there?

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34 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

Everyone, let's chip in and lend @Big Trav - or anyone else who fancies the gig - a quid.

That’s the point .. no takers even at a quid. Buy any championship club and you will need to “invest” 1 million per month with no expectation of getting anything back. 

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2 minutes ago, jono said:

That’s the point .. no takers even at a quid. Buy any championship club and you will need to “invest” 1 million per month with no expectation of getting anything back. 

Mug's game....

More often than not played by folk who are anything but mugs!

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5 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

I was actually flippant in my first response - apologies for that.

In a "discussion" in another topic, one in which people are pressing for action without saying what, I suggested someone start a thread with ideas on what we could do.

One idea, for example, if we can actually agree on the wording (big IF), might be to send an open letter to Mel voicing our concerns. @Big Trav's plea could then form part of that submission.

when the public were asked to decide on a name from one of the most technically developed ships they came up with the name Boaty McBoat Face.  Consensus is difficult to find and when it is can be difficult to explain?

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1 minute ago, jono said:

That’s the point .. no takers even at a quid. Buy any championship club and you will need to “invest” 1 million per month with no expectation of getting anything back. 

But folks still knock Mel.

On overspending, I wonder how folks would've reacted had he not backed managers who wanted to make signings.

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I've criticised Mel a lot for the mistakes I think he has made over the years and how it has led to where we are now. But I know that he cares about the football club. I know he will never sell to this Erik Alonso. Prove me right Mel.

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10 minutes ago, Taribo said:

Sorry, yes, this is me putting 2 and 2 and coming up with 5. All rumours and speculation on my part. 

My understanding from paper talk is that Rooney favours an American consortium. Could it be that he's involved? Probably not! 

Didn’t know there was an American consortium interested. I didn’t think there were many interested buyers due to the situation the club is in. 

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