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Norwich City Vs Derby County


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5 minutes ago, DanS1992 said:

Just listening to Davies on Sky, he talks really well, very eloquent and tacticaly astute. Has the makings of a decent manager when he hangs up his boots.

Got friends who support teams he's played for in the past. They all say the same. Top bloke, going to be a good manager when he retires. 

He's had a frustrating time at Derby. But he never gave up. 

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1 minute ago, S8TY said:

Buchanan is going to be some player ...he might end up being a CB as he’s very good in the air ...pleased for him and was correct to leave Bird and Sibley out...one swallow doesn’t make a summer and all that but it’s something to build on ....Marshall was also fantastic today ...this formation will suit in certain games ...Ibe Lawrence and new striker will change our formation thinking ...well done everyone  ?? 

Best two goalkeeping saves in one game for many a year. Scotland quality.

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2 minutes ago, Steve Buckley’s Dog said:

Football is fine margins isn't it.

If that penalty goes in then I think we would have lost 3-0.

However, some great performances. That drive forward by Knight shows why he should be in the middle. Shinnie battles, which is a refreshing change in the middle of the park. The goalkeeper inspires confidence and I thought Davies and Clarke were great. Byrne had a solid game and Whitaker is certainly improving. Rooney was poor but that was a world class free kick.

Did we deserve to win - probably not, but it doesn't really matter does it. Reminded me of the type of performace Wigan would regularly put in against us.

Well done Derby. Doesn't that feel better!

We were likely going to need a bit of luck to get out of this rut. Last week we got none and everything that could go against us, did.

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1 minute ago, DerbyRam! said:

First one to run and congratulate Rooney on the goal - Knight. You have to admire his energy and commitment. Never stops moving, needs to keep his place in the middle and not be pushed back out wide.

Played the role very well. I'm sure he would have liked to have provided more of an outlet today. Rooney just can't play deep for us. It's lead to Bird being dropped today. A game I'd have liked him to start instead of Shinnie. 

But we have strength in depth and versatility. Once injuries return and we get in Austin. 

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8 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

Told a work colleague that a Norwich home win today on his accy would be a certainty, can deal with that when I see him tonight ooops.

Didn't see that coming fair play to Cocu and good result.

Everyone grumbling about Cocu not having any luck so far this season I can now refer you to the Pukki penalty slip.


But regardless of that slip, Cocu deserves credit because the team selection and game plan worked today. Wouldn't call it lucky, though Norwich had good attempts it was  great to see Marshall's quality in making the saves. I hope Curtis Davies is used more often.

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2 minutes ago, Steve How Hard? said:

Fair play but you'd put up with it if we won every week surely? Up the Rams anyway. It's gonna be a better weekend than last week, that's for sure. 

Cocu - desire, team play, being vocal, hard working. The keys. 

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10 minutes ago, ossieram said:

I'd like to think that my old mate Tony Moore aka Knabby Crackers who passed away last night had a hand in that victory.

Sorry to read this Ossie. Was thinking recently, I’ve posted in forums for 15 years. I wonder how many of the posters that went quiet had actually passed away. 
hope you can take some comfort from a spirited win today. 

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What a superb result and team effort!

Cocu took a leaf straight out of the King Billy playbook there.

Absolute full credit to him - we needed a response like that and it wasn’t many saw coming. Credit to @RamNut and a few others for calling it.

We actually looked like a team playing to a plan. Such a solid and determined performance - what the Championship requires in games like that.

Davies was superb. Marshall with some critical saves. Byrne with some vital interceptions.

Clarke, Evans, Knight and Shinnie worked their socks off defensively. Whittaker, Knight and Holmes showed some nice glimpses and utilised their directness well, with Knight doing superbly with that driving run.

Rooney with a moment of magic. Again clearly physically he’s not where he needs to be and long term, he is not the answer. But his technical ability can win you matches in moments like that.

We rode our luck a little, true, but a big 3 points! Hopefully we can build on it.

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2 minutes ago, DRBee said:

But regardless of that slip, Cocu deserves credit because the team selection and game plan worked today. Wouldn't call it lucky, though Norwich had good attempts it was  great to see Marshall's quality in making the saves. I hope Curtis Davies is used more often.

If Pukki slipping wasn't down to luck then I don't know what is.

Still doesn't detract from the way Cocu set the side up and the collective application of the players. 

But let's not keep banging the drum about Cocu not getting any luck after today's game. 

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So glad we got something as a reward for playing like that. 

Not arsed whether it was deserved or not. We were owed a bit of luck. It's the first time we have really looked at asking questions throughout the game at the cost of total control

A point or 3 will hopefully lead to us playing like this more and more. There was nice football in parts. And there's a time and place for cautious control. 

Bravo Cocu. A performance like this is something Lawrence and Waghorn can improve on. Be gone the rigid style! 


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I had to take my daughter out so only just finished watching the game. Our organisation and shape was fantastic, team selection spot on. Knight in his proper position was a revelation. Probably Buchanan’s best game. A couple of monster saves from Marshall.  Special mention for Curtis, played like a lion today.

Shame I’m doing sober October or I’d be hammered by now!

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