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New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)


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23 hours ago, Bwash_Ram said:


Typical middle-aged, humourless Facebook fare.

I see young people who have been told that the only possible path is to go to university. Blame the people who are of the age that this type of page is aimed at for perpetuating this myth.

P.S. Apologies for posting something serious in the joke thread.

Edited by BurtonRam7
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2 hours ago, BurtonRam7 said:

Typical middle-aged, humourless Facebook fare.

I see young people who have been told that the only possible path is to go to university. Blame the people who are of the age that this type of page is aimed at for perpetuating this myth.

P.S. Apologies for posting something serious in the joke thread.

You could say the same thing about typical juvenile humourless Lads Bible fare on Facebook.

Given the lack of apprenticeship schemes what is the viable alternative.

I went to Uni when Derbyshire County Council paid for my beer money without coming out 50k in hock so I'm OK I suppose. 

Edited by Inglorius
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10 hours ago, BurtonRam7 said:

Typical middle-aged, humourless Facebook fare.

I see young people who have been told that the only possible path is to go to university. Blame the people who are of the age that this type of page is aimed at for perpetuating this myth.

P.S. Apologies for posting something serious in the joke thread.

Who’s to blame for that though?

The universities (collectively) for offering a place to everyone. 

The schools/colleges/6th forms for shoe horning everyone down that route

The student for following the herd. 

The student for not realising that they don’t need to go to uni for ‘Golf course mamangement’ or ‘Harry Potter studies’, etc...

The [insert something political]...

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9 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

Who’s to blame for that though?

The universities (collectively) for offering a place to everyone. 

The schools/colleges/6th forms for shoe horning everyone down that route

The student for following the herd. 

The student for not realising that they don’t need to go to uni for ‘Golf course mamangement’ or ‘Harry Potter studies’, etc...

The [insert something political]...

All valid points. Nobody is blameless.

I just get annoyed when so much is attributed to being the fault of my generation, when much of it is the work of the generations before us.

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17 minutes ago, BurtonRam7 said:

All valid points. Nobody is blameless.

I just get annoyed when so much is attributed to being the fault of my generation, when much of it is the work of the generations before us.

Yea you're right mate . Never mind, let's get back to the jokes to cheer you up a bit.

How do.you stop a scouser breaking into your house?

put up a.sign saying "job vacancies"

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