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Posts posted by Norman

  1. I just cannot believe that a meeting took place for 4 hours, and the highlights seem to be that there are no incomings or outgoings, Mel wishes we used more academy players and that there are interested buyers. 

    I could have told everyone that without needing 3 hours and 59 minutes more and wasting people's time and money to get to the meeting. 

    I'd have also done a 45 second interview with Radio Derby so not as to subject normal fans to abuse online. 

    Then made anyone with a supporters number sign a NDA. And their families. 

    What the duck did they do for 4 hours. Talk about Nick's massive flag? Rooney and his new mates? 

    In fact I should probably start my first ever thread:

    Things you can discuss with strangers that takes 4 hours. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, BondJovi said:

    Personally feel the club should have at least put something out to all that if nothing else, acknowledges fan concerns. Communication has been awful.

    However, they have chosen this way. For this forum @David the rep. Stop acting like spoilt kids and let the man give his report when he is ready. Doing something in good faith and being abused for it. Sad reflection of modern behaviour.


    This. The club has made it, through lack of communication, a normal fan's job to pass such important messages on. 

    Absolute disgrace from the club and those on Twitter giving David poo. 

  3. 3 hours ago, 1967Ram said:

    Really sorry to hear you've had to leave a job you really enjoyed Norman. All the best.

    Appreciate the thoughts, mate. 

    Tbh, I could use force or had other powers to alleviate some of the behaviours. Legally, obviously (threat to others or an immediate threat to themselves  etc) 

    But think for people like @David. He can only stand and watch the spiral and deterioration of behaviour until it reaches the inevitable end point. That's far harder imo. 

  4. I have to laugh. 

    The outright audacity of some on here is laughable. 

    Openly calling out those not wearing a mask in an air conditioned, ventilated supermarket, but happy trotting into poorly ventilated pubs and sitting in stale air whilst taking their mask off (or maybe not wear one at all) to sup every now and again or eat a meal. 

    Is one worse than the other? Nobody knows. And as its personal choice, who cares. But stop with the fake ********. Nauseating. 

  5. It's absolute ********. 

    I have left the job I love because I couldn't handle the mental illness epidemic behind closed doors. 

    I'm not saying this will happen @Davidbut, it sounds to me like you know pretty much where this could lead. Prison.

    Like so many others. Even then they can refuse the meds. It is left to untrained officers (in mental health) to try and deal with someone who is dangerous and violent. And cannot be reasoned with. 

    I've been punched in the face by a murderer who was in the midst of a pshycotic episode.. He fixated on me. This was after 2 hours of me sat watching him behind perspex tearing stitches out of his neck wounds. 4 weeks later, he is moved to the unit I worked on. No care by anyone for my safety. They thought it was funny. I'm a big lad, and he wasn't, that's why it was funny apparently. Not going to stop me being stabbed though is it? 

    Such a sad state of affairs. But what can you do when so many people suffering severe mental illness end up in a world where the public do not see them or have to deal with them. And it really isn't the best place for them. At all. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, sage said:

    Yes, leaving it there, is a good exit strategy when bullpoo is pointed out. 

    Can you call someone out on bullpoo about something they haven't seen, when you haven't seen it either?

  7. 1 minute ago, Leeds Ram said:

    Don't have enough players in a training session so then you launch into a 50/50 that means you have one less. If Knight had trodden on a ball fair play but that's not what happened, he got crocked by his own manager in a 50/50... maybe if you have so few players you take extra care in training and don't go into a 50/50?

    There's plenty on trial making the numbers up. We aren't running around with 14 players on a full sized pitch either. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Eddie said:

    Indeed - which is why I'm a big fan of them, and why I can't ever accept @Norman's suggestion that I am a subscriber to 'conspiracy theories'.

    If 99% accept something as true because the facts and the science bear it out, Occam's Razor suggests that it is the 1% who are barking up the wrong tree. Saying that, the 1% are perfectly entitled to attempt to justify their own interpretation based upon scientific method, i.e.

    1. Observe
    2. Question
    3. Form a hypothesis which answers the question
    4. Make a prediction based upon the hypothesis
    5. Test the observed results compared to the predicted results

    Refinement if required, comes with multiple iterations of this very simple cycle.

    I don't think you know enough about the distribution networks of companies like Brakes to come to a conclusion. 

    Or how they are currently being hammered by the 'pingdemic' or how they are struggling to recruit enough staff trained in FLT driving etc. 

    The pandemic has left huge holes everywhere in the economy. How many lorry licenses didn't get given out, FLT licenses etc. 

    You can't just got B word or Meghan. 

    You're doing the opposite of what you describe you do.

  9. 28 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    Such as the latest narrative about how the 'pingdemic' is causing food (and bogroll) shortages, even in Scotland - where they don't even use the NHS app. Anything to avoid the real reason of course, but of course I'm not allowed to say what that is. Anyway, Covid-19 has certainly proved to be a convenient scapegoat for the government, and has proved to be a godsend.

    Yeah, because national food depots don't have major hubs in England and then those things called lorries don't take them up those road things to local depots. 

    Got to love a conspiracy theory. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Andrew3000 said:

    Pretty funny tbh, but it's another smug dismissal of dissenting voices. There are plenty of respectable scientists who have found important information that is being suppressed.  Like the evidence of the effectiveness of re-purposed drugs to treat covid,like Ivermectin that have a long safety record. Many credible scientists have raised concern, but of course they must be anti-vacc wierdos right? 

    And all those experts and scientists who said it defo didn't come from a lab in Wuhan. It can't have, they said. 

  11. 17 minutes ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

    Johnson and Sunak have now been pinged by T&T……..but they’re going to take part in a trial and be tested everyday instead of isolating. Obviously you only need to isolate if you’re a peasant.

    So, I work in a place where multiple people getting pinged would lead to a very dangerous environment immediately. Staff cannot just go off. You can be named a close contact through work, but you won't be told to isolate. You get tested daily instead. 

    A close contact has to be over 15 minutes within 2 metres of someone with no mask on, who has tested positive. Hence why everyone I work with has had it. Because masks don't stop it. Not in such confined areas. 

    So, us peasents have been involved in this trial for over a year. Tbh, I think running the country and economy is quite important. If everyone around them is vaccinated, then daily tests should suffice. 

  12. 2 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

    I hope you are right. I just think there could be so many NHS off isolating that we'll have no option.

    It will be like my workplace. You can't have the app on, even in the car park, and you have to spend 15 minutes or more with no mask under 2 metres away to qualify to isolate from a close contact. 

    You can't just have people self-isolating. You get tested everyday too. Basically, you can't be off work unless positive. 

  13. 5 at the back is the right thing imo. 

    Keep their fullbacks defensively busy, and wingers outnumbered when they attack. Means we will have to do a lot of boring passes between defenders to keep the ball and then bypass the midfield when the ball is on. 

    Don't think Kane is the boy for holding it up against the experienced Italian CBs. Ah well, we will soon find out. Set pieces will be crucial. 

  14. 8 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    I think Denmark were better than that. They had quite long periods of making us look pedestrian and easily cut through. 

    There were passing movements that were one touch, rapid and almost brilliant but often one final touch was a bit off. 

    They completely ran out of steam. Played the 2nd half of et with 10 men. And let's not forget we have a considerable home advantage. 

    Compared to the 3-0 stuffing we handed out in wc 2002 that was far closer. 

    They deserve great credit for the way they played and we should not be under any illusions that we can blow that level of team away. 

    Italy is going to be tough. 

    Denmark are ranked 10th in the World - above Germany, and will stay there by getting to the last 4 of this competition. You're never going to completely control a game against opponents of such quality. 

    We were better than them. We dominated for large periods against a very good team. We should be proud of that performance. 

  15. 1 hour ago, JoetheRam said:

    Let's get back to living... can't remember when I stopped, but apparently I must get back to it, and quickly.

    Someone obviously wants my money. I bet it's them bloody bankers and oil men. Swines.

    Oh well, working from home, saving money, saving the environment, not having to see the in-laws, having more time to myself, spending more time outside, appreciating the small things, moving house, improving the house, doing more exercise... Good while it lasted but just not living.

    So glad that's all over now.

    Won't miss wearing a mask once or twice per week, or having to stay 2 meters away from people in the pub though.

    I know you're taking the piss, but it's ducked me off. 

    I want my works leaving do. 

    I want my mate to have the wedding he planned for. 

    I want to go to live football with my Dad

    I want to go on holiday with my family

    I want to go in a pub with my mates and then on to nightclubs

    I want go on the lads holiday we had planned 

    I want away days

    I'm looking forward to not having sporting events cancelled. 

    I want to go watch sport, including the Olympics with a full crowd. How much better are the Euros with near capacity crowd? 

    My job, without restrictions means less violence, less chance of being assaulted and seeing less self-harm.

    A small list that took about a minute to compile.

    I have to commute still. I can't work from home, and I don't get more time to myself. Everyone's different, and everyone's life depends on different things for happiness. You do you, I will do me.

    But don't make out other people aren't missing out. Maybe you weren't, but that's how it came across. I feel like I haven't been living. I've done a house up, a house that had no central heating, a few electrics, and no plaster on the walls. It's been a drag. That's not living to me. That's doing something to make myself money to live. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Leeds Ram said:

    That is a squad that's going down let's be honest. Assuming we play a 4-3-3 (far from certain and i think we'll be a 4-4-2) we're relying on an ageing CKR that couldn't do much after an initially impressive start if our striker gets injured- if we play a 4-4-2 then there is no depth in that position at all. Stretton has never played a football league match so how is he a good backup? 

    Davies had to sign a waiver to play for 10 minutes last season and whilst he could cover for his lack of pace 3 years ago now is a different story. I wouldn't want nor expect anything more than 10 games out of him. Again the backups you have are 3 youth players who haven't played senior football at this level before... 

    At rb we're relying on two untested youth players if Bryne gets injured and after last season you have to fear for Forsyth's future at this level. He's been a great servant to the club but his days should be numbered tbh as he's ageing, slow, injury prone and looks like a liability. The really scary thing is about that squad though is the strongest part looks like the midfield but last season they were consistently overrun and offering little in the way of defensive protection or attacking threat the moment Bielik got injured. 

    Did last season just happen in my head? Are people seriously not aware we stayed up with 44 points and the squad is now weaker... but a weaker squad with a couple of additions and the same coaching staff is somehow going to make everything perfectly fine? we got seriously lucky last season, if we sleep walk into next season thinking that small adjustments will make everything fine and dandy we'll go down. That is a squad that's going to leak a fair few goals and not score many- it's an absolute recipe for disaster. 

    You say the squad is weaker, and it is numbers wise. However;

    57 appearances between Roberts, Waghorn and Gregory managed a massive 9 goals. Not hard to replace. 

    In midfield only Rooney and Holmes have left or stopped playing that had double figures appearance wise last season. Both will not be missed. 

    Which leaves us with Clarke, Wisdom and Edmunson in defence missing.  

    If we aren't capable of signing a striker who can score 10 in 40 odd games to replace the dross up front, a midfielder to cover the 'loss' of Rooney and Holmes and a couple of defenders then we will be in trouble. 

    If Mengi can perform as well as Wisdom, we can get a replacement for Clarke, sign a decent midfielder and get a half decent striker, we will be no worse off. Possibly better off. 

    It really isn't a lot to ask for. I'm sure if we sign 5 or 6 players, they will add more to the squad than what has left on the fraction of the wages. 

    And I'm sure with the youth players having more experience, the management team having more experience, we'd get more points. Only my opinion, but I'm not really panicking.

  17. Screw the takeover, screw the embargo - as Sum 41 said, we're in too deep.

    Appeal the fine, sue the EFL for the time spent under embargo and being put at a competitive disadvantage, sue Gibson, sue the Wycombe chairman and play the youth players. 

    Not really, accept and move on might be the best for the future if the club. Would love us to go after them, though. 

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