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Posts posted by Norman

  1. 1 hour ago, Alpha said:

    Briggs and Browne tell a different story.

    He has himself ranked, he has established his fan base again and has proved himself ppv worthy again. He now has a big payday with someone he should get rid of quickly. He had none of this 15 months ago. 

    There's one thing left. Test the shoulder before moving up in class again. He needs a 4-6 rounder with someone he is more than comfortable to be in with. And here it is. Probably by luck, probably unplanned. He had tried lining up names like Briggs, he tried selling it, but I genuinely dont think the public were interested.

    He's also 36, so if there is a safer, quicker way to getting the big fight  with Joshua - the big payday, the titles etc - then I'm not sure there was one.

    He has to test the shoulder first. He has to make sure he can come through camps after Fury. Yes, he plans things, yes he sells fights, yes he loves the money and the lifestyle, but I'm not sure things could have gone better in terms of getting ranked, getting through camps, getting his fans back and a major broadcaster trusting him to turn up without injury.

    After this fight, if he's tested, I think you will get some of what you wish for. Hes only Got 3 fights after this for me. One this year, two next.


  2. After watching the pad work yesterday, the difference in power and speed is huge. Maybe Bellew was holding back, but he hasn't got a chance imo. If he isn't knocked out by round two, Haye will go to the body. Make sure Bellew is losing recovery time etc so the middle rounds are easier for himself. 

    Haye is just ******* everyone around with the yachts and the injuries. Hes got Shane in on it, so im assuming the money available for fighting Joshua is huge. Haye is making sure hes the opposite of Joshua. People are going to want "boring" Joshua to be trash talked, wound up and given a fight. Haye is making himself the one the public will want to fight Joshua. The bad blood with Hearn helps too. Very cleverly done imo. He's not stupid, though - you can tell from his interviews.

  3. Have you seen the interview in the changing rooms after with Allen on iFL?

    Hearn interrupts saying "that's what he needs to do more of. He needs to listen to me more. I Will look after you now cos that win is down to me telling him what to do." 

    Well, No, stop putting him in with elite heavyweights!!! He's fought harder fights than the other heavyweight champions currently have. It's crazy. And you just know he wasnt paid what he should have been. Hearns making him think he needs him. Maybe he does now.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    Oh and Price... I felt sorry for him but I couldn't help but laugh at his level of fitness. 

    You can't call out Joshua and then let a bloke half your size with half your power keep standing on your toes while you try desperately to catch your breath. After 2 rounds.

    I know Hammer is decent but Price embarrassed himself. He can be better than that. 

    Doubt he'll comeback from that.

    Hopefully Dave Allen doesn't follow his path. I like Dave. He looks like he's taking conditioning seriously now. Still got legs like tree stumps though. Been announced on the undercard after his 30 second win last week I think. Another who deserves better from Hearn.

  5. 11 hours ago, Alpha said:

    Can't criticise Hayes ability. And I think Bellew would have been better off calling out Chisora or Whyte if he wants a big hyped up payday with a heavyweight so his belt isn't on the line. 

    He's gone and called out a man that's going to be hard to exploit on any level. I agree with Bellew on how Haye has managed his comeback but that's not for Bellew to step in as an opponent. 

    If he'd called out Whyte then you'd get all the drama. You'd keep your belt. And you'd be facing a heavyweight that struggled with the mobility of a cruiserweight last year. He's mad. 

    That Cleverly fight was the worst hype/fight. Everyone expected another tear up. What a flop. 

    I reckon Haye will score an early knockdown but Bellew won't go out easy. I reckon it will finish with Bellew on the ropes not replying.

    Did anyone watch David Price v Christian Hammer, Wilder Washington or McConnell v Vargas?

    I think Bellew was badly advised by Hearn about a big day with no belt on the line. The plan must have been to secure this payday, try and look good in the press conferences, give a battling display like Brook, become more household and secure bigger numbers, even ppv for a big title defence/unification.

    Like you say, I think its a bad choice. I think Hearn was listening to too many rumours about Haye. Maybe even Haye was putting the whispers out there, hes got the same plan as Bellew after all, and its all ended in this.

    Price is done. A shame imo. He was close to a big win mentally. Vargas was just classy. Annoyingly so. So quick on the back foot. Judges had it closer than I did.

  6. Liked your post, Alpha, but i disagree lol.

    I know exactly where you're coming from. I just cant stand Bellew. Ever since the Cleverley build up, I just havent liked him. Haye knows how to sell a fight, though. I bet the Ppv numbers are huge, especially for a none title fight. I'm looking forward to seeing Haye's trust in his shoulder if it gets a bit tougher than he expects. Hopefully this leads to him taking on the winner of Klit or Joshua. Not that he deserves the shot at a title, but his style would suit a Joshua clash.

  7. I am so astounded by the time taken by complete strangers to read my post, and write such eloquent, helpful replies. 

    I would just like to say thanks for the brilliant responses. Genuine thanks.

    I'm sure some of these responses will be of huge help, not just to myself, but those lurking or who already post. 

    I don't know what else to say. I'm stunned. Thank you.

  8. Ok, here we go. 

    I've typed this out a few times, then subsequently deleted it. 

    I'm 29. From the outside I'm a strong, independent, fit, happy person. 

    I'm not. 

    I have everything. A brilliant, and I me a brilliant missus. A supportive family, a brilliant Dad, and a decent job. I go to the gym, I have friends etc.

    However, when I wake up, I don't want to get up. I don't want to brush my teeth, again. I dont want to drive to work. I sit in my car and think about the awful 8 hours I have to endure. Its only Tuesday, how am I ever going to get through to Friday?  The same thing over and over again. The repetitve, pointless nature of life saps all energy from me. 

    It's the pointlessness of life that gets to me the most. Everything seems so tedious, so painfully boring. 

    I've been doing the gym for the last 5 years, and got jacked. But the pointless, repetitive lifting is not what I enjoy. I enjoy going to my garage, on my own, and being with myself in silence for 2 hours. No music, No noise. Just my thoughts. And It is then I find solace in my head. The questions of life disappear, the annoyance of other's actions and decisions become insignificant. But it will all be back in the morning.

    I over-analyse, I over-think, and I struggle with day-to-day life. And only you lot know.  Which makes me wonder if this is a plea for help, or me deciding that this is the way I think, and I need to change it from now on. 

    I'm not suicidal, but I know I feel deep, intense feelings of sadness. But they've gone by dinner time, because life isnt as bad as my head makes it out to be in the morning, at times.

    Now to decide to hit the post button or not?

  9. 23 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    Worse than lorries overtaking each other in dual carriageways: Lorries having to overtake cars whose stupid ****** drivers aren't capable of driving at more than 55mph. GET OFF THE ROAD IF YOU CANT KEEP UP WITH LORRIES??

    Also stupid drivers (female in my recent experience) who fail to look for a gap and match speed with the traffic flow when joining a motorway / dual carriageway and end up stopping at the end of the slip road and have to then wait ages for a massive gap. Got behind these idiots twice this week joining the A1. I'm only on it for 5 miles on my commute from Newark but the number of fools I see is incredible. 

    Balderton slip road going South is a pain for this. They brake, brake, brake, then just stop. Learn to use your ******* mirrors!!!!

  10. 11 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    I like Groves. He is weird though. And it seems like he's been around forever. He's looking really sharp too don't you think?

    It'll happen I think. But for Joshua to fight Haye I think Haye might have to either make the public demand big enough or go make himself mandatory or get a title AJ wants. 

    For Joshua he can get easier superfights. Still high risk but with high reward. What does Haye have that Joshua needs. He doesn't have a 0. No belts. He's not really got a major following. 

    He goes for Wlad because 1) It's an aging legend beaten by Fury 2) there's another title on the line

    He'll have Wilder 1) Undefeated with huge record 2) title 3) Cracks America

    He'll have Fury 1) Public demand 2) Undefeated 3) awkward but not a big hitter

    He'll have Parker 1) Undefeated 2) title 

    Ortiz 1) Undefeated 2)Public demand if Hearn can sell him 

    That's over a year worth of fights where he can get high rewards. 

    Imagine if he lost to Haye. Be terrible for his career. I'm sure Joshua would take the fight but his team and Hearn wouldn't touch it.

    Haye played a smart move by attacking Hearn. Make Hearn dislike him, make it a rivalry. The public love a rivalry and Hearn might just bite.

    Did you see him give Hearn some? Do you think Haye would win?

    Yeah, that press conference was brilliant wasn't it? Completely premeditated, well thought out and Eddie bit there and then, which surprised me. There was obviously a lot of demands from behind the scenes neither team liked, but the money is too big not to over look them. Bellow knew what Haye was doing too and managed to save Eddie a bit by talking over him, which takes some doing. Haye would win for me, if they fight in the next year.

    On Groves, I think that bloke is still in a coma from his last fight.  His jab has always been world class, but recently it looks like its the best around. It's so solid, it's marking people up straight away. I'd love DeGale v Groves. That's if Chunky beats Badou.

    I like watching Groves. Love his style. Looked good against Murray, looked brilliant last time out. Maybe Shane is going to get the best out of him. Elite boxer who should have done more by now imo.


  11. 3 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    I haven't had chance yet. Just seen highlights

    We're going to clash here good sir. I'm team Bellew.

    I think Haye is a brilliant fighter. His speed is amazing. But I can't stand the bloke. I respect why he fights. Get in, make money, get out. But it doesn't really help the fun in the sport. I hate that his career is so low risk and high reward. He'll get in with Joshua because it's worth money. No way on earth will he risk getting beat before then. And that's Haye's career. It's about paydays not glory. It's about being rich not the best. 

    What makes this all the more frustrating is that he's a brilliant fighter. But he dips his toe in, sees if it's worth money before walking away if not. 

    I mean he's fighting Bellew at heavyweight. He could have taken the WBO route, he could have fought Briggs. But he's picked the most profitable easiest fight. As a fan of the sport that's a bit pooh. But i suppose it's smart. In a way.

    Agree on the fight though. Bellew likes a scrap. But he's not got speed, skills or power to match Haye. As soon as he loses his composure and starts trying to trade he'll find Haye just picks him off. I think Bellew's power and resilience are respectable. But Haye is an elite boxer with a brilliant defence. Bellew doesn't bring enough.

    I just hope that Haye is rusty. His last real fight was what? 2012? But against those clowns he fought this year he still looks so fast

    I agree with everything you say. I just like him still. Dont know why, I know hes after the notes, I know he ducks and dives, I know he takes fights he shouldn't. I mean, he has no reason to fight Bellew. Apart from money. However, i find him the best heavyweight to watch. He's got it all.

    The two fights earlier this year were a disgrace, but I genuinely believe him when he says he couldn't get anyone to fight him. I mean, who would if the money isn't there? I don't believe the ppv business with the Briggs fight. He was building it up, put him on the under card, then found bigger and more lucrative offers. Still like him though. I like Groves too, and he's a bit odd. I think I will support him because of the Froch fights. 

    I hope Joshua v Haye happens.

  12. On 11/12/2016 at 02:16, Alpha said:

    I thought it was a draw or Chisora. But I'm glad both men went the distance. 

    Did you see Parker today? Not seen it yet. I watched him fight Takam and for a bloke with a reputation for power he was landing some great jabs that Takam was walking through. Literally walked through Parker's punches no problem. He looks like he is only going to go to the top by out boxing people?

    What do you think to Ortiz? To me he looks like Shannon Briggs. He's got 4 rounds to get them out of there otherwise he's getting hurt by the first big puncher he fights

    You seen the Parker fight yet? Looks to me like a big puncher who knocks out bums from Oceania, but lacks said power when he fights anyone half decent. Classy boxer, fast, but not world class imo. Even Bellew has a belt these days lol. 

    Ortiz is dangerous, but as you say only like Briggs is.

    Can't wait for Haye to start getting the big fights. I like him, don't know why. I know hes after the payday every time, but I'd love to see him in these big fights that are now going to have to happen. It's impossible for them all to stop avoiding each other now.

    Bellew is in trouble in that fight. I think its dangerous, maybe reckless by everyone involved. Haye has so much speed and power, he's gone down on his arse against much less than Haye. He hasnt even got the footwork or the speed that Haye has.

    I don't like him, but I wouldn't want to see him hurt as badly as I think he might get.

    Really happy for Groves too. Another world title shot. He will do it this time.

  13. Ive watched all of Joseph Parker's latest fights, and I wouldn't have him up there to be honest. His trainer's hair annoys me immensely too. And all his fights are black tie events in a village hall. 


    I also had Chisorv v Whyte  as a draw. Would love a rematch with proper tables.

  14. 36 minutes ago, Ewe Ram said:

    Crappy music venues. 

    I went to a gig (or concert if you like) at Rock City and I have not seen anything on that level of disgusting in a while. The 'beer' was coloured water in a paper cup or a 2 pint bucket. The 'coke' was not like any kind of coke ever, it was the right colour but that was it. The floor was so sticky I couldn't pick my feet up (genuinely not exaggerating), the ladies toilets had only a couple with doors on and some charmer had cleared their throat spat it on the wall. Just gross! The sound quality sounded like listening to music from your next door neighbours. All for £30 a ticket. Ok not the most expensive but that venue needs bloody fumigation. It's not even kitsch or ironic, it's vile. 

    You me at six? It really is a hole.

  15. I'm sorry, but how did Ricky Burns win that on the score cards by so much. I had Relikh by a round. Burns won one card  118-110!

    Absolute ********

    Might as well go home if you're boxing in Britain as a challenger if it goes to the judges.

  16. 4 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

    Autobiographies by complete nobodies. Joey Barton has one out. Quite why anyone would be the slightest bit interested in his self absorbed life story is beyond me.

    IMO anyone well respected and humble enough to not tell their life story for money will remain so.

    I will one day write my own life story but just for the benefit of my family. I have no urge for anyone else to know and quite frankly i'd be perturbed if they'd want to know. I would do the same if I was in the public eye.

    Added to that autobiographies that are written on behalf of someone such as a ghost writer. These stories automatically lose their credibility as the editor / writer can advise the 'star' about what is good to put it, what is not, what can be embellished and so on and so forth. Anyone who wants an autobiography of themselves should write it themselves with no outside interference and everything that the person truly wants to reveal will be revealed.

    Lastly, autobiographies of 'stars' that have just been born. Ok so not quite that but people who have been in the limelight for 5 minutes and haven't yet reached puberty and they get one whipped out for Christmas. Dear God. Worse than these are those who fund this self obsessed hobby of the rich and not so famous by buying such cretinous books.

    and on that bombshell.....................................;)

    Jeez, nobody wanted your life story mate....;)

  17. 44 minutes ago, dcfcfan1 said:

    Fury fight postponed

    Done on purpose IMO- ageing Klitscho and more time for Fury to prepare

    Have you seen the pics of his ankle takien from his caravan in the Lake District? It's a proper injury.

  18. 1 hour ago, Alpha said:

    Anyone tuning in later.

    Groves v Murray should be great. 9:00ish.

    Eubank and Joshua to win inside 5 and 4

    I am....for Groves v Murray mainly.

    Getting so annoyed with the 'hardcore' telling us casuals that it's not a box office event etc and the fights are uneven.

    17 quid for me, for what I consider hours of entertainment, looks good value compared to Norwich away. So I'm paying for it.

    And I'm hoping for a Groves win due to Froch and his Notts County supporting dad letting him support Forest, and beating Groves, twice. Always supported Gorves since then :)

  19. 16 minutes ago, BurtonRam7 said:

    Gingers (I don't even know if you actually are a ginger:D).

    Fireman Sam.


    People who have the potential to top my likes to post ratio.


    People who call me impatient.

    Did I mention gingers?


    I can see a feud developing here young/old (I don't know your age) Norman...:p




    P.S. Sorry once again @Duracell


    Ctrl C and then Ctrl V my words.....into notepad, or Word if you're rich...this feud will be bigger than any that ronnierondale could muster.

    So big in fact, a podcast showdown will be recorded by summer's end.

    I hope you likes to post ratio falls below 1/1, and you cry, you filthy gingerist!!!!!!!

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