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Posts posted by Norman

  1. 40 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    Yeah, made a few quid but I'm not sure it was quite the brave performance that Sky and co are saying. He was a punchbag from about halfway through the first round. 

    Was a perfect opportunity for Canelo to claim a belt at the weight. See if he sticks around. I doubt it.

    Aye, made a few quid, opened the stock exchange, didn't get hit in the head too much. Maybe that's why he left himself open to the body. 

    Sky were just bullshitting cos it was a waste of a fight....again. 

    Much like Chisora vs Whyte. Yeah the first one was an absolute slug fest, but it's never ppv. The words 'war' 'bravery' 'conditioning' will be peddled out.

  2. Also, when youve dragged yourself back up from a knock down that brutal, and Wilder goes in for the kill, and you know the ref is checking you and getting in close, what do you do when youre struggling to throw back?

    Take a couple of steps back, hands behind the back and show the ref youre comfortable. When youre anything but.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    Be interesting to know if the knockdowns will make him cautious. He's felt Wilder's power now and knows it's enough to drop him.

    Although trying to get in Fury's head is an impossible mission.

    Let's just hope he has the rematch and doesn't wonder off like @Norman says. No magic powder! He's a troubled fella. 

    If Tyson didn't have a bum and a dosser ? as his only fights after a bit of a lay off, a lot of beer and high class cocaine, then would he have been caught in the 12th?

    I don't think so. The first knock down was a slap on the back of the head too. 

    I also don't think he will lose it this time. 

    He has a purpose. You seen the interview where he looks down the camera and adresses peoole who have mental illness. Bloke's on a mission for now.

    He's too intelligent for his own good. Surrounded mainly by morons. Not so much now. Which helps.

    Last time he won the belts, had 1 stripped straight away, had a poxy presser at the Macron Stadium, got kicked oit of SPOTY, didn't get the recognition his performancr deserved etc.

    Now he has it all. If he behaves himself  he can complete a boxing story that wil be hard to beat. A title in May, a showdown with Joshua in December, SPOTY 2019, mental health crusader. 

    Who'd have thought that when watching his Instagram this time last year when they had to force him in a car to get him to the South of Spain? I've watched the whole come back and doubted him the whole way. Not any more.

  4. Bellew tries to intimidate Usyk at the weigh in, he replies by not letting him have his arm back.

    I'll give Bellew credit, I would not want to look that bloke in the eyes. They're dead lol.

    Also, Usyk is a top bloke out of the ring, like @Alpha says.

    5th round stoppage. It's going to hurt, i'm afraid, Tony.

  5. 4 hours ago, Alpha said:


    Linares v Lomachenko tonight.

    Lomachenko is a heavy favourite. Which is suprising.

    Linares, being the taller might look even more skilful. I expect him on the backfoot and to try and outscore with the better looking shots. Can't wait.

  6. 8 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

    OK - I'm going to be the contrary and go for Bellew. Why? Haye is 37 and doesn't have the tank to do the fight he is talking. Bellew is a wag in front of the microphone but in reality has what it takes to go long and hard. He showed that against Cleverly and BJ Flores. Haye doesn't throw enough to convince the judges so Bellew, as the effective 'champion' will just have to see him out and make sure he isn't caught. I just think Haye, good fighter though he was in his day, has been a bit too unlucky with injuries, been a little too long out of the ring (one fight in the last how many years)....

    Bellew on points, awful fight - that's my prediction. My only slight caution against it, without retraciting it, is that Haye weighed in a whole stone lighter than the last fight whereas Bellew is only three pounds lighter. If one of them is going to gas it is likely to be the heavier guy.

    Bellew punched himself out in the last fight.

    He will be on the run tonight, and I don't blame him.

    Haye is lighter, back with his original nutritionist...I can't see him gassing.

    If his timing is right, he only needs to throw and land a few big shots each round. I think he will go for the body.

  7. Meh, Bellew couldn't finish a one-legged man with no balance.

    Haye went to see the Dr who is a specialist in achilles injuries the day before the fight. He couldn't pull out due to bookies, insurance, venue, tickets etc. So he went in there dragging his foot through the ring walk hoping to blast Bellew out.

    Except he had no snap in his punches, no balance from his back foot, no defence. And he missed. A lot. 

    Not happening this time. Bellew, in my opinion, is the biggest **** I have ever had the misfortune of listening to. 

    The look on Bellew and Hearn's faces at the weigh-in when Haye was telling him it is going to be slow and painful sort of brought it home for me.

    Bellew is going to get hurt. And I think the penny dropped at the weigh-in.

    Not a fan of Haye much either. Watching it in a pub.

  8. 5 hours ago, Alpha said:

    Yeah I've not seen much hype for Haye Bellew. But it's one of my favourite characters vs one of the worst. Rooting for Bellew but none of them will do much after this I don't think. Both kind of fell out of their division. What do you predict Norman? Are you backing Haye again? 

    I don't really want to see Brook v Khan that much anymore. Don't want Khan to get the payday. 

    I think Badou Jack v Adonis Stevenson is soon? You know Jack won't lay down for anyone. 

    Yeah, Haye with an early knock out. I am surprised Bellew has taken the fight. We all know he didnt have the power to knock out an off-ballance, one-legged Haye in the first fight. He even lost one round on the scorecard after the injury got really bad. Plus we all know how hard the old Haye could hit. Has his ego got in the way? Or will he look to survive?

    Maybe he needs the money for his kids :lol:. Neither are likeable, but Bellew is the one I want to see KO'd.

    Is it at heavyweight? Haye looks a lot lighter now. Not really taken any of the build-up in or their weights.

    I like watching Badou Jack fights. Him and Linares are my favourite non UK boxers. 

    People who don't like boxing should watch Linares fight. 

  9. 54 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    Fook me the media want everyone to be interested in Khan. 

    Not going to watch his fight but I do hope he loses. 

    It's shat all over the news. A win here puts him in line to face Terence Crawford, Kell Brook, Erroll Spence or Keith Thurman.

    Yeah... he'll pick whoever bangs him out quickest and pays him the most. 

    He's in the sport for himself. Which is cool. But you can't expect to excite the public when all you want to do is carefully navigate your way to their bank accounts. David Haye already did that

    Does Khan have a fan base anymore? I don't like him or his Michael Jackson look-a-like wife. The lack of self-respect and the morales they both conform to make me sick.

    It would be typical of boxing for Brook vs Khan to happen 3 or 4 years too late.

    Will you be paying for Haye vs Bellew? 

    Excited to see Fury back. Been watching the weight come off for 6 months on his social media. I know his first few fights will probably be a let-down.

  10. 2 hours ago, David said:


    Councillors that decide your bin only needs to be emptied once a fortnite.

    Good list.

    Last Thursday I took the last of the rubbish for bin day. It was the non-recycling bags to go in the non-recycling bin.

    Had to push it down like I always do. Except the mrs had put a can of beans in the wrong bin. So when i shoved the bag down in the bin, the lid went straight into my middle finger to my finger bone. 

    It was 6.14pm. A and E in Grantham shuts at 6.30pm.

    So there I was running through town with a tea towel around my hand. Got there at 6.27pm. 

    Had to have stitches, a tetanus jab and a mrs turn up at A and E calling me the ******* idiot!!!

    So, yeah, **** the once every 2 week collection meaning I am conatantly jumping in my bins or shoving bean can lids through my fingers.

    Which reminds me, it's bin night.

  11. 38 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    DeGale won his IBF title back. 

    Every DeGale fight is a long war now. Think he should probably bow out. Go for a big money maker maybe and then retire. 

    Yeah, he's going to have some head trauma problems at this rate.

    I believe he is already slurring etc.

    I'd wait for Groves.

  12. 20 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    I'm gonna sound about 50 here..

    But what is Fortnite? All I know of it is that some of the Cubs and Scouts I lead are now obsessed with some weird dance moves.

    Still fully absorbed in Elite Dangerous, nothing else is sparking my interest at the minute.

    It's a Battle Royale game where you can play on your own or in squads where 30 year olds like me get killed by 9 year olds - who then pay to unlock stupid dances to mock your dead body. I've spent my life playing FIFA, and can't believe how bad I am at shooting somebody else first. Addictive, though.

  13. 1 hour ago, Alpha said:

    Joshua on points but to score a knockdown. Early - mid fight knockdown that Parker just survives.

    All fights to go to the favourites. AJ, Povetkin, Kelly, Crolla, Buatsi aaaaand I've forgot who else is on :(

    Povetkin off of the drugs. Price has the hands, but not the chin....it's the only underdog I fancy. Wouldn't put money on it, though :lol:

  14. 20 hours ago, Alpha said:

    Davis doesn't want it does he? Or Floyd doesn't want him to. Doesn't look good for the Lomachenko v Linares fight either. 

    I thought the year had a good start! 

    Linares.  Now there's a fighter I could watch all night.

  15. On 26/02/2018 at 22:03, Alpha said:

    Reckon it will be a boring fight don't you? Groves v Smith. Two jabbers and the one that does force the issue has a height disadvantage 

    Smith bores me a bit. He does some great boxing and then falls back on the jab and let's opponents off the hook.

    The only thing about Ortiz is his mobility. How old is he really? No way is he under 40. I'm not buying that. Can take a punch, has the power to do Wilder but can he keep up with him?

    I wonder which Kell Brook we'll get? Think he may have lost his way a bit? GGG hurt him and Spence was a level above. Brook quitting in that fight... do you think he will have that desire to go through brick walls to win? 

    Yep, boring, the full 12 rounds with Groves winning a tight points decision. Boxing styles don't seem to go very well together. But you never know.

    Goerge Groves has nearly had as many rounds as Ortiz and Wilder put together.

    There's going to be a knock out! I fancy Ortiz in the early rounds to land some big shots. Then we will see about Wilder and his chin. Not sure he can windmill his way to a win here either lol.

    Brook worried me in the last fight. I know why he quit and it made sense with his eyesight and future etc, but to win at that level you see other boxers taking far bigger risks. And he didnt want to stop againt GGG....they had to throw the towel in.

    I think both fights are free on Sky. Might stay up for Wilder v Ortiz if its on time. 2am will mean more like 3.


  16. 7 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    Callum Smith v Groves final. 

    Smith falls asleep during fights. Needs to be more spiteful

    Only one winner for me. 

    Wilder v Ortiz? Might be a shock there.

    Kell Brook too next weekend.

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