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Posts posted by Ramslad1992

  1. Even if it doesn’t end favourably I’ve absolutely loved this season.

    fighting against the odds (and the corrupt organisation that ‘runs’ this league’ 

    fighting against That parasite up north and that muppet at Wycombe I can’t be bothered to remember the name of.

    all the academy players coming up showing they’re more than capable.

    the togetherness of a fanbase.

    no matter what I’m proud to be a Derby County supporter, the sheer fact we are even having this conversation speaks volumes. 

    the management team and players have been absolutely superb considering the circumstances, if we fall short they’ll still be heroes in my eyes. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Ravabeerbelly said:

    What wasn’t? Explaining in more detail the previous comments made in game in shortened form? Of course it’s not hard. Anyone can explain in detail, a topic they understand to help someone who doesn’t understand so well! What’s hard is writing it in short form well enough for them to understand!

    You’re including Cashin Thompson and Plange in the same success category as the others after a handful of combined games? There’s my point from above right there! 

    There we go. The line only someone who, has never coached and never understood the nuances and difficulty involved in stepping onto the grass and helping someone become a better player, makes ?

    Its a little more skilled than watching a games and saying he’s good and he isn’t.

    They’re in a safe place. They play and train every day in that safe space that no fans have access to. That’s where they do their learning. Are you fool enough to think any of them read a fans forum ??

    It may not add anything to a debate you want any part of but that doesn’t mean I have no right to observe it and post it. That’s a football forum and as I said before it’s not particularly scathing and it’s definitely not insulting. If I’m paying to watch a 23s game in my own home I’m perfectly at liberty to post my observations on the game or the players providing it’s not, as I said earlier insulting or abusive. 

    No let’s all just tell them they’re mini gods and made it already. Let’s let everyone not watching, read how wonderful things are when they aren’t. 

    There’s a terribly condescending and patronising tone to your posts. Ironic really given your comments to me.

    Not at all. I’ve never suggested there was a lack of knowledge in any posters. Quite the contrary in fact. This forum demonstrates there are many many posters who display excellent knowledge of the game and of players and most definitely the club. I enjoy reading many of the posters work on here, before during and after games. I don’t always agree with them but you’ll be hard pressed to dig up a post where I’ve dismissed someone else’s opinion as not being credible or worthy of posting it. 

    My point may have implied that I feel you don’t have that understanding or it could also imply that you don’t / can’t or won’t spend the time analyzing games or performances objectively or not. Either way I’m not fussed, you could be Jose Mourinho for all I care, I just don’t like the fact you clearly feel I shouldn’t unless it’s to say something or someone was good.

    If their reasons for being on here are more emotional reasons then it makes no sense for you to get upset when I said exactly that, and that it was perfectly normal, only for you to accuse me of being patronising. Make your mind up.

    I haven’t written anyone off. Not the posters or the players. I feel many of them are being asked to play at a level they aren’t capable of yet but I’ve posted my reasoning behind that. Feel free to challenge that. 

    I wasn’t trying to impress anyone with my posts or my knowledge. Which is precisely why I kept them short and sweet and lacking any real detail. Again feel free to discuss in more depth if you wish. I can talk development and coaching all day. But let’s do it via DMs shall we as I have no more inclination to bore people or ruin a thread than you do.

    Good luck to you. That’s your prerogative and fair play to you for being so nice, trust me I know for a fact there aren’t enough people like you around pro football. But maybe if there were it wouldn’t be so exhilarating and divisive and not so many people would enjoy it. 

    Enjoying my evening just fine. Watching a selection of League 1/2 football tonight. Just to keep my horizons and understanding as broad as I can.




  3. 25 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Shall I start a piss take thread ' great news Lawrence to sign new 4 year deal on 50k a week' . Then we can watch forums in Bristol, Boro and Forest melt in flames


    Bit extortionate that… we should only charge him £30k a week to play 

  4. 16 minutes ago, ossieram said:

    So @BoroWill, if your dad had upset mine and then done a runner,  you'd be quite happy for my dad to stand with his foot on the throats of your family until they paid him, even though my dad knew yours had legged it with all the cash?

    Football clubs are most peoples first and for some,  their longest lasting love. Is it any wonder that Gibson is getting abused when he is the one killing our club.

    Mel did wrong,  but he's got his millions and legged it.

    This! Apart from there’s 2 dads against 1 and the other 69 dads are just stood there watching it. 

  5. 2 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Could it now be any clearer? In the space of 48 hours the EFL have stated BOTH that the club has the offer of EITHER 'impartial' arbitration OR the High Courts as a means to satisfy claims AND that they now acknowledges MFC/WWFC as football creditors, which would leave arbitration as the sole route forward. Wholly contradictory statements and yet another example of their contemptuous abuse of power. There has been no discussion, no arbitration and no independent input to this decision, rather it is a call made arbitrarily and unilaterally by the EFL board with no outside consultation and in contravention of their own directives. Do these clowns even read what they regurgitate into the public domain? Do they not even cross-reference the claims made in one with the other? The inconsistencies (read: huge ducking porkies) are glaring and have been for two years now. Likewise Gibson who appears to have the attention span of a hungry toddler and the linguistic skills of one too.

    Heads must now roll at the EFL. There is NO ROOM FOR DOUBT anymore. In their poorly conceived and executed PR campaign seeking to shift the onus to Morris, the admins and even the 'highest bidder', they have absolutely tied themselves in knots and in doing so, have threatened both the stability and integrity of the League they are meant to govern and serve. 

    At this point, the 72 member clubs simply must act. There can be no remaining doubt that the EFL prioritises its own interests over those of its member clubs. Ladies and gentlemen, the tail is clearly wagging the dog. This is, of course, a wholly unacceptable state of affairs and will inevitably lead to chaos should the precedent they seek to set be entertained. Every subsequent season will start with multiple different fixture lists as the governing body and civil courts wade through dozens of spurious football related claims, clubs will be forced into admin and /or liquidation and the league system as we know it, will fail. A vote of no confidence and the immediate resignations of Rick Parry and Trevor Birch are now mandatory requirements on the long road back to credible and impartial governance of the League. For any governing body, as custodians of football, to bring bring the English game into such hopeless disrepute is simply unforgiveable and action must be taken sooner rather than later, irrespective of the situation at Derby County.

    As for Messrs Gibson and Couhig, your bluff has now been called. If you truly believe in the veracity of your claims and are not simply looking to leverage the threat of liquidation to extort funds from a club who has already accepted its punishment (in keeping with the EFL's own directives), it's time for you to accept Mr Morris's offer of your day in court. Any other course of action will merely confirm suspicions of the very unsavoury motivations that have led to what appears to have been a merit-less witch-hunt borne solely out of greed and petty personal grievances. I'm looking at you specifically Gibson. You chose to prioritise continuing your spat with Mel Morris over the future of the club, the welfare of it's employees, the sustainability of local businesses and the mental health of the wider community. This will NEVER be forgotten, nor forgiven. I speak only for myself when I say that having been a chairman whom I once held in high regard, I have now come to despise everything for which you stand. 

    I trust also that those on this forum who openly mocked posters who for two years have openly expressed the view that the EFL's treatment of Derby County Football Club has been less than impartial, will now take time to think about whether said posts were fair, warranted or helpful. Hindsight, it is true, is a wonderful thing, but so too is an open mind.

    A last thought in regards to Mel Morris; Mel, I was one of your staunchest supporters. I was wrong. It broke my heart when you placed the club into administration. Perhaps there are mitigating circumstances as yet unknown, but we are where we are and you sir, were the custodian of this club we all love. Inevitably, the buck stops with you. All of this notwithstanding, thank you for the steps you have now taken to break the impasse. What's done can't be changed, but I do hope that this will at least give harsher critics some small pause for thought. 

    Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards

  6. 1 minute ago, Rev said:

    I thought the same as you earlier, when I read Mel's statement, first glimmer of hope in a while.

    However, the more I think about it, the less likely it seems a solution.

    MFC and WW will decline the offer, saying there is already a mechanism in place to hear their grievances at a lower cost to them, i.e. arbitration.

    Even if they were to take up the offer, surely the actual real creditors such as HMRC and the other businesses effected would question why the man who put us into administration can cover court costs, and a possible liability of £50m odd quid, to deal with claims currently without value, when they're offered 25p in the pound?

    Legal minefield, surely?



    The EFL have thrown the whole league into a legal minefield with their incompetence. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    Derby fans need to protest in Derby. That way all the press is positive. Our supporters groups should be focusing on this 

    Don’t agree. We’ve protested in Derby, every fan going to boro away needs to be there 3 hours before the game singing Derby songs and anti gibson/EFL songs.

    imagine how their players will feel walking in to 3000 fans singing ‘Gibson and Parry sitting in a tree…’


  8. On 01/02/2022 at 21:01, Ambitious said:


    Aaron Donald - Super Bowl MVP - Book IT! 

    I agree.

    that video doesn’t have anything on ‘if you don’t ducking bounce you’re a red’ though.

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