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Posts posted by Ramslad1992

  1. 13 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

    Or could dammage us even more we need get the money he is worth.

    He’s only worth what somebody will pay though. Clubs will realise some money is better than none for us. I’d be amazed if we even got £5 mil for him. 

  2. 36 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

    No need to sell on the cheap and show we wont get walked over off.

    The rate we are going there’s every need to sell on the cheap. Could be the difference between having a club or not. ?

  3. 18 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Had a proper wobble earlier. Had a few early beers to mark second anniversary of mate’s death, abandoned mates ij Birmingham, considered doing something stupid, someone got hold of my mother, she left a voicemail, i thankfully cannot ignore my amazing mum, reset my brain... need some help. Now thinking how far I might’ve gone had I not spotted the message. Sorry. Embarrassed. But confused.  

    Nothing to be embarrassed about mate, I know it’s hard but try and think of the times you had in a good way. 

    the helps always there whether it’s professional, family or just posting about it to a much of strangers on the internet! 

    Whatever helps and gets you through ? hope you’re on the mend soon mate. ?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    how’s the fundraising going? 

    £282.50 so far. Only started fundraising last week so I’m really pleased with it

    . My work are fully supportive in trying to help as much as possible too. I was off for 12 weeks when Clara was born and they have been absolutely incredible since the day she was born ?

    A few friends and family have said they will donate more if I run in fancy dress so I’m waiting to get the charity shirt to see what I car run as. 


  5. Had another donation today for an anonymous person. If it’s somebody on here I just want to say thank you. Means the world to me to help other families who were in mine and my wife’s position. 

  6. 3 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Tough old year and a bit for you mate. Glad to see you're still standing strong and love the fact you're celebrating Thommo as much as mourning him. It's easier said than done at times, especially for those taken so long before their time, so more power to you buddy ?

    Cheers mate. It is what it is at the end of the day, it’s easier knowing he did more in his years than most do. As for the rest of the year that’s what being a dad is about. The rough days have far outnumbered the good days but it’s the good days that make it all worth while ?.

  7. We are thinking of doing an auction of some kind to boost the fundraising... does anyone know who to contact to get some players to sign a shirt or ball etc? I’d of course pay for said shirt or ball... @loweman2you definitely must know a guy? @OwenB557

    would absolutely love to connect my love for the rams to this great cause in some way ?

  8. 8 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Not trying to usurp your grief, I’m going through a weird period right now having just had the birthday of and on Friday the second anniversary of losing one of my longest and closest friends who died of sepsis aged 39. I still expect daft messages from him and drunken phone calls, but sadly they don’t come.

    Sorry for you loss x

    Not at all mate... in a strange way it’s almost comforting knowing you’re not alone? 

    he was in queens medical getting a bloody tumour out of his head and he still sent messages when I was on a different floor with Clara... what a guy. 

    I guess all we can do is have a drink or two and remember the good times? I’m 28 years old and that man was in my life for over half of it. 

    I take comfort in knowing he spent those 37 years better than anybody, he travelled the world selling insurance to racing drivers! 

    have a drink, remember the good times and just hope there’s something on the other side I guess ?

  9. Absolutely shameless plug incoming...

    Clara continues to do really well ? one of the things that got me through the hard times was planning on giving back to the people that helped me in my time of need...

    with that me and my Step mum have teamed up with the TOF charity to run the virtual London marathon this year. At the minute I get knackered running a bath so it’s going to be some effort!

    any donation big or small would be incredibly appreciated as would any share.

    does anybody know anyone from the club who may be able to get involved?


    Cheers Chris ?


  10. 14 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Big man for CKR from me for his efforts this season. Playing with painkilling injections carrying injury and teams realising he is our main striker made him tail off but the heart he's given this season deserves recognition.

    Him for a while... waggy after he shattered that post and Curtis coming out of absolutely nowhere to lead the defence. All 3 deserve credit. Playing football is their job at the end of the day but these 3 shone above the rest today. Genuinely meant the world to me seeing what it meant for these guys today. Bring on next season ?

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