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Posts posted by Ramslad1992

  1. 10 minute walk from Preston train station to EFL headquarters. 

    how many fans do you think we can gather to sing

    ’we’re coming for you 

    we’re coming for you

    EFL we’re coming for you’?

    absolute focus needs to be on them, gibson and that wannabe at Wycombe. Maybe a three way protest. 1/3 at Preston, 1/3 at boro and 1/3 at Wycombe. 

    these fuxkers can’t get away with this. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, David said:

    Wow. Speechless. 

    Over to you EFL, Boro and Wycombe. Let us go and challenge this in the high court personally against Mel. 

    If you don’t accept, why not?

    Backed them both into a corner now. If they refuse it’s blatantly clear they want to see this club go under. They’ve been offered a chance to get their money, why would they care where from? 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    They need the money but I won't here its good money, not when a player in League 1 can get 20 goals in a season and be sold for 4-5 million.  Pants down time.

    We’ve had our pants down for years anyway. We misheard the whole ‘buy low sell high’ and buy high sell low. Hence we are in this mess, sickening to see our young players go for the square root of bugger all but we’ve always done it.

  4. 43 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Compromise solution:

    Boro drop their claim against DCFC, however, to remove any lingering bad blood, outstanding matters are resolved with a.....

    bare knuckle boxing match between Mel Morris and Steve Gibson.

    Venue: Pride Park


    Figth club standard


    £25 (£15 con) - All proceeds go to save DCFC funds.


    The satisfaction of the beaten man in front of you


    Stephen Pearce


    Could even cut Mel out totally and auction off who gets to beat up pubebead! 

  5. 50 minutes ago, Rev said:

    Just having a quick glance through the Boro financials, they lost £30m upon their last promotion, presumably based on promotion bonuses being paid out.

    Then banked a profit of £7m in their one season in the Prem, before being relegated and sustaining more losses as a result, including a eye watering £30m+ amount in the last reported year.

    As these figures are very recent, and the £7m profit figure was inflated by the sale of David Nugent to Derby County, surely we can make the case that our actions actually saved Middlesbrough FC from further losses, based on their recent past performance?

    Just give us £5m Gibson, and we'll call it quits.



    Counter claim and take him for everything we can. Even taking off our rose tinted glasses we can all see Gibson has a malicious hatred towards us.

    I won’t be happy until he’s living in a cardboard box and his ‘effin nuts’ wife has left him.

    actually he can keep his wife.

  6. 25 minutes ago, David said:

    What you want us all to believe @kevinhectoring is that Quantuma failed to persuade 3 QC's that Boro and Wycombe are not football creditors, so with that they have decided that they will get a ruling on this through arbitration, presumedly represented by the QC's that were failed to be persuaded by Quantuma.

    In what world would that make any sense at all?

    It doesn't.

    Quantuma's best move if told that would be to settle with Boro and Wycombe, rather than allow them to win football creditor status legally, would it not?

    What would make sense is that Quantuma have been told that Boro and Wycombe have no case at all, do not payout, see if you can get the EFL to jump down off the fence, if not secure the funding and just go get this squashed legally, then there is nothing the EFL, Boro or Wycombe can do.

    100% this ?? If they have a legitimate claim to compensation I’ll eat my hat. Absolute vultures the pair of them, football is absolutely broken from top to bottom. A complete overhaul is needed.

  7. Little update as I’m a bit drunk and not much is happening on here ? Clara is doing absolutely amazingly, is surgery free and is now on track for her age. Oh and she’s also a proud big sister to Benjamin who is now 7 months old and is thankfully absolutely fine.

    I’d just like to say thank you to everyone who helped me in our time of need, I was in a pretty bad place when Clara was born and this forum and this club kept me going.

    thankfully everything is great now. 

    this club can’t die and it WON’T die ?

    much love to my Rams family ?❤️



  8. 37 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    After this weekend we play twice before Peterborough and Reading play again, so potentially we could be out of the bottom three on the 8th of February, I did say potentially.

    Pizza Yes GIF

    Come on you rams!! I’d love it if we stayed up! I suggest a tour of England, players, staff and fans combined. We tour the country giving a the V’s to Wycombe and that chap I can’t be arsed to remember the name of, Pube head and them lot… finishing with the Bamford Parry at EFL headquarters. 

    All the while chanting ‘DUCK THE EFL’ ‘GIBSON IS A BANKER’ and for that chap at Wycombe ‘WHO THE ducking HELL ARE YOU?’ 

    a few beers on a Friday night isn’t a bad thing right? 

    COYR ?❤️

  9. 28 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Pretty underwhelming I'd say, but in the wider scheme of things, at least there is no lingering doubt now that it is indeed the spurious MFC/WWFC claims are are preventing us nominating a preferred buyer and the removal of the latest EFL soft transfer embargo. I think the coordinated PR attacks the EFL & MFC/WWFC were something of a clue in this regard (if really needed), Steve Gibson's in particular, so whilst we remain in 'destination ducked' for the time being, this very modest progress will at least will help to focus minds somewhat. 

    As regards the mooted fast track mediation, this can, it appears, be handled very swiftly. Unfortunately, it can also take a deal of time. Essentially, all parties are required to make written submissions to the mediator and herein lies the issue; one might reasonably expect both MFC & WWFC to be ready to proceed without undue delay. Presumably they have already drafted their complaints for the EFL, after all. The obvious concern now though, is will they seek to delay this process too? One thing I would feel certain of is that the intended process is fast track mediation and not fast track via the courts (some are confusing the two) as the latter is often still a protracted process. I also feel certain that this was the rationale behind the one month deadline extension, though this had been strongly hinted at beforehand anyway.

    I think two things now need to happen; firstly, all interested parties simply must maintain PR pressure, from us lowly Rams Fans to our vaunted government ministers. It's been a wonderfully unified response to the EFL in particular, but it must continue. The MPs involved especially, given their unfettered access to all concerned parties, must do more to ensure a timely and even-handed resolution is found. Grateful for their support as we are, fine words in themselves are not enough.

    Secondly, us fans need to remain as squarely behind the players and the coaches as we have been all season and our lads need to reciprocate by carrying on scrapping for every point available. Every win drags us closer to safety and every lion-hearted effort from players and fans alike secures us more and more neutral support. Let's face it, us Brits absolutely love a fighty underdog and the growing support of the football community could prove a hugely significant factor.

    So what's the good news, I hear you ask! Well tomorrow there's a game of football, for a start ? Also, I don't think you'd get long odds about the Blades beating Posh, so a win for us may put us only only 3 points behind them. Reading face a tough trip to QPR too. Hmmm... I am an optimist I conceded but I can't help but feel there's a fairy tale in the making here. Rest assured, every time we do close the gap, the bidders too will get a bit more twitchy too, but in a good way! So they should too. After all, we're Derby and we fight to the end!



    Every time we win I get twitchy too mate the mrs always knows if we’ve won ?

  10. 12 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Aww, thanks mate. I do clearly recall your trials and tribulations. Now that really was harrowing stuff and I remember thinking at the time that it rather provided some balance and perspective for the rest of us. As it is, perhaps misguidedly, I feel pretty certain the current issues at the club will be resolved so I've remained (between rants ?), relatively calm!

    All ended well though mate  ? just like Derby County will ? COYR and duck the EFL. ?

  11. 9 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    I've already deleted it. And yes, gallows humour works for me. Better to laugh than cry I find.

    Gallows humour helps… just for example my daughter had a colostomy bag for the first 17 months of her life, me and the wife really like lord of the rings therefore Clara’s nickname was (and always will be) Baggins. 

    make the most of what you’ve got mate, for the record you’re still my favourite poster ??

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