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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. Just to be clear, I think a few are misunderstanding Rooney’s comments last night and I don’t think the tithe of this thread particularly helps (apologies @IslandExile).

    The point being made wasn’t that the EFL are telling refs not to give Derby decisions. Rooney can’t say that, it’s impossible to prove. What he was saying was that the EFL don’t want Derby in the Championship and have done everything in their power to ensure relegation, they may even ensure that we are relegated to League 2.

    Has the EFL’s vendetta, or lack of respect, towards the club then had knock on effects like what decisions we get from refs and an overall ‘lack of protection’ of our players. Rooney gave the example last night if Roos and waiting six weeks to say they got it wrong via email. It’s a lack of respect from the top that is filtering down. To how the fourth officials speak to him and how the ref performs.

  2. Just as a reposte to those waiving ohh that there’s no conspiracy, I don’t think it’s the decision on a build up to a goal that goes against us, it’s those smaller decisions that turn out to be game changers that we don’t get and I don’t think we have got for a long while. Look at what we’ve had recently that have helped stop our momentum.

    Stearman’s red in the first minute, Morrisons red when we had momentum in the final minutes, that bloody Crooks challenge that wasn’t a red are three of the top of my head. Last nights example isn’t the supposed fouls in the build up to the goal, it’s the ref basically telling Izpeazu it’s ok to steam roll Davies that leads to him wrestling him in the box for the goal. 

    As Rooney said last night, it’s the protection of players that’s lacking. Especially considering that we do then get punished for the same. I’m not saying it’s a ref conspiracy in that a ref isn’t giving us clear decisons, ref are shocking for everyone. But Rooney is correct in saying no one wants us in this league and the EFL have gone out of their way to ensure we didn’t get any more momentum. 

  3. Final one from me tonight on this, but I do tend to think big decisions s go against us because we are struggling and there’s an air of us being a bit desperate and hopeful on those decisions. Good example is Ebosele before the goal tonight, it’s probably a free kick but he’s looking for it and there’s an air of desperation about how he goes down. Refs regularly turn a blind eye to stuff like that, you have to be smarter and have a bit more nous than what Ebosele did imo. Again it’s down to having inexperienced players that we don’t influence refs enough.

    The poor ref decisions is an add on in how the EFL have dealt with our situation or not allowing us to renew Jags or sign anyone in January. They’ve done everything they can do to ensure our relegation.

  4. I think Ed Dawes said it best a week ago, it’s been a season where he’s had all the pressure and responsibility and he’s dealt with it admirably. All that pressure came out of him in that moment. I think that pressure is coming out of Rooney in his press conferences and Davies in his performances is starting to look weary. That’s without even considering the likes of Burd, Knight and Buchanan.

    They have dealt with the situation admirably, Lawrence and Davies both deserve huge plaudits come this seasons end, but the battle has become too much for us all which was, unfortunately, always going to happen. 

  5. Just now, RodleyRam said:

    VAR is used really effectively in Rugby, which is a much more complicated game. I think the main difference being that the refs are significantly better to start with, the touch judges are significantly better and the video refs are also significantly better. Technology is only at good as the people using it in this case for me. 

    Football has to improve.

    As for refereeing, I doubt we get more dodgy decisions than others to be honest. We didn't lose tonight because of the ref, we just lacked that bit of luck/quality in front of goal. We score first, we go on to win. You really get the rub when you're at the bottom.

    Rugby is a pretty slow sport though and allows for those breaks without a side losing momentum. You can al wait a couple of minutes in a scrum to see if there was a high tackle or something like that. 

    Football is faster paced and hold ups can negatively effect a team who are waiting on a decision whilst attacking. There is also more room for interpretation on a decision which slows a decision.

    I think if they want it to work it needs using less and only within ‘should a goal stand’ or when there can be an indefinite stoppage in play. Let red cards be dealt with in retrospective action and let refs have the say on things like penalty decisions imo.

  6. 4 minutes ago, JfR said:

    My immediate thought after the Ikpeachu goal was the goal Lawrence scored against Hull like 2 and a half years ago now that got disallowed, before Bowen scored 2 for them and we lost.
    Around the 6 minute 20 mark here:

    How's that for a pedantic memory!

    Exactly the type of long term pedanticness I was hoping for, thankyou!


  7. FWIW I think we’ve had odd decisions for a while now, it would be quite funny to see what random pedantic memories people of crap reffing. But let’s maybe not take it too seriously. Obviously a conspiracy is near impossible to prove, but I think we have a decent list of daft decisions over the last three seasons.

    The first three I remember being a bit whiffy.

    1) Lowe getting a straight red against Luton for ‘touching the ref’ something you see players do week in week out

    2) That Ryan Yates two footed challenge on Matt Clarke’s ankle, not booked and no retrospective action leaving Clarke out for 2 months. Explain that one in respect to Craig Forsyth this season. 

    3) Byrne getting a booking on his debut coming on as a sub for entering the pitch too early in an empty stadium. Was obviously an error that should be laughed off, but no we somehow get a booking. 

  8. Just now, Andicis said:

    Again, I'm not blaming him for performances. Nor have I blamed the players, we have what we are. We've a limited squad due to circumstance. It is fine for us to slump, understandable and expected. Blaming the ref is a bit embarrassing. 

    As I say mate, even if you don’t agree it’s an attempt to deflect from his squad at the very least. He can take the criticisms that his young side can’t at the minute. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Andicis said:

    Wayne disappointed me massively with his comments. We were poor all night, the arguable decision didn't cost us. 

    Even if you disagree with him, do you not think he’s trying to deflect from those young players who are struggling but he’s been given no option but to play? 

    Also think of all the crap he’s had to endure this season, where he’s taken it all on the chin. He sounded dejected and frustrated and he’s done well to not walk away and take it all out of his hands. 

    It’s very easy to criticise Rooney, Lawrence, Davies etc when it all goes wrong but they’ve put more on their shoulders this season than anyone and battled week in week out, it’s fallen apart the last few weeks but it would be a miracle to do what they were doing for the whole season.

  10. I mean no one knows what’s going on. But the only way I can make sense of it is, and it’s based on if the two main bidders are now Appleby and Ashley.

    Appleby consortium was willing to put £x amount of million to pay off debts, but it didn’t involve paying for the stadium in the hope it would be thrown in.

    Ashley was willing to pick £x amount of million to buy the stadium but isn’t willing to pay the 25% to HMRC. Ashley’s deal is probably better and is the Preferred Bidder unofficially but means renegotiation with HMRC and the whole situation needs ‘managing’ as they will have to announce the -15 for next season. 

    I don’t think we will be liquidated but the club, or the fans and Rooney are going to get shafted once again in the short term. I can fully see that we will get the -15 and then the marketing campaign asking us to spend our money on season tickets to ‘roar on the rams’ will begin, essentially being expected to take whatever muck they give us and be glad of it


  11. I know this will split opinions and I don’t intend to aggravate but I think it’s a half decent starting place for my point.

    so somewhat 12 years ago I did a module on world politics and basically I learnt two important thing. 1) the greatest invention in the modern em works is the piston, although it was in China before 1000AD 2) We live in a time where the world power is moving from the west back to the east (the industrial revolution has been the only times that it ever changed).

    So a lot of the modern wars have kinda been about that, the western countries trying to maintain power and influence over the east and the somewhat failing. Russia ends up oddly having a foot in both camps on this, so it’s most likely seeing the west getting weaker. Has Russia got involved in the west through elections and referendums? It’s up for debate but they certainly have benefitted as they now look a stronger than those western countries who have suffered from weak leadership and civil chaos. Look at the UK and the US, were Trump or Johnson/May able to achieve anything? Did/do they even want to? The UK especially have spent years where we couldn’t look past our own borders, that even bleed into our response to Covid. 

    The world has moved on from the Iron Curtain days, as @RadioactiveWaste said Putin may have had a massive misstep here that he’s actually brought the west closer together rather than letting chaos breed. He’s even faced backlash in his own country so it’s actually brought chaos closer to him.

  12. Got to admit I did have a poke around yesterday to see what might happen and to see if anyone knew more info about what’s happening.

    As the day went on though I did become a little glad that threads were being locked. I fully get that we all want to discuss such an important topic, but the problem with the politics, covid and even the administration threads is people being all too willing to post disinformation. Or at the very least unverified info without putting a ‘disclaimer’ on, this is where a lot of bickering starts in my opinion. It’s either that or a lot of times it can be misinterpretation of an argument. 

    Sometimes that unverified info is just an accident, a bit of gossip, but then sometimes it can be part of an agenda which I think ends up being a dangerous and unhelpful on a football forum.

    Essentially, Im all up for a discussion but because it’s a sensitive topic can we be sure that we use verified source material about what’s going on and not just opinion pieces by non experts.

  13. 37 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    That is absolute bullpoo.

    How many other Prem sides have 33 pages dedicated to them on here?

    Over two seasons haha! In fairness I was being a bit tongue in cheek and I didn’t word it carefully enough. What I meant is the best reaction you can have is just to not really care about them.

    No Prem teams particularly consider them a rival, so they throw stuff at us to try and Gr let a reaction, so the best response is to not care either. Don’t give them the significance

  14. 13 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Yeah, saw the result on the way home from the match and smiled but its all a bit meh. Those clubs you mentioned care far more about us than we do them.


    I swear Leeds only care about us still is because they’ve gone up there and found out no one cares about them in the Premier League. So they throw stuff at us because we are an easy target who once beat them in one of the most memorable games in recent memory. When they got back in the Championship, Leeds fans were saying they didn’t care about us, but they can’t get over that we celebrated on their pitch or something like that.

    Best thing is Derby fans not really caring about them except being just another Prem side. I mean Brentford are getting dragged in just as much as Leeds and I couldn’t care less which one of those two it’ll most likely be!

  15. Got to admit part of me is concerned that if it is Ashley he wouldn’t bothered about paying HMRC above the threshold needed to not get the -15. I think he’d go for what’s best for business than what is best from a football/fan point of view.

    Just my instinct, it’s seemingly quite likely Ashley and hope I’m proved wrong there.

  16. 19 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

    Normally I’m balanced - but gut wrenched to lose to Snake & his Derby misfit outfit and imposter fake management spiel ?

    Unfortunately like Mowbray‘s Blackburn or Wilder’s Boro they are flat track bullies and we haven’t got enough players who can go toe to toe. Or we don’t get the luck or we’ve had refs that have played into their hands. Super frustrating but that’s the championship unfortunately. 

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