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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. 28 minutes ago, angieram said:

    And the administrators confirmed way after this that THEY had not received any bids from Ashley. 

    So either they are lying, or Ashley is feeding rubbish to reporters or going directly to Morris behind the administrators' backs or Percy is making things up. 

    So, you pay your money and you make your choice of who you believe.

    Whilst I don’t really ignore any info that’s coming out over this be it Twitter rumours, Nixon or whoever…I don’t think Percy has covered himself in glory this last couple of years. 

  2. I wouldn’t be against giving Ed the presenter role and getting a new commentator in. Ed takes a lot of criticism online, sometimes it’s fair but think he’s taken the brunt of a lot of maybe what was collective mistakes.

    It’s a bit hard to explain but I think CC wants to be a sports reporter whilst Ed wants to be a Derby County reporter? And there’s a difference in how you go about each role and both have been learning as they go? Or maybe sounds a bit more backhanded than I intended but anyway. 

    So Ed has been the one talking to sources and probably knows a lot more of what’s going on, but because he’s got a more emotional aspect then I think it sways how he come across. So criticisms of him coming across a bit ‘I know something you don’t know’ or that he can be a bit sniping are valid, but I don’t think it comes from a bad place and his info isn’t ever really wrong (or if it is he puts his hands up to it!).

    CC has kept his head down and done his work, and he’s very good at it, but as fans got desperate then Ed would be the one trying to keep everyone , informed which was an impossible task, and took a lot of criticism whilst doing it.

    It’s been a bugger of a couple of seasons reporting on Derby County, especially for local journalists, they’ve essentially had to learn as they go whilst competing with national journalists for their info. 

    If not Ed, a wild card choice would be Ryan Conway if he was still in the area. A decent journalist at The Athletic who’s got some character,  maybe just needs a few improvements with his info and things like that but wouldn’t be an awful choice if he’s trainable.


  3. Looking at the Sheffield Wednesday reaction to last night I wonder whether they’ve had a similar season to us. Not in terms of league positions or results, but that they’ve hit rock bottom and Mooro has brought the club and fans closer together to try and get a foundation to build on.

    I have no idea what their ownership situation is, or their money situation btw, just got the feeling that there has been some acceptance by both clubs what their situations are and you need to do that before being able to move on.

  4. 32 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:


    Apologies but just for clarity, does the ‘rumours of other parties showing interest’ bit mean in the context of the stadium deal, in a seperate stadium deal or on a seperate deal for the club and stadium?

  5. 20 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Romano normally knows his stuff with transfers, looks like a decision with short term solutions in mind, let’s hope it helps the club survive and we don’t miss out an a massive pay day in the future if the lad moves on from Liverpool

    Just spotted @Animal is a Ram shared this in the transfer forum too, not sure if a mod wants/needs to move it? It is still relevant to the admin situation due to the funding element

    I have no doubts that this is Liverpool taking advantage of the situation and expect us to thank them for them for doing it.

  6. 6 hours ago, Rammy03 said:


    This is Feb 2020 and presumably one of those post match dinners with sponsors. It’s worth pointing out that this honesty is exactly why some liked Mel (and would go over well in a room like a sponsors dinner). In the context of watching this after 2 years though, he’s coming across as a highly stressed bloke trying to maintain a sense of control and ‘im in charge’. If this was happening behind the scenes it adds a little more context into why he struggled (although saying that this is the time when it just started to look like it was coming together under Cocu).

  7. Ok reading the Owen Holmes stuff makes me slightly more positive. 

    Council may not be able to offer £20mill in money, but they can offer other things of value ie, potential land and investment opportunities.

    Everyone probably needs to go away and take the emotion out of the situation and regroup. The council probably need to work out what their final offer is, also what grants are available to them. Kirchner probably needs some rest and Mel probably needs to swallow his pride one last time. Then they might be able to come to a deal that suits everyone. Yeah it’s not ideal, but maybe it’s a moment for calm heads rather than trying to burn bridges. 

    Only question I have is has Kirchner’s exclusivity ran out?

  8. So…am I right in thinking we are still back to the original problem that Mel wants a higher fee for the stadium than anyone is willing to pay so personally doesn’t have to pay off the MSD loan?

    We’re back to everything on social media being confusing and no one talking in simple terms, so I’m only trying to get an idea of the state of play…

  9. 5 minutes ago, keithred said:

    We cannot allow the take over of our club being stymied by the problem caused by the fact that Mel Morris still owns Pride Park.

    What we need is a fans' buy out of the ground.   I suggest the following:

    If enough fans are prepared to invest £1,000 each, I reckon we can easily reach an amount for the stadium which Mel will accept.  Those investors become shareholders of the ground.  A management committee is appointed with liaison with the new club board.  A regular lease is agreed and set up, giving the investors a return on their investment.   The terms of the lease give the club takes full responsibility for maintaining the stadium, including policing on match days, etc.

    Can anyone see a problem with this scenario?  We need to get this moving asap.



    I see where the problem is

    a) I’m not giving you a thousand pounds Keith

    b) I don’t have a thousand pounds to throw away on a  ‘Nigerian Prince’ model. Have you seen the state of everything at the minute

    c) I’m not giving you a thousands pounds Keith

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