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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. 1 hour ago, jono said:

    Nervous … when did we last beat a Rowett team ? Was it Stoke ? 

    Daft thing is I know we will be better footballers but can we turn that in to goals. ? 


    Don’t usually write stuff pre game as I’m usually wrong but think we are being overly apprehensive cause Ed Dawes has been saying about Millwalls record at Derby. 

    But I think if it’s Ebosele (and he’s fit) and Byrne Vs Malone down the wing it’s going to be very interesting! Byrne will probably get that 10th booking though in the process…

  2. So er…Barry isn’t the only “ITK” claiming two bids, there’s another forum where they are even claiming a PB is in place with the hint to who it is.

    Scoffers gonna scoff but hopefully things are moving

    (Better put the ITK between quotations before some pedantic bugger makes out that I 100% believe everything Barry writes!)

  3. 8 minutes ago, R@M said:

    Actually…it would be common practice to have a minimum acceptable amount due to administrator’s pre negotiations with creditors…they would then inform the potential bidders of current bids in order to drive the price up with a deadline set for last possible bids. Just like EBay….in fact has anyone checked if we are listed?

    I had noted that the term ‘sealed bids’ hadn’t been used in a while, if ever 

  4. 5 minutes ago, YouRams said:

    To be expected Ashley who is renowned for wanting a bargain will likely be waiting to see what the others offer before sweeping in a few quid higher and taking us straight to the Prem.

    So no other bidders will put offers in until the last possible moment then.

  5. Just as a thing, surely Binnie and Appleby final bids are more than likely ‘in’ and have been for a while. Surely the deadline is in place to see if Ashley makes a move now?

    If no announcement before the weekend, then could it show that Ashley then has become the preferred bidder? Or atleast he’s put a bid in that’s with serious contention.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    Derby County ties

    Derby County ties

    We're all having a party

    We're all having a party 

    We're all having a party 

    Derby County ties


    I know it’s off the topic but if someone could organise  to get a load of ties so the south stand could do a ‘we’re all having a party in our derby county ties’ , then I’d absolutely love it.

    Would it save the club if we went out and brought thousands of ties from the megastore?

    Only after CBRammette gets hers ofcourse!

  7. Largely agree with the points @CornwallRamand @LeedsCityRam made. 

    We are a county where our Grandads either worked in the factories and mills or were farmers. In the winter months they played football and in the summer they played cricket, it’s a small unassuming county with very little other distractions like ‘culture’. We are very used to the idea of working, and not having someone doing it for us. At the end of the day we started the Industrial Revolution.

    I think because of that overall we tend to have a bit of a ‘nothing is too much of a hassle’ attitude. So when things go bad we tend to grin and bear it and either problem solve or do what we can to make the most of it. Which means in the context of Derby County that in low moments we tend to stick behind the club and do what we can do as fans. So whilst the Rooney effect is in place, not many clubs would do what we see because they don’t have a fan base that love their sport, are loyal and go into a drastic situation with an attitude of ‘bugger it lets see what happens’. Remember Rooney threatened to play the U23’s if we got docked 21 points, was it only when the fans started turning up did we start to believe it was doable?

  8. Looks like the storm has all but passed but be a bit wary as water will still be coming off the hills and onto roads and into the rivers for a little while yet. 

    Got through from Sheffield into north Derbyshire this morning so routes are open but a lot of water about. The pictures of Matlock especially don’t look fun.

  9. I’m incredibly hungover today so forgive my waffle.

    Sibley is the most Derbyshire looking lad I’ve ever seen.Can’t be bothered to think for a reason why that is, but anyway I digress, looked somewhat back to when he first emerged under Cocu today. Looked sharp. Rooney said back in Jan he had a big role to play, might be coming back into the side at the perfect time.

    My view of the Lawrence tackle at the time that he wanted to leave one on the player but horribly misjudged it. Like he wanted to catch his toe rather than stamping him. Need to see it again really. It’s annoying but it is what it is, christ we’ve had so much thrown at us this season a player being sent off seems small fry to me. Think there’s a few about who’ve been waiting to have a grumble at him to be honest!

    Good ref for once! Surprised he didn’t send off Thompson for taking out Sibley but aside that thought he managed it well.

    Peterborough learnt from Hull, you might not stop Derby by the wings but you need to cram the middle. It worked a bit, we got in some nice positions but with no outlet. They weren’t positionally disciplined though and more space opened up towards the end of the game.

    Cashin deserves his plaudits, Knight has energy but I fear he over uses it in place of a bit of quality which I think he needs to find again., Bird looking better and better too. Some delightful through balls by Byrne in the second half. Thought Morrison had a decent cameo.

    Thought Plange had an excellent game too despite not really having a shot aside the near goal. Hold up play, passing and movement are improving all the time. He’s not just a young kid with a good shot.

  10. Both teams so low on confidence in front of goal.

    Peterborough one of the more cynical sides I’ve seen (ref should have picked up on it more)

    Readings captain looks a decent defender but seemingly doing all the work by himself

    Couldn’t honestly give you any more insight than that.

  11. Nixon hasn’t thrown us a bone in a few days so I think a few aren’t sure what to post/think on the subject.

    If we want the thread to get back on topic I can do it in two sentences:

    Mike Ashley isn’t necessarily the answer to Derby County’s problem and the only reason some of you lot suck up to him on here is because you see a wad of cash just like you did with Mel. He’s not even put in a solid bid yet because he wants the club for cheaper than it’s actual worth.

    I’m off for a bit, thank me later mods!

  12. 1 hour ago, CBRammette said:

    Had 5 live on in car on way home and Tony Livesey trailing Colin Murray's show later said "you may want to listen in Derby fans as he may have better news for you". So do you think it will be news news that derby fans wouldnt know or just keeping us in spotlight as he has been really supportive? Would he have actual news of is Tony Livesey just a Burnley fan trying to get more listeners? Anyone else hear it? 

    Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Community Trust related, can fully imagine that the fundraising for tickets is the type of thing Murray likes to show some recognition to.

    Ill happily be pleasantly surprised if it’s something different though!

  13. 1 hour ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    Hey, believe whatever clear and obvious ******** you want, I can't stop you.

    Don’t think I said anything about believing it. It’s more about not discarding information because you don’t like the source. Barry could be right, could be wrong, I mean he’s literally given it roughly 10 days since the radio derby interview said ‘10 days’, but let’s just see if it happens or not. As I said earlier, problem is with Nixon or a lot of ITKers is that they legit hear something from someone, but unless the story is near completion anything can go wrong. It’s why Nixon can trip himself up sometimes because he won’t have the full story before writing an article. 

    Thing is with Barry, he’s literally putting his rep on the line again, maybe just see what happens? Can always ignore him if he gets it wrong, plus it’s slightly more interesting than pages of puns and ‘remembering places’. Not quite sure when the thread became The Peter Kay thread.

  14. 23 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    ...said anyone ever scammed by someone claiming to be a 'psychic' into believing that their Nan's dead dog Alfred is guarding over their house.

    Giving any credence whatsoever to what Barry The Ram comes out with is pure lunacy.

    Nah, comparing that analogy to a Twitter account might be though!

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