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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. 10 minutes ago, inglorious02 said:

    Could two bidders pool resources and make a joint bid?

    Kinda but I think it’s probably complicated and messy.

    Lets say Ashley wants to buy the stadium rather than the club (that is my gut instinct anyway but that’s by the by) so he pays off the MSD debt, leaving Appleby to sort the creditors. In the short term, it works and then the club pays a lease to Ashley whilst Ashley does what he wishes with ‘The Pride of Sport Direct Park’ but eventually you’d imagine the club would want the stadium back. The issue with that that it wouldn’t take much to take it away from being a reasonable price for the sell back. The stadium was worth £80 mill before administration, it would be worth around that again and so it would become a huge issue. It doesn’t take much thinking to realise all the scenarios that could occur there.

    I think the more sensible outcome, if you were looking at the idea of splitting the bids, would be for the council to buy the stadium from Mel, lease to the club with the idea it would be brought back into the club at a later date.

  2. I do think one of the more interesting aspects of all this is actually away from the supporters groups, the journalists and possibly even the MPs, and that’s when the Admins meet with Team Derby/City Council.

    They get talked about less, probably because nothing leaks put of them,  but they do tend to get things moving a bit more and don’t go out releasing pointless statements. It’s only really Team Derby/the council that can put pressure Morris too so they have as much sway as anyone else does in the scenario.

    Maybe worth keeping an eye out to see if John Forkin tweets later today and what happens the next few days. 

  3. 4 hours ago, JfR said:

    The penalty was quite soft, and I'd not have been too up in arms if it hadn't been given (the Buchanan one was far more obvious, as have been the other ones we've not had in recent games), but it's such a false equivalent that Coventry fans are comparing it to the one Godden got a ban for.
    Lawrence did have his trailing foot clipped by O'Hare, and Sheaf did step across him and fail to get a touch on the ball. Enough for a penalty? Maybe not, but there is contact.
    The one Godden got banned for, he wasn't touched at all by the Fulham defender:


    Watching on the telly, Lawrence gets the defender to commit to the challenge, he makes contact with Lawrence at the knee, Lawrence goes down (and has a right to!). To me, it’s clumsy defending and the defender is playing a risk once he commits.

    Dumb defending shouldn’t be rewarded!


  4. 8 minutes ago, David said:

    At this point he's just a football troll. 

    The words Steve Gibson and sporting integrity don't belong in the same sentence.


    I was about to write this in the other thread, but this current scenario is down to both sides reaping what they sow.

  5. So that Panorama on Abramovich is quite interesting. No doubt it’s not really new info, but I learnt quite a bit about how he acquired his wealth and the deals that were put in place.

    Chelsea fans may have to live with the fact that all their success these past 20 years will always have a side note of ‘where did the money come from?’

  6. 22 minutes ago, David said:

    Vegetarian as well, but let’s ignore that for a minute @Boycie, Gluten free won a pie award!!!

    The Gluten Free Mooless Pie by Bristol-based Pieminister was crowned Supreme Champion at the event in St Mary's Church, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire.


    My partner is GF and during the midst of the lockdowns, where takeaway consumption was at its highest, we had quite a few pieministers and she said how good they were. Will need to tell her that it’s award winning!

    We are quite fortunate where we are in Sheffield as we have an amazing pizza place close by that does a GF base that is arguably better than the normal one.


  7. 19 minutes ago, therams69 said:

    Hmm interesting about the march.. My input for what its worth on that...

    So a chap called Ryan and a couple of other lads I know (top man is Ryan and was well out his comfort zone!) decided to organise the march. I got wind of it and offered my help and guidance through having contacts with the police, club, radio derby, BBC East Midlands Today etc etc...

    We spent the couple of weeks prior speaking to the police (very helpful) and once all agreed I put Ryan in touch with Radio Derby and East Midlands Today. Bit of campaigning on twitter, facebook etc...

    I take absolute zero credit for it, I played my part in getting Albatross on board and all the flags down there but just oiled the wheels for Ryan to be speaking to the people who he needed to speak to get the word out there and get the movement going. This was his baby and deserved the praise and credit for it.

    So as far as I am concerned no twitter town council meeting was responsible for the march and quite disheartening for Ryan and others should they see this post.

    Very much like PR. I do have issue with Mr Bourne and took to twitter this evening to pass my comments on. He never replied publically but took the conversation to private message. No problem with that but perhaps this should have been the first port of call with the original issue.

    BAWT and particularly Nigel have been fantastic at the meetings, as have all the supporters groups. We never asked for this and this was certainly not the reason why the charter was setup all these years ago. It is what it is though.

    The last thing we need is other groups being called out for politics. As Angie said, for christ sake if you dont like them then dont follow them! We are all adults here..

    In fairness they were quite complimentary to Ryan and I should have mentioned him in my first post! But what I mean is there were other outlets that were involved and it all came across a bit aggrandising and disingenuous, in my opinion. Like it was the power of social media rather than a lot of different outlets coming together to support the city and club. But as I said to David earlier, that’s just my opinion and I could have read it wrong.

    Fully agree this should have been kept behind closed doors.

  8. 2 minutes ago, David said:

    It's difficult on Twitter spaces to keep up the momentum, even that sing your dialect died after 2 weeks and that had national coverage on TV and radio.

    The spaces helped raise awareness getting people to contact local MP's, Rick Parry, the match but you sort of reach the point where it's what now.

    Saying that I'm mostly going off what I heard, wasn't a regular listener to be honest.

    Twitter spaces will probably be gone in a few months, they are dominated by NFT's now and outside of a few vital moments, haven't been a success at all for Twitter.

    Good point on Twitter spaces, felt a bit bad after my post to be honest because those early ones were very good and did help make a community feel between the city, the club, the culture, supporters etc. It helped galvanise a fan base that needed direction. i just didn’t particularly like how they came across and it made me cynical of their motives. I also didn’t particularly like seeing such a public approach that was taken with bawt today to be honest. Hence my post, but as you say, it was probably more a loss of momentum and it just came across bad to me!

  9. 1 hour ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Got not strong feelings either way on BAWT. They were obviously wrong to claim that they were “democratically elected”, but that strikes me as something that was thrown in when the website was developed and just left to sit there, rather than outright lying. I haven’t seen them claim to be speak on our behalf either, but I could be wrong. 

    Ryan did some excellent work on the #SaveDerbyCounty campaign, but this sudden attack on BAWT seems very odd. We should be doing everything to maintain a united front at this point. I thought he was better than this.

    I also thought to begin with the #savederbycounty campaign looked very good and I even promoted it a fair few times on here, when there was a lot of negativity on here or bickering I really thought it might help people through those moments. Thing is as time went on, something seemed off to me when listening in to their town council meetings. After the march they seem to take full credit and were patting themselves on the back (that’s how I felt listening to it anyway) when a lot of work went in through radio derby, DET and supporter groups as well to raise awareness beforehand. Then the meetings just kinda fizzled out with a few half baked ideas that never went anywhere. If I’m being cynical, some PR people can now show that social media campaigns ‘work’ so they can sell their marketing prowess elsewhere.

    Could be wrong on that and I would’ve kept that thought to myself usually but by having a go at bawt, who have atleast tried to keep fans informed through this, then I think he deserves a bit back. 

  10. Got to say I’m getting ever more intrigued by this Reading situation and what can happen.

    What gets me the most is the actual Ince announcement and the timing of it being straight after a game. To me that comes straight from the Mel Morris handbook of trying to sweep your bad news under the carpet. It’s not that it turns eyes away from you but a form of damage control. 

    It could be that everything is above board, and fine is so, but something just gets me about the timing of that announcement and why they didn’t wait until into the evening or even the next day.

    If they aren’t following a business plan it’ll be interesting to see when the EFL act. Will they wait until after the season or do it before which drags Reading further into the scrap and a way our for Derby? From a football perspective, we just need to concentrate on ourselves, it’s just something to be aware of.

  11. This always sticks out to me as a bit of a forgotten memory. Its possibly underrated due to our heroics at Man U later on this season but that goal from Sturridge that hits the crossbar is a ‘moment’ all in itself.

    But this game was before any marquee signings but probably the first time on modern ‘premier league’ football Derby put other sides on notice? Might be wrong there but that’s what it felt like to me looking back. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Genuine question from someone who doesn't follow the news too closely: why can't other Western countries defend Ukraine? I understand they would defend, for example, Poland because they belong to Nato. But is Nato membership really what decides who deserves military support?

    I’m sure you’ll get better answers but I think it’ll set up a bad precedent if NATO got too involved. 

  13. 18 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    Agreed. But they aren't all in the east. Which is why I think it's interesting to draw comparisons. 

    I think we play world police too much.

    But I agree, Putin is acting like a barbarian and there are those close to him that seem more reluctant than him to "liberate" Russians in Ukraine. 

    Hopefully they do something about it before time runs out for Ukraine because he isn't going to stop until he's achieved his goals. Because nobody can stop him

    Yeah but it’s because the west are loosing our power and influence in the world.

    Weve lost a lot of our raw material and industry, so we are now the service providers of the world. Banking, Technology,Communication and our own notion of ‘Policing’. That is seen by us as our role within the world now. 

    But the ‘east’ are catching us/have even caught up with us here on these fronts. Look at the rise of Dubai, China etc. Putin knows where the future is and is flexing his muscles because of crap leadership in the west, for the best part of 20 years, has given him the opportunities to.


    Kinda ranted off that one sentence there, and my ideas of east and west are too simplistic but hopefully you get the idea of what I’m saying.

  14. 5 minutes ago, hintonsboots said:

    I’d be very tempted to instigate the Mrs Rooney protocol if I were Andy Hosking. Feed only the EFL a completely false statement ( Nigerian consortium make bid) and see how long it takes Nixon to tweet:-

    Derby: Nigerians in with a large wad, will blow the others out of the water. More in paper tomorrow .


    It’s…Trevor Birch.

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