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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. 1 minute ago, Eatonram said:

    It has always been Boros strongest weapon to do nothing. That is what they will continue to do. They are neither interested in Court or arbitration as actual evidence would be required in both. They simply want an out of court settlement in other words an offer of cash to move assure so that we can progress. Extortion. 

    I was about to say this last week has gone to show everyone that all the claims by the EFL/Boro/Wycombe to say they aren’t holding up the process is being shown up by none of then responding to Morris’ statement. They’ve only done some muddying of the water with some snippets to Alan Nixon.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    The Rick Parry podcast says it all really 

    I’m surprised this hasn’t been picked up more to be honest.

    Media has gone very quiet this week leading into the Boro game.

    Got to admit I’m starting to get quite concerned that there will be trouble somewhere, Boro will play the victims to the press and we lose some of the support Rooney, the players and the fans have built up in recent weeks. Don’t particularly want to give the ‘if you are a fan who’s going and you read this…’ thing, but all I can say is we need to be smart now and think about the consequences.

    Make sure they’ve wasted every single penny they’ve spent on extra security and whatever else.

  3. 22 minutes ago, StarterForTen said:

    It's just that he's a known entity to many supporters.

    Better the devil you know than the darling you don't.


    EDIT: That said, I do think his particular business model for club ownership would serve DCFC very well. I think he'd be an excellent fit to reposition the club to a sustainable - and exciting - future.

    Technically ‘the devil you know is Appleby, who was the main man when we got the closest we ever got to the Prem.

  4. Why the Ashley love in?

    He says he wants you, then he doesn’t want you, then he wants you again? He wants to put you in cheap jewellery, because it’ll do. He will take us for nights out in ‘Flares’ but never for a meal. He does no work around the house and offers to pay for a cleaner to it for him, paid in cash ofcourse.  His long term ex is telling us to stay away as he slowly broke the m down. They were richer than ever, but money doesn’t replace happiness.

    But no, you’ll run to him at the first sniff that he’s interested and because it’s easy.

    In all seriousness, sorry but I don’t get it when there are other candidates just as strong.

  5. I was only listening on an AM radio last night so only really half caught why the first solicitor said, so I’ve had a relisten this morning and just to be clear with what he said and he does point out the Morris proposal” is sound”. But I think what he’s saying is high court judges and lawyers would throw the case out so Boro and Wycombe won’t go for it, which ‘Mel and his lawyers fully well know’. So it’s not that Mel can’t necessarily do it (I’m ignoring the bit he mentions about the corporate veil, because I’m not sure it’s relevant if Morris tells them to sue him and not the club), it’s putting the ball back into the court of the EFL/Boro/Wycombe, which is exactly what everyone is saying before everyone became a legal expert. It will probably end up with indemnity yes, but also Mel is the big loser in that case and Gibson/Couhig have nothing on the line, so if arbitration isn’t until May and we have funds to survive then Mel is technically within his rights to atleast try this first.

    Ie, this ain’t PR but probably the first step in the process. 

  6. 2 hours ago, 1967RAMS said:

    As I said before to try and salvage his credibility/reputation. Not an hope in hell it will happen. Him and Gibson have been comparing dick sizes for years. It’s just MM still trying to pretend he’s the bigger man 

    He’d only salvage any reputation by creating a legitimate path through the impasse though, making up what he can legally do would make him look worse!

  7. 28 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    Parry is not a lawyer. He wouldn’t mention doability if he hadn’t been advised by his legal outfit that the doability is highly questionable. This clash of the titans is about pride and vanity and MM needs to solve our problem not preen his image with these over blown self justificatory missives. They take days to write and time is against us 

    Morris is not a lawyer. He wouldn’t offer it out to the Press Association if he hadn’t been advised by his legal outfit that it’s doability was doable.

  8. 2 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    The clue is that Parry has commented on MM’s proposal, saying ‘if it’s doable’. Translated into English this means: “my legal team have told me this is as mad as a box of frogs “

    “If it’s doable” doesn’t need a translation mate, because it’s in english.

    He’s saying he’s not sure it’s doable at the time he wrote that, probably because he wasn’t sure if it was doable.

  9. A simplistic point

    Would Mel Morris provide a statement to the Press Association, of all the places, that he was willing to take on the cases personally instead of Derby County, without knowing whether he can actually do it?

    I know Morris is Morris, and this doesn’t help those on here enjoying going round and round in circles playing Mr Know It All…but come on!


    1) Rooney Press Conference early afternoon (Usually around 1-2pm). Although doubt we will find out too much, but it’ll make you happy there’s some football to look forward to!

    2) Radio Derby Phone-In between 6-7pm on 95.3 or 104.5 FM or DAB/BBC Sounds


    After their meeting at 4 BAWT are doing a Q&A at 7.30pm. Again I imagine they won’t be able to say too much without getting the approval from administrators but it’ll probably be the most direct source of any info coming out today. 

    No I don’t know why they are bothering to have Chris Kirchner on even further down the line. 


    Do the administrators like leaking a bit of info out before these meetings? I have it in my head it’s happened before so look out for that. Until then why don’t you play the Alan Nixon Guessing Game? Maybe another MP will release a statement asking for another meeting (I know the MPs are doing good but I can’t help imagine them like the Priests in Father Ted sat round the table saying ‘Can anything be said for another mass?). Maybe let’s see if Michael Knighton’s glorious moustache will do a few keepy ups whilst we wait for news?

    Or we do what we do every day and watch a few posters bicker whilst they and us try to make sense of it.


  11. This has got that Rodgers arrogance written all over it.

    Credit to Forest like for their work ethic, and everything is going for them at the minute (typing whilst looking at just handball) but this is Leicester bringing their own downfall here. They haven’t gone and earnt the right to play.

  12. 30 minutes ago, Kathcairns said:

    Are you trying to twist everything i post.

    Someone will always pick up on a tiny detail that has little bearing to your point, eventually grinding down your position to that tiny detail just so they can have their argument. Think it’s an unfortunate add on to everybody living within this thread minute by minute!

    Best to make your point, ignore them and get on with your day 

  13. 1 minute ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    Weird, coming from Nixon, who said that MA was nowhere near it a few days ago.

    Judging a lot of his posts over the last 24 hours I suspect he’s back to this being guesswork once again 

    Not meaning it as a dig, as I do think he knows more than most, but when the goal posts move to where they no longer fit your narrative then you are back to square one essentially 

  14. 40 minutes ago, I know nuffin said:

    Just a suggestion for the EFL rather than keep moving the goalposts, as confirmed by tweets for current dcfc employees, if Gibson does not take up MMs offer what about charging Middlesbrough of bringing the game into disrepute by bringing baseless charges against a league founding member. Either he takes MMs offer up or he is making it up and causing unfounded mental anguish on dcfc staff and fans 

    They could have done this many times over the last 2 seasons and didn’t bother, so thing that boat has unfortunately sailed!

  15. 7 minutes ago, Red Ram said:

    He's also a barrister...

    Whilst having a quick look through (it’s Friday night and a few beers in), he could technically be correct but also doesn’t know enough on Mel's relationship with the club with regard to things like the business structure.

    I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt, that he’s bringing up good points to consider, but he’s looking at a very complicated situation and trying to give a simple answer. Also I imagine some of the tweets where ‘Mel should have said this that or the other’ could be things coming further down the line if there’s pushback from this first statement. 

    It’s impossible for those of us on the outside of it all to really have an opinion that’s based on anything, as it’s entangled within a mess basically. 

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