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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. 9 minutes ago, Heisenberg said:

    Meanwhile at Derbyshire Live HQ… ??‍♂️


    In fairness, this came through at a similar time.

    It’s arguable the headline buries the lead as Kirchner has told Derbyshire Live that there’s a lot still up in the air, but he has been at Moor Farm today.

  2. Lots of drama suggests something is close. I’ll repeat what I said earlier that it’s not a time to panic, it’s a time for patience. 

    One thing with the stadium, unless the council and Morris agreed a deal months ago I’d take a punt that we’re still some weeks until signatures can be put to paper on exchanging the keys. So any calls for ‘Morris to get this done’ are largely pointless. Presumably there has to be a written declaration agreed that Morris will sell the stadium to the council at this point. No one is saying the deal won’t be done, they are just hearing from the EFL there’s still something to sorted out before it’s given the all clear.

  3. Just now, Curtains said:

    Stadium is a big issue maybe we could play on the racecourse 

    I would presume our minor issues is that mels name or company is still listed as owning the stadium or something like that which they can’t sign off in time. So they need a legal assurance or something in writing to say that Mel will not have the stadium and therefore no influence in the running of Derby County.

    Pure guesswork but it’ll be something they can work around or else Percy would be making a big song and dance about it

  4. 46 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    Worth noting that yet again two small clubs in Fulham and Bournemouth with a very small amount of supporters again get to the premiership due to - yes parachute payments ! - yet the premiership bosses will be moaning that the bigger clubs can’t get near - with every likelihood that leeds or Everton will be in the championship as well 

    Parachute payments are a problem, probably the biggest one, but also it’s been a very poor league this time around. When you look at who’s in and around the play offs I’m pretty sure all those sides wonder whether they’ve actually been good enough to be in that position they are. Use Forest as an example and see where they were after 7 games. Is that Forest have been untouchable out of nowhere, or is it that everyone else has been poor and a bit of momentum can go a long way? Look where we’d be without the deductions, there’s no way with our side should be there.

    Some have underachieved, but there’s a lot of sides trying to mimic the Leeds approach rather than looking for their own style of play, an approach that nearly didn’t work for Leeds! It’s brought poor football, negative tactics and Fulham and Bournemouth have near on picked off the league unchallenged.

  5. Kitson tickets on sale here although probably a bit pricey considering travel. Alas, if you love DK it’s probably worth it. https://www.justthetonic.com/melbourne-comedy/shows/saturday-18-jun-2022/5527/

    But, for those looking at something a bit special, Just The Tonic are also doing some weekend shindigs there which maybe look a bit more enticing to those on here looking at the line ups. https://www.justthetonic.com/melbourne-comedy/

    Really intrigued to see if this works and whether they do it again.

  6. 54 minutes ago, angieram said:

    Is this article a joke?

    And were they as strict when that kid ran on wanting a selfie with Rooney at our game?


    Wasn’t it all fine when that kid ran on to hug Rooney earlier in the season in the game where they tightened security?

    Maybe one event encouraged another?

  7. Big fan of Lawrence’s second against Sheff U. Got a team aspect to it and a moment of individual brilliance. 

    Lawrence deserves it for one of his goal at least imo. I do think the goal of the season should reward individual brilliance over team play tbh as it’s not the team who got the trophy!

  8. Pearson got what the issue was but went about it the wrong way, essentially trying to do too much too fast. Mel was probably too quick to pull the trigger, but from a fans perspective, so much was going wrong on the pitch it’s hard to make the argument he should have stayed. 

    It’s probably the most fascinating recent season in regards to what was going on and the money involved. Yes the club needed someone to come in to cut the squad, but with the benefit of hindsight we probably needed someone with a Nigel Clough mentality to build over a few seasons rather than a Nigel Pearson ‘rip it all up’ mentality.

    It still boils down to Mel though not being able to see that because of his own ambitions and lack of football nouse.

  9. I know we can moan about refs all day but bloody hell thatchallenge from Semenyo and Byrne was a bad one nearly no one picked up on (not even our fans). It was shin high, studs showing and reckless. 

    Not even booked! As for the challenge that set up the free kick for their third. Well what can you say?

    Made a lot of our own luck today in terms of the team and how it was set up, but we never got ‘the bounce of the ball’ and we certainly never got any 50/50 decisions from the ref.

  10. Chelsea vs Arsenal has been the best game than I’ve seen for weeks in the premier league. Two teams trying to play football, giving each other a bit of needle and both making errors for the other side to take advantage of. Neither are consistent to be top sides but they go for it. 

    As a neutral give me more games like that than the type of football Liverpool of Citeh produce


  11. I’ve tried to be relatively informed with everything that is happening but can’t really find anyone talking about this, would Russia taking Mariupol cause a momentum shift as they then have an eastern base for supplies etc? Or is it just symbolically important so they can have a parade on May 9th?

  12. 30 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    I don't have a problem with the letter. It's to the point and simply addresses the one remaining elephant in the room: The stadium.

    I also don't see the point of raking over old ground with some of the questions you list. While I fully appreciate that you/we would like answers to many of these, what we need is a favour from the man. Risking antagonising him with historical and loaded/accusatory questions, rather than focussing on what needs to be done for the club to move forward, would be a mistake IMO.

    We just need him do do what needs to be done and we move on, leaving him behind for good.

    As I said I only took those questions of the top of my head, I’m just making the point there’s a lot of questions going unanswered rather than saying those are the ones I want answering. 

    I do think fans have a right to ask questions and I can’t see any better time than now. We are relegated, Kirchner has another 2 weeks before he takes control of the finances and he won’t take over until June at the earliest (if it goes through at all).

    All fans want to move on but with a lot of unknown answers then doesn’t that make it harder? Also I don’t there was anything too antagonistic in those questions and at least it gives him the right of reply. The majority of fans backed Mel for a long time and because of it Mel is going to synonymous with Derby County for a long time. Those ‘memes’ aren’t going to go away, the embittered opposition fans calling us cheats aren’t either. I do think we have the right to ask what the actual plan was and I do think we are owed a reply, even if it’s to try and learn from those mistakes.

  13. 16 hours ago, BucksRam said:

    Apologies if already posted here or elsewhere:


    I was thinking yesterday about how Mel has a lot of questions to answer and as the dust settles after Monday whether fans/supporter groups may come out and starting asking a few.

    Unfortunately this feels a misstep once again by BAWT by rushing out a statement for the sake of it. Mel won’t come out and answer anything over this, it’ll just encourage him to keep quiet. It needed a statement of carefully considered questions and let his silence speak volumes.

    Why did he decide to enter administration when he did?

    Why were Quantuma chosen by Stephen Pearce over other administrators?

    You had full knowledge that the Gibson/Couhig scenarios were obstacles to a sale, why did you not look to resolve them sooner?

    You must have had full knowledge that the stadium would also cause an issue, why did you not seek a resolution sooner? I know both situations would take a certain amount of time, but from a fans perspective both situations ‘kicked the can’ far further down the road that it ever needed to be. 

    Why during his tenure did so many background people leave without being replaced?

    What was your actual connection to the club? It’s hard to fathom a fan to make the decisions you have

    Was your actual interest in the commercial/other opportunities premier league club rather than owning your ‘boyhood’ club?

    Thats just off the top of my head of questions that he needs to address and what supporter groups should be coming out with rather than rushing out a statement. Apologies to BAWT because I keep calling them out for stuff like this, and I do think they have done excellent work during this situation at times, but statements like yesterday are rushed fluff designed to make you look at the forefront of this without actually doing anything productive.

  14. Yeah, Man U’s biggest problem is their defence but I still think that not building their attack play around Sancho and Lingard at the start of the season was a mistake. In that those two were there ready to prove a point but have never been allowed to really unleash themselves. Instead they’ve given that role to Fernandes who in terms of gameplay offers a big load of nothing.

    But that defence has been exposed time and again tonight.

  15. Realistically, we started this season with Bielik and Lawrence who would walk into most sides in this league in terms of their ability. We lost, pretty much, our players who might be used in a rotation system aside Byrne, Knight, Davies and basically our academy system. Yet we still took it to 43 games and fully comfortable in this league without points deductions and embargo’s (and yes, they are probably suitable punishments blah blah blah).

    Find me a club that would get anywhere near what we did. There will be a few that are gonna revel in this who don’t realise how close they are to our situation, and if they get dragged into it they won’t put up half the fight.

    It was inevitable, but Rooney, the staff, the squad and the fans conducted themselves in the right way throughout.

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