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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. 4 minutes ago, David said:

    First half poor, disappointing in fact with the scenes outside Pride Park and the city pre match. Never felt so deflated at half time.

    Second half, completely different team, Birmingham let off the gas after their second which helped us, we deserved the point in the end.

    Should it have been a penalty from Mengi's handball? Yes

    Should Bielik's goal of stood with Stearman offside and arguably a high boot? No.

    Birmingham fans will be fuming, understandable especially in the last minute, but the two poor decisions equalled themselves out.

    Do not let off the gas against us.

    Teams should be listening, we don't sing we'll fight till the end for no reason. We will fight until the end.

    When teams are fouling and trying to break up play as much as Birmingham then refs are bound to miss things. 

    Birmingham were impressive in parts, but had poor game management and thought the game was win. Played exactly like Forest did last week but without weren’t as good at it. So they were scuppered by their own tactics imo

  2. 22 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    Hopefully this is only a teaser. I'm guesing they're still being bound and are limited as to what they can say - but, finding out so little is a bit disheartening...

    Said this earlier in the day, but I think the more significant meeting today was the Mel Morris/City Council one. If any sort of arrangement has come out of that (and we probably won’t hear anything for a little while) then it could sort quite a few problems out. 

    If what I think is happening does actually happen (and Ive had a pretty bad week in terms of guesses, but I can’t see why those meetings were hold today if it wasn’t), then today could have been a huge positive step. Essentially the stadium hurdle could be sorted and the ball is back in Wycombe/Boro’s court now.

    We won’t hear anything for a bit and everyone may have to place nice for a little bit too, but I do think there will have been some progress behind the scenes. The people who I think will end up knowing more in the next few days will be Radio Derby and not Nixon/Percy et al.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    It's ok.  He has a cunning plan... back roads... quiet country lanes... dark early... petrol?  What petrol?  Oh!  

    “They say a lone wanderer walks these dark, lonely country woods late surrounded by a single glow. Goes by the name of ‘Wisdom’ and he’ll follow his sat nav to the end of the earth”

  4. 3 minutes ago, cosmic said:

    Those two Wycombe reporters only have 900 followers between them. They just work for a local paper and are looking to do some actual journalism rather than sit there recycling clickbait everyday (*cough* DET *cough*).

    I know we're all on the defensive, but surely we're big enough to not get triggered by a couple of kids?


     But it’s the commute they’ve done im more bothered about. In that traffic, up the M1, on a Friday. It’s bad organisation at the very best.

    Up the motorway…on a friday. In the afternoon!

  5. 3 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    WTF. Stay at home. Heard enough poo from this lot on the Radio last week.

    Sounds like they just fancied a bit of a jolly on works time to me.

    ’hey shall we go and see what the atmosphere is like in Derby this afternoon?’

    *let’s go out in the car, do no work, get stuck in traffic, coffee at Newport Pagnell,  turn back

    Atleast go Friday morning and get back for half decent time, why travel to Derby and back at the worst possible times for traffic?

    Southerners, I tell ya

  6. 17 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Oddly in about the 1st 30 seconds (?) she said she was positive (am I misremembering?) but then went on to firmly 'manage fans expectations'. 

    She did say that she thought pressure was being bought to bare on the right people now (or words to that effect).

    The bigger picture of ‘positives’ I think, is that the EFL/administrators are on a better wavelength with that joint statement yesterday

    Reading between the lines, without listening to what the MPs have said today, I think everyone is beginning to realise the problem and solution is probably closer to home than the Wycombe/Boro scenario. It’ll be interesting to see what comes out of the 2.30 meeting I think.

  7. Very simplistic way of looking at it but I wonder whether this mess might be resolved if Mel paid off the MSD debt as a loan for the club to him, in which we then gave Morris 25p in the £1 back.

    So he’d get a return similar to HMRC? He probably wouldn’t like it but surely that would seem most pragmatic in the circumstances?

  8. 16 minutes ago, atherstoneram said:

    One thing the administrators would have done foremost is getting actual figures in place of what money is owed and to who.


    Its mentioned in Nixon’s article that the disputes with Wycombe and Boro could have effects on the HMRC bill, so I’m saying no one will buy us without knowing what it is they are buying

  9. 14 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    He was MP for Derbyshire Dales, the constituency in which Mel lives.

    Ah didn’t realise the constituency spread as far as that. Had it in my head that it only went as far as matlock bath and then quite a bit further north. Did some work nearby, so I know what area it’s in but didn’t realise it’s still Derbyshire Dales. Stand corrected!

  10. 2 minutes ago, hiltonram said:

    Jim Wheeler said last night on radio Derby that from his source the Appleby group were happy to contend the Boro and Wycombe claim.

    Today Nixon saying this is holding up that group. I hope the MP's meeting might flush out the truth so we know.


    I don’t think it’s overly fair to call one person out, especially a rams fan at the minute, but I don’t think Wheeler covered himself I’m glory last night. Im sure he’s got some info, but his big play about the statement coming out today has made todays news feel flatter imo. 

    He might need to have a few words with those he’s getting his info from

  11. Maybe two more positive things Derby related to get involved in

    i think the Twitter town council thing has been really good, lots of positive stories and discussion.


    Then also, Radio Derby are doing their black & white day tomorrow, encouraging everybody around the county to wear black & white. Little things but it might be a good thing to start the weekend and get ready for Sunday

  12. It feels like we are where we were weeks ago.

    EFL need to be more pragmatic in finding a resolution with Boro and Wycombe. Stop scapegoating Derby and get them off their high horse.

    Administrators need to sort Mel out on the stadium. 

    Get actual figures in place of what money is owed where so bidders know what they are buying, it’s the same thing all along

    It’s sh** or get off the toilet time!

  13. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Facts like the one month extension, when no-one else mentioned it before him?

    Yeah I’m not sure why people keep saying the journalists don’t know anything, I think if you look back they’ve got very little wrong. Remember when we were scoffing at the -21 points deduction reports last summer?

    Sometimes Nixon’s cryptic messages don’t help, or Percy’s articles that are being fed by the EFL, but there’s a difference in them being unhelpful to them being wrong. Same can be said for peoples opinions on Maguire.

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