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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. 31 minutes ago, The Baron said:

    They probably won’t talk to me. The last time I was on the radio (via Zoom) with Rick Parry the producer said he would only come on the show if I didn’t ask any questions and my microphone was switched off when he was being interviewed. 

    Out of interest is there any reason for that? The EFL don’t appear very transparent to me (for the record I didn’t think Morris & Pearce weren’t and neither are Gibson & Couhig!) but I think it does raise alarm bells for an organisation of that size.

    That lack of openness/transparency is nearly encouraging owners find their own ways against FFP and therefore spend over what they can afford on the premier league gamble. That’s not to excuse any owners from blame, but from the outside there is a culture that’s nearly encouraging their behaviour?

  2. 15 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    But why should they listen to Gibson and not to you? Isn’t it perfectly within their rights to tell Gibson to get stuffed too?

    I don’t think Maguire was looking to sue the EFL!

    Although it would be a funny twist in this saga if he did. Fancy it @The Baron? I’m sure we can find some daft regulation we could get them on!

  3. 13 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    I think he means there is a meeting booked for next Tuesday with announcement the Wednesday (23rd ish).

    I find Barry's tweets funny, especially after him saying Allardyce was gonna be named manager, however...

    He was bang on about the original EFL findings and has been correct about things more recently. Whilst we were all celebrating when the points deduction was given assuming a preffered bidder would follow, he tweeted that was just the beginning and we will be lucky if there is a club to support. People piled on him for being negative, turned out he was right.

    And the allrdyce thing, even the bookies had us getting a big manager in, it was only because the BZI backers pulled out that it didn't happen.

    Yeah I think some of his stuff has been a bit too specific to just be cast off as a @transfer_live Twitter account. People hate anyone who professes to be ITK, partly because they don’t like that someone might know more than them, but so much does go on that it’s easy to see why sometimes they can be wrong and sometimes spot on. I think it’s more about cherry picking what you think makes sense and what doesn’t. 

    I long for the days of dcfckev. Someone’s having a medical, he posted it. Bish bash bosh.

  4. FWIW, I don’t think ‘Barry the ram’ should be cast off quite as quickly as others think. As we’ve seen with Nixon and even Percy, so much happens behind closed doors that no one gets it 100% right and it’s partly why the Nicholson approach of not saying anything until it’s fact is probably better. 

    But, for this meeting to happen today then the Wycombe meeting must have concluded very quickly and probably wasn’t worth the carbon footprint of travelling over. So it could have happened, but on balance how likely is it?

  5. 2 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Logic dictates a draw the best tonight, but my ample gut tells me that it'd be better for reading to lose.


    To be honest I agree a bit with what @TigerTedd was saying last night.

    Reading win and it just drags a few closer to the relegation zone with a lot of games left. Yeah it’s it’d still be a 7 point defect between Reading and Hull but if we are trying to catch Reading and Reading are trying to catch the rest it could be a good scenario until we are into the last 10 games to go. 

    Any other result then it starts to look like a four team scrap which is a lot more pot luck to me. 

    Either way, as @Sparklesays, it’s about getting ourselves sorted and picking up points for ourselves. Obvious to say, but we need another decent run of results again and then games like tonight shouldn’t matter too much anyway.

  6. Over 40 points still to play for here, if we are in with a shout with 10 games to go then that would be lovely.

    Still think someone can find themselves getting dragged into it, doesn’t take long for champ teams to work each other out nowerdays and a couple of bad defeats could put a Hull/Cardiff/Birmingham into a spiral. They are in a perfect situation to get a bit complacent. 

  7. Just gonna throw my two penneth in to this, but I will go with the premise of that I am a bit of a comedy/stand up nerd (although the amount of shows/festivals I go to have dwindled, partly due to covid but there’s other reasons too), so I’ve seen a lot of different stand ups doing different things and what works and what doesn’t.

    Basically I think anything can be made fun of, many would argue it’s actually important for us to laugh at the darker side of life. Where more famous comedians can get it wrong is not understanding what their status is and it’s relationship to it’s target. Ricky Gervais, Jimmy Carr, David Chappelle and even Stewart Lee get this wrong from time to time, not all the time but just every once in a while it catches up with them. They think everyone is on board with what they think their status is, and most of the time a room of paying punters will lap up whatever it is they are saying anyway, so don’t realise that they can be construed as ‘high status’ punching down on a ‘low target’. That can be anything from Ricky Gervais doing Derek, Jimmy Carr’s Romany Traveller bit, Lee on other comedians or Chappelle on trans people. High status on a low target isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but then high status needs to show a vulnerability to make it acceptable and, Gervais and Carr especially, don’t show any vulnerability. Compare Carr to Jerry Sadowitz, they both do shows where ‘everyone is a target’, Sadowitz is a lot worse than Carr in that aspect, but he gives himself ‘low status’. Sadowitz says every offensive thing going, but is always seen to be punching up from the gutter. Not that it’s particularly my humour to be honest and has its own troubles as again, not everyone gets the joke with the performer and laughs at the targets. 

    Anyway, those bigger comedians believe the audience get the joke how they get the joke, but because people don’t then it shows the joke might not full proof and essentially they’ve been a bit lazy. 

    Just to say as well, I fully agree that stand up/comics should be allowed free speech, but bearing witness to what a ‘free thinking’ nights actually is, I just want to point out that you tend to get a very highly educated white guy telling a room of white guys jokes about Diane Abbot’s appearance. Im generalising ofcourse and a joke about Diane Abbot isn’t wrong, but getting back to status and target, you are just reaffirming a negative trope on a group that are going to agree with you. I’m not sure that’s just harmless and ok in the long term. Again it’s working out high status, low status etc

    Stand up comedy at the best challenges you and what you thought on a subject. When it’s reaffirming your worst thoughts then it’s absolutely bloody dreadful and to bring it back to Carr I genuinely think he was trying to actually make you realise the horrors of the holocaust. The problem is some laugh with you, some are going to laugh at the gypsies and everyone else will be annoyed at you. How he perceived status and target was wrong. 

    …have I killed the frog yet?


  8. 22 minutes ago, Ram@Lincoln said:

    He had a couple of rows empty around him and two armed police stood at the entry to the directors box. Then above average numbers of police and stewards around the Derby fans, these then turned rather heavy handed after the match as they craved to manufacture the headline that we were up to no good.

    Ah the ‘standing out like a sore thumb’ security approach, always smart that.

    But also fully agree that it was another headline manufacturing exercise by the pillock, that probably only caused more innocent people to end up in harms way. 

    It’s a bit sad but I’m just glad we’ve come out of it relatively unscathed and didn’t give him what he wanted.

  9. To be honest I think decisions like yesterday show why VAR isn’t a good idea. An experienced ref who usually relies on someone giving him a get out of jail card, who as I said earlier actually did the right thing in taking his time, but ended up having to make a decision on the emotion of the game and got it wrong. He decided not to have to deal with the atmosphere the correct decision would have caused because he isnt used to having to make the decision without backing.

  10. Isn’t it just a bit of classic Nixon where he only has half the story but because he needs the exclusive he puts it out there. Imagine there’s a lot more to it and it’s maybe been a half veiled threat whilst in negotiations that spilled out the EFL side (Nixon and Percy seemingly have very few contacts Derby side now and it’s not in our interests to let this leak).

    Lets see it play out, don’t think it’s anything that needs too much thought this week. Lots of football related matters to sink ourselves into without even considering any admin stuff!

  11. 5 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    Not to mention Thompson having his upper thigh taken out at forest and the lad hasn’t been the same since that, whilst the referee had a clear view 

    Yeah was a strange one that, but everything was falling in Forest’s favour at that time.

    What I can’t work out is why was Boro vs Derby a Cat. C (or something like that) game where we needed a top prem ref but Forest vs Derby wasn’t? Says to me how unorganised and out of touch those in charge are (presume it’s the EFL who decide that, but if not I’ll throw the FA under the bus too!)

  12. Genuinely think the difference between our two reds and the one yesterday was that Mike Dean was experienced enough to take his time and not rush into his decision.

    I usually go with what the ‘Tomori rule’ with red cards. The vast majority of challenges can be ok aslong as you protect the opponent, which generally means you have to be in ‘control’ of the tackle and whether there is intent to harm the opponent. Tomori got away with a lot but he never got close to a player with his ‘two footers’, he was always in control of the tackle. What’s frustrating to me is that I don’t think you can argue that Crooks isn’t in control because he misses the ball, gives no protection to Bird and there is intent to lay something on him. 

    That’s what is so frustrating to me, I don’t think Morrison and Stearmans tackles failed the Tomori rule, if the refs in those games took their time a bit more they may have come to a more sensible conclusion. Then yesterdays did and because we had an experienced ref who’s so used to VAR then it’s works out against us once again. 

    We’ve had dreadful luck this season in that front, it’s up to you what conclusions you come up with. 

  13. Just now, DCFC Kicks said:

    I've just been looking at some statistics and realised we perform a lot worse against back 3 opposition than against back 4.

    In our last 33 games, 21 have been back 3 and 12 have been back 4. I'm not sure if teams are purposely playing a back 3 against us or if it's just that a back 3 seems to be the most popular formation these days.

    Win percentages: 

    Against back 3: 23.8%

    Against back 4: 33.3%

    We've only lost 2 games against back 4 teams all season. One was against Blackburn when they were flying, and the other was against Huddersfield when Stearman got sent off in the 3rd minute.

    A positive is our last three wins have all been against back 3 teams, so hopefully that indicates Rooney is addressing this.

    Not sure what to do with this information or whether it's relevant in any way but just thought I'd put it down. ?

    Don’t bloody tell people! Shush!

  14. Losing Jagielka and Shinnie was massive, but also unnecessary in terms of where we were at under administration. 

    Two players that could have given us a fighting chance against Forest, Huddersfield and Boro. Only one person caused that and he was in the stands telling the press he needed ‘extra security’.

    Post game frustration, but the situation is a joke.

    Also Morrison and Stearman get straight reds, what’s happened today then?

  15. Gibson got what he wanted in January by keeping us in an embargo and the club losing assets and potentially a lot of money with the youth players that have gone for very little. 

    Relegation is still our most likely outcome which I think is what the EFL really want too. Whilst we have had the punishment, they want to make sure it’s brings the right outcome for them. 

  16. 6 minutes ago, TomBustler1884 said:

    Trying to be positive, I would hope this week has gone as follows - 

    1. Mel makes his public offer, knowing it's not as simple as he says it is

    2. Gibson responds saying it's not possible to transfer his claim and he should indemnify the club.

    3. EFL tell all parties they would prefer to have the claim settled between Mel and Gibson so a preferred bidder can be named.

    4. Mel and Gibson have been in discussions with their lawyers and each other to see if there is a way forward they can agree to. That's what everyone is waiting to hear.

    I know that "Team Derby" met with the admins yesterday.

    Really, really hope I'm right!!

    It’s the most sensible chain of events to be honest. Mel and the council came to some sort of arrangement/plan, Mel offers the proposal knowing he won’t get it but then something gets thrashed out between Mel & Gibson. 

    Been saying for a little while but that Mel/Council meeting was probably the most important thing to have happened, not sure what came out of it but something did which means that Mel turn came out publically. 

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