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Jerry Yates - signed on a season-long loan


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1 hour ago, RamLad1884 said:

Not sure what people are expecting or why they have an issue with this signing: 

-Championship experience with goals 


-presumably no massive outlay has been made as a loan signing 

-27 years old 

if there’s some expectation that we will sign a high scoring championship striker I think everyone will be disappointed. Expect we will also have a big ‘lump’ of a striker lined up also

Because he's just had a season at Swansea where he only scored 8 goals in 43 league games (19 sub apps). Other than those goals, he did very little else - low defensive contribution, poor link up play, low chance creation for others, etc...

As someone who had looked into the career trajectories all of the academy gradutes under Warne at Rotherham, I had known about his record since leaving them. I was still initially unimpressed by this link. However, since entering his 20's he's been fairly consistent in his output, with Swansea appearing to be a blip. His 2 Championship seasons at Blackpool showed he can do the defesinve stuff, he will created chances for others, but he's also a very good finisher. His main issue at at Blackpool was number of shots (which could either be due to poor positioning, or a lack of chances created by teammates). He also played upfront on his own and with a strike partner in equal measure, with rare games on the wings, so offers the flexibility Warne will be looking for.

I doubt he'll be our top CF target, but I do think he would prove to be a useful addition. That would mean we start the season with Yates and another as first choice forwards, Collins as main backup, with Brown and Washington next in line.

Edited by Ghost of Clough
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9 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

That would mean we start the season with Yates and another as first choice forwards, Collins as main backup, with Brown and Washington next in line.

that makes sense. enough cover then to let brown go out on loan for regular football 

Edited by Ram-a-lama fa fa fa
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5 minutes ago, Ram-a-lama fa fa fa said:

that makes sense. enough cover then to let brown go out on loan for regular football 

I can only see Brown going out if we sign 3 forwards since Warne likes to play with 2 CFs. Without that 3rd CF signings, we'd have just Collins and Washington as the backups

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I'm happy with Yates he seems a bit of a victim at Swansea. Firstly he was signed under Duff who has similar(ish) philosophy of football to Warne and then when that didn't work out they go for Luke Williams who plays a very different system and it's clear from his minutes from the 5th Jan his minutes were way down. Secondly as a player entering his prime you are probably crying out for stability and playing closer to home will probably suit him. Collins is great example of this moves to Cardiff, struggles to settle and play consistently and then moves here and finds his shooting boots again. Just got to show a bit of love to these types of players and they can repay the favour.

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22 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

I can only see Brown going out if we sign 3 forwards since Warne likes to play with 2 CFs. Without that 3rd CF signings, we'd have just Collins and Washington as the backups

I think Brown, although still young, has the drive and the determination to really go for it in pre-season...if he impresses I think Warney will keep him and give him a chance...at least until January...

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8 hours ago, BaianoPOTY98 said:

Bit confused with this one. Never heard of him, but why would Swansea want to loan out a 27yr old striker who has 2yrs left on his contract, if he was any good?

I presume if we were interested it means Washington must be moving on, they look very similar types of player and I can’t see Warne going with Wash, Collo and Yates, or I hope not.

From the clips he looks very confident in front of goal and Warne obviously knows a lot about him. If it was to replace Washington then it’s a why not from me.

Again why would a team that finished a poor season want rid of him so it’s likely he didn’t meet their current managers expectations and wants to clear his wages of the payroll to bring in someone considered better for their championship team. For me his Blackpool record in the championship is what counts and that is decent and no long term gamble on our part in terms of contract length.

49 minutes ago, Ram-a-lama fa fa fa said:

that makes sense. enough cover then to let brown go out on loan for regular football 

I would hope not as we have 9 substitutes next season and if we can’t find a place for our brightest young forward to score for us I would be very disappointed. 

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46 minutes ago, Terry Hennessy said:

I think Brown, although still young, has the drive and the determination to really go for it in pre-season...if he impresses I think Warney will keep him and give him a chance...at least until January...

I’d like to think all young players trying to break into professional football have drive and determination. If they haven’t then they’re probably chosen the wrong career and will probably struggle to make it unless they are extraordinarily gifted - if so, I reckon they would have been spotted at a much earlier age.

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Totally appreciate what people are saying about his time at Swansea but they had a bizarre season last year with their managers - how was he supposed to succeed in that?

Id rather look back to his time at Blackpool where he was excellent. One thing about Warne’s system is that he’ll get opportunities - who knows who he might be playing up top with, too?

If we start the summer off with Osborn and Yates I think that’s excellent - especially if there’s no big fees!

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12 hours ago, TomTom92 said:

King Colin came in with a honking record and did a job for us. Yates is much younger and actually had a decent season at Blackpool. 
People need to accept we’re probably going to be bottom 8 next season. If Yates hits 10 goals then that could be the difference between relegation and survival.

Away with you and your common sense 👀😄

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Ok, imo, we are a big club stiil at Championship level.

We have a small time manager, who, in general,  buys bang average players, plays awful football and has a history of getting relegated from this division.

I have never heard of Jerry Yates..which sums it up.

On the upside, i do like Ben Osbourn...

I do hope i am wrong, and we sign some fab players, play some great football, and Warne receives an OBE for entertaining the Sky Viewers...

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Mate who's a season ticket holder at Blackpool said he'd have him back in a flash.

Needs a partner to work with up front but is a good goalscorer who is really hardworking and doesn't give defenders a seconds rest...

Sounds like a Warne signing and hopefully an upgrade on Washington who we move on.

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Key point for me is that in his final year at Blackpool he was Players Player. That doesn't strike me as someone who doesn't work back and do their fair share.

He has a goal every 2.6ish games in the Championship.  That's pretty decent going in a season with a struggling side and then a club in disarray. Strikers thrive when they play week in week out and he bagged loads when he did.

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4 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

Mate who's a season ticket holder at Blackpool said he'd have him back in a flash.

Needs a partner to work with up front but is a good goalscorer who is really hardworking and doesn't give defenders a seconds rest...

Sounds like a Warne signing and hopefully an upgrade on Washington who we move on.

Sounds like a Saunders/Goddard type pairing would work well if we sign Yates. Could be interesting. 

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13 hours ago, TomTom92 said:

King Colin came in with a honking record and did a job for us. Yates is much younger and actually had a decent season at Blackpool. 
People need to accept we’re probably going to be bottom 8 next season. If Yates hits 10 goals then that could be the difference between relegation andti be survival.

I'm not accepting we're going to be bottom 8! 

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