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12 minutes ago, Archied said:

I actually reckon we will turn out to be decent away from home and nick a fair few vital points , as seen at home ,we are hard to break down , have pace and ability on the break and a fighting spirit , if we can stay relatively injury free or at least not over burdened with them this could be a very decent and pleasing season ,

do I have faith in warne and the recruitment team to spend wisely and build our club ?    Oh ducking yes 

I admit to being of an angst ridden mindset, more so when we are away from home but what I like about this team is the seeming unity, top to bottom. These first few games have left me with the impression that this is going to be an enjoyable season rather than a grind. Maybe not play offs yet, but looking up rather than looking down. That has to be the definition of Warns brief to “establish us” in this league. 

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6 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

I think our best eleven will be competitive but I do worry about injuries because our second string is still a bit League One.

Ozoh’s absence will be felt acutely. Also,  if we lost Goudmijn or Yates, the momentum of our attack would stall.

But it’s good so far!

I think we have good options in the squad to be able to play different formations so as to cover for injuries

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10 hours ago, jono said:

I just think we’ve seen 3 very different home performances, each showing a facet of this team and perhaps Warne’s influence.

Boro: manned the ramparts against an established side with superior integration and technical ability. Stood up in difficult circumstances. 

Brizzle: Outgunned them both physically and technically. Not dissimilar to us in style and approach but lacking when the chickens roosted

Cardiff: Met Muscle with Muscle but had the technical edge and the desire 

Another poster suggested that the Sheffield game is another test for PW. Can we adapt away from home and get something on the  board ? Very astute comment in my mind. Not easy but very interesting and not in the desperate circumstances that some thought we might be in sooner rather than later. 
Whatever …. To those with doubts we have had the soundest of starts to a season that will be challenging but I have no doubts that it will for the majority of the time be entertaining rather than a struggle to survive. He isn’t Clough but the boy’s done good so far which is probably why is is so quiet in certain quarters 

Agree re the 3 different performances - almost like we have more than plan A which has been such a huge criticism of PW and other recent managers. Coaching team deserve much praise so far. Also in transfer time many ridicule PW's requirement of certain character in recruits but last season and this one so far we really see why and how it pays off. And whatever is happening behind the scenes at the club to ensure new younger players are settling esp the two from overseas also should be applauded. I think this whole club approach is one of the reasons DC values PW so much

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5 hours ago, Archied said:

I actually reckon we will turn out to be decent away from home and nick a fair few vital points , as seen at home ,we are hard to break down , have pace and ability on the break and a fighting spirit , if we can stay relatively injury free or at least not over burdened with them this could be a very decent and pleasing season ,

do I have faith in warne and the recruitment team to spend wisely and build our club ?    Oh ducking yes 

Agree with this totally.  Against Blackburn we were far too open (going for a 2nd) after we equalised - I doubt we will make that mistake again.  Against an in form Watford by all accounts we were unlucky not to come away with a point.  Ozoh being out is a big test though - he has been a beast so far this season and destined for a great career

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11 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

Zero point being this tribal. Just enjoy the win.

I have enjoyed the win thanks. In 14ish years of being in this forum I have never belonged to a tribe other than that of Derby County. I have got the point now though where I will continue to take the mickey out of complete morons who think we should have got rid of PW in the summer, and those that continue to slate him. Mission one completed. Mission 2 underway nicely. 

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7 minutes ago, R@M said:

I have enjoyed the win thanks. In 14ish years of being in this forum I have never belonged to a tribe other than that of Derby County. I have got the point now though where I will continue to take the mickey out of complete morons who think we should have got rid of PW in the summer, and those that continue to slate him. Mission one completed. Mission 2 underway nicely. 

I hear you.


Calling them (whoever identifies with the fan as you describe) morons, doesn’t exactly invite friendly discourse.

All it does is prolong this tit for that as we win and lose, this topic growing bigger by the week.

We’re trying our best to identify the out and out trolls, whilst allowing those with the more negative slant the platform to voice their concerns and have a proper discourse over the points they raise.

Currently 4 pints in, hope that makes sense.

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39 minutes ago, Donnyram said:

Agree with this totally.  Against Blackburn we were far too open (going for a 2nd) after we equalised - I doubt we will make that mistake again.  Against an in form Watford by all accounts we were unlucky not to come away with a point.  Ozoh being out is a big test though - he has been a beast so far this season and destined for a great career

If Ozoh is out for a few weeks and tricky away games coming up Warne has a big decision to make . Osborn is not a strong battler like Ozoh . So do we try to play a bit more possession based football ? Clearing to the half way and waiting is going to be a hard watch without Ozoh . Phillips is an option especially in these tough away games , where we have yet to pick up a point . 

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6 hours ago, CBRammette said:

Also in transfer time many ridicule PW's requirement of certain character in recruits but last season and this one so far we really see why and how it pays off

This. There were aspects of Warne that grated a little with me, but those have become fewer and farther between. 
I’ve always shared his view that personality and athleticism matter. We now seem to have a team that works hard, has a good degree of skill and can recover from adversity. 
Best of all for me is the tactical diversity. I might not like all of the tactics, but the fact we have them available to us is huge. 
I’m hoping for a season of consolidation after which players will no longer find it such a risk to come to us and so the quality will inch a little higher. But I’ve also see shades of Arthur Cox’s side who took a few games to realise they weren’t out of place, and as their confidence kicked in, the results flowed. 

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4 hours ago, Gerry Daly said:


Sorry didn't actually post my comment! Well I was one of those who was pretty vitriolic at times about Warne last season and up until quite recently really. I think my frustration last season was with the terrible standard of football we were seeing a lot of the time but being fair about it that's the standard we were at. But I'm going to give him credit for a couple of things. Firstly I think the recruitment has been so much better this close season. We have picked up some terrific players for what appears to be a very manageable(for the club) budget. I'm absolutely delighted with Gouwijn who I think is the antithesis of of the sort of player we thought Warne preferred i.e 6' athletic but crude powerhouses. We have signed a bunch of lads who seem to have loads of ability and a great attitude. Secondly the football so far has improved immeasurably. Its been a great start. I still have a niggling doubt about Warne's attitude to developing young players by giving them time on the pitch - that Barrow debacle where he started Collins when it was a perfect opportunity to start Brown being the most recent low point example. But I'm much happier with Warne these days and long may it continue     

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4 hours ago, Crewton said:

I just think it would be nice if some of those who only posted to express their dissatisfaction (or worse) with Warne in pre-season would post again to tell us how they're feeling now?

I’ll respond, as I guess I am one of the morons that @R@M is referring too.

I haven’t watched enough to directly comment on the standard of play, but my concern with Warne has always been style and tactical acumen. I didn’t doubt this season that he might squeeze every drop of sweat out of the lads to keep us up. I have been consistent on that point. It does seem though that a) we seem to have bought/loaned quite well, and b) that we are obviously better organised than I thought we might be. 9 points from the first 5 games is a fantastic achievement, however you gain them, but reading on here from the posters who typically take a good middle ground, it seems we are playing some nice football too, being less ‘kick it wide’ and more ‘play it through the middle’.

No one can or should knock that, because that kind of football, with Academy prospects being given appropriately opportunities, is what most of us “Warne Haters” have been wanting to see (but not expecting to see).

This season is all about consolidating. Well done Paul Warne and team for giving us all hope that this objective looks more than achievable.

Up the Rams!

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31 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

I’ll respond, as I guess I am one of the morons that @R@M is referring too.

I haven’t watched enough to directly comment on the standard of play, but my concern with Warne has always been style and tactical acumen. I didn’t doubt this season that he might squeeze every drop of sweat out of the lads to keep us up. I have been consistent on that point. It does seem though that a) we seem to have bought/loaned quite well, and b) that we are obviously better organised than I thought we might be. 9 points from the first 5 games is a fantastic achievement, however you gain them, but reading on here from the posters who typically take a good middle ground, it seems we are playing some nice football too, being less ‘kick it wide’ and more ‘play it through the middle’.

No one can or should knock that, because that kind of football, with Academy prospects being given appropriately opportunities, is what most of us “Warne Haters” have been wanting to see (but not expecting to see).

This season is all about consolidating. Well done Paul Warne and team for giving us all hope that this objective looks more than achievable.

Up the Rams!

Have you been watching the official Derby highlights Tim? Should give you an idea of the kind of interplays the front line have been doing.

Remains to be seen whether we can keep it up, especially if teams start to sit back. But so far it feels like what “good football” under Warne could look like.


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44 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

I’ll respond, as I guess I am one of the morons that @R@M is referring too.

I haven’t watched enough to directly comment on the standard of play, but my concern with Warne has always been style and tactical acumen. I didn’t doubt this season that he might squeeze every drop of sweat out of the lads to keep us up. I have been consistent on that point. It does seem though that a) we seem to have bought/loaned quite well, and b) that we are obviously better organised than I thought we might be. 9 points from the first 5 games is a fantastic achievement, however you gain them, but reading on here from the posters who typically take a good middle ground, it seems we are playing some nice football too, being less ‘kick it wide’ and more ‘play it through the middle’.

No one can or should knock that, because that kind of football, with Academy prospects being given appropriately opportunities, is what most of us “Warne Haters” have been wanting to see (but not expecting to see).

This season is all about consolidating. Well done Paul Warne and team for giving us all hope that this objective looks more than achievable.

Up the Rams!

And hats off to you and others who have posted recently. Absolutely fine having a view, we are all different and see slightly different things in a game. The important thing to me is sticking around to talk it over, chew the cud, open to an opinion being changed for better or worse. I’ve been mostly pro Warne and been prepared to be patient cos that’s the way I’m made, but equally if the football, tactics and results become poor or his players don’t stand up I’d like to think I’d be grown up enough to acknowledge those failings. Lord those early days trying to force the wing back thing .. that was narrow minded and annoyed me intensely, but I think he learned, eventually !

I’ll be here with an opinion whether we win or lose. It’s Those that come on when the result serves to back a prejudice that masquerades as an opinion and then run away when it doesn’t, they wind me up beyond measure. Worse still when their opinion is countered, they cry “bully” instead of simply defending their view with evidence. 

In a formal debate there is a proposition, those who speak for and against and the audience votes on the motion. No one is “shouted down” they are simply disagreed with by a greater number of people, with a degree of fervour, and why not ! 

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2 hours ago, Gerry Daly said:

Sorry didn't actually post my comment! Well I was one of those who was pretty vitriolic at times about Warne last season and up until quite recently really. I think my frustration last season was with the terrible standard of football we were seeing a lot of the time but being fair about it that's the standard we were at. But I'm going to give him credit for a couple of things. Firstly I think the recruitment has been so much better this close season. We have picked up some terrific players for what appears to be a very manageable(for the club) budget. I'm absolutely delighted with Gouwijn who I think is the antithesis of of the sort of player we thought Warne preferred i.e 6' athletic but crude powerhouses. We have signed a bunch of lads who seem to have loads of ability and a great attitude. Secondly the football so far has improved immeasurably. Its been a great start. I still have a niggling doubt about Warne's attitude to developing young players by giving them time on the pitch - that Barrow debacle where he started Collins when it was a perfect opportunity to start Brown being the most recent low point example. But I'm much happier with Warne these days and long may it continue     

I honestly feel the only criterion PW uses when he gives players game time is whether they’re good enough or not. He seems very happy to play the likes of Ozoh and Goudmijn, two young players.

As to the Barrow game, you could also argue that at the moment he thinks Collins is still closer to the first team than Brown and JC needed to get some minutes under his belt.

Other than Brown, who are the other young players you think PW should be giving an opportunity to? I keep asking this question but as yet nobody has answered.


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