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Is Warne living on borrowed time?

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1 minute ago, TomTom92 said:

Think the end is nigh. 
Warne’s going to need a serious turn around to survive medium to long term. Even if our results even out, are people going to accept a 12th place finish with the inevitable poor performances that such a finish entails? 
There’s discussions to be had on recruitment, interview answers etc which we’ve started already. But if the fans feel as negative as they do now that isn’t going to change with a win against Fleetwood. Especially when Bolton and Peterborough are waiting around the corner.

Think from Warne’s demeanour he knows it too. However, he has the cushion of compensation to make his tears go away.

Three wins and they do.  Two losses and one win they will not.

Edited by CBX1985
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7 minutes ago, Rammy03 said:

How can he have lost the dressing room so early? What on earth is going on

I always go back to the Forsyth post-match interview from early last season (following a home loss, very similar performance-wise to the last couple of home games).  The money-quote was something to the effect of "We keep asking the manager what he wants us to do and he just says run around more".  I can easily see a bunch of experienced players not being happy if that's the level of guidance they are being given by the manager.

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2 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

I always go back to the Forsyth post-match interview from early last season (following a home loss, very similar performance-wise to the last couple of home games).  The money-quote was something to the effect of "We keep asking the manager what he wants us to do and he just says run around more".  I can easily see a bunch of experienced players not being happy if that's the level of guidance they are being given by the manager.

Yes, I don't think it's a case of lack of effort leading to lack of effectiveness.


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12 minutes ago, I am Ram said:

Can we skip the football and go straight to the interview, they are more entertaining. So erratic.

Last nights was a bit of an enigma, what was it all about? I wonder if no-one pushed too hard in case he can't deal with it? His demeanour has totally changed.

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24 minutes ago, CBX1985 said:

Three wins and they do.  Two losses and one win they will not.

Agreed but that’s my point. Unless he pulls a rabbit out of the hat (on this seasons showing so far) he’s on the road to the sack. 
The only other way pressure gets released is if Clowes comes out says sustaining the club is priority and if it takes us 4 years to go up then so be it and Warne’s the man for the job. 

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1 hour ago, The Last Post said:

Is Warne living on borrowed time?...Yes!

There's an old saying in football...you're only as good as your last game, I went to the Wigan game but followed the other 2 home games on here, There's not too many posters I disagree with as most see it how it is, No sugar coating, No blinkers on just tell it how it is.

There's posters who have been positive over the summer and still as positive after the Blackpool game, But last night I get a feeling that PW is losing a lot of support from here, Is this a sign that DCFC fans in general are feeling the same...boooooing at home aint good, There's been those that have been vocal and negative for some time with PWs style of play...and to sum these posters up...they look to be right.

David Clowes the saviour of DCFC a year ago had better be aware...which I think he will be as he's a fan so he'll be know the feeling at this moment in time, He may have locked himself into a 4 year financial capsule where a sacking will cost, Being a Fan and a business man are 2 ends of the same road, Emotions will take you one way where finances take you another...unless PW walks if results do not improve DC has a decision to make...does he stick or twist 🤷‍♂️ 

So if we (somehow) manage to beat Fleetwood with ease on Saturday he’ll be the new messiah until we lose badly at Peterborough when it will be Warne out again?

There is such an old saying but I’m not sure it meant to be taken literally.

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1 hour ago, Leeds Ram said:

Thinking about it rationally, I can't envisage a scenario this year where Warne gets the sack. The investment of a 4 year contract and our limited finances must be too large. However, I can see a scenario where the fan base becomes so toxic Warne can't handle the pressure and walks out. He'll resign if he doesn't right the ship in the next 10 games. You can see the fans turning already on him. He's not used to having 25,000 people boo or shout at him, and it must take its toll. 

I can’t see Paul Warne and his assistants walking away from around 3 years worth of probably the highest salaries they have ever received. Yes it may take it’s toll but I am pretty certain that we would have to sack them, no way would they resign.

Even an agreement by mutual consent is unlikely in my opinion. We simply cannot afford to sack the managerial team at this moment in time.

All very worrying if you are a Derby fan….


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8 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

So if we (somehow) manage to beat Fleetwood with ease on Saturday he’ll be the new messiah until we lose badly at Peterborough when it will be Warne out again?

There is such an old saying but I’m not sure it meant to be taken literally.

Judging by the reactions so far this season, that old proverb actually rings very true 😂

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12 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

So if we (somehow) manage to beat Fleetwood with ease on Saturday he’ll be the new messiah until we lose badly at Peterborough when it will be Warne out again?

There is such an old saying but I’m not sure it meant to be taken literally.


Fans can be fickle, When DCFC win it's mostly good times and a few beers, With a defeat it's not so happy but still a few beers, When it's a defeat with little to know cohesion or awareness or willingness then you get what's been posted on here for the last 3 home games.

There's losing...and there's LOSING!

Whether it's taken literally or not managers often use it as do pundits and experienced 67 year olds😉


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41 minutes ago, Malagaram said:

Selina Weigman might be a good replacement,she is not doing to bad with the womans team taking them all the way to a final against Spain,put Warne on Gardening leave

Yeah, yeah, but, but......the England Women's Team have a plan, defend well, break quickly with accurate passing, create and take chances.

(they even play 3-5-2 with players who are capable of playing it)

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1 hour ago, Malagaram said:

Selina Weigman might be a good replacement,she is not doing to bad with the womans team taking them all the way to a final against Spain,put Warne on Gardening leave

Emma Hayes said she was insulted to be linked with then League One Wimbledon as she was managing Chelsea at the Woman’s Champions League level. What makes you think we could attract an international level manager?  

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I posted the original thread up as a bit of tongue in cheek, not so funny, humor.

I didn't share the optimism of many, I felt we had more than enough in our squad to make the playoffs, at least, last season.  I blamed Warne for tinkering with the team, taking Barkhuizen out when he was in a good run of scoring form and failing to strengthen in January, amongst other things.  January was the biggest alarm bell for me, after going on about January being like Christmas shopping only to get White from Spurs and Springett from his mates at Norwich.  I wondered if we had a manager who struggled in transfer windows, tries to be too clever, poor in his initial meetings with players or is too picky?

This transfer window has shown similar.  A penny for our new recruitment fellas thoughts.  I imagine he has presented a dossier of players to Warne only to be hit with words like wrong Ethos, Commitment & Attitude.

Now, I expected Warne to be gone by next season, I believed he would be found out eventually, but I honestly didn't expect things to be this bad this quick.  As Warne keeps trying to allude to, something has happened, there is something we the fans aren't aware of, that Warne is desperate to get off his chest, but isn't allowed to.  His little hints aren't helping him or us to be fair.

If and when Warne goes, honestly this will be the one that hurts the most.  I know we are desperate for stability, to have a manager like Eddie Howe or Shaun Dyche that stays with us for years and takes us to the top.  I was hoping Warne would be that man, but it is very obvious that won't be the case.

This is the biggest point from all of this, next season is ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE for this club.  We will be almost with a clean slate, restrictions lifted and finances in order, if we were to be promoted this season, with a clean P&S sheet and improved revenue, the sky is the limited.

Clowes will be very well aware of that and as much as sacking him now is gonna hurt, if he doesn't do it now, it could end up setting the club back years.




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Warne got relegated with Rotherham and then promoted. So he’s gone from failure to success in the past.

He’s inherited a squad with no depth, a threadbare team and a dreadful youth team.

They needed  a total rebuild and it will take time.

I don’t like his tactics at home. He hasn’t proven to me that he has any kind of coherent plan B, home or  away.

However, I don’t want him out. I want us to give him time to sort it out and that could be at least a year from now. But if that’s what it needs it is what it is.

I don’t think anyone out there would do the job better.

Unfortunately we are saddled with him. So we just have to make the most of it and try and cheer the team on as much as we can.

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No it doesn’t take time. Or at least it doesn’t take loads of time. He has been here a year. Arthur Cox inherited at least as bad a situation playing staff wise. In my opinion we were much weaker in 1984 than we were when Warne was appointed. Within one season Cox had us motoring. And in 4 seasons we finished 5th in the old first division. From a slightly higher start point Jim Smith made rapid progress. With very little money so did George Burley. This chump has made no progress whatsoever in fact we have deteriorated. Clowes has seen the same stuff I have seen so he knows what can be done and what reasonable progress looks like and what timeframes it can be expected

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