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Exeter City (A) Tues 18th April


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2 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

I'm not sure why being good makes it acceptable to cheat?

It’s more the fact that he’s had a good season and I think the criticism of him by the Exeter fan is unfair. If it was something Wildsmith always did and was one of his traits, I think that would impact my view of how good his season has been. Decision making is a huge part of every position, a keeper’s performance isn’t judged purely how many saves they make.

I understand it when you look at it as a one-off game, but it’s hardly like Wildsmith is the first keeper we’ve seen this season do it.

It’s up to the ref to manage. We’ve seen the refereeing in this league isn’t exactly of a high standard, so I’m not surprised that it probably isn’t dealt with as it should be, that’s why it continues. We see other teams do it, get away with it and take points off us. I don’t like it, but I see why it is done because it does work more than it doesn’t.

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3 minutes ago, Kernow said:

It’s more the fact that he’s had a good season and I think the criticism of him by the Exeter fan is unfair. If it was something Wildsmith always did and was one of his traits, I think that would impact my view of how good his season has been. Decision making is a huge part of every position, a keeper’s performance isn’t judged purely how many saves they make.

I understand it when you look at it as a one-off game, but it’s hardly like Wildsmith is the first keeper we’ve seen this season do it.

It’s up to the ref to manage. We’ve seen the refereeing in this league isn’t exactly of a high standard, so I’m not surprised that it probably isn’t dealt with as it should be, that’s why it continues. We see other teams do it, get away with it and take points off us. I don’t like it, but I see why it is done because it does work more than it doesn’t.

How good his season has been is irrelevant to the Exeter fan and should be to all football fans.

Wildsmith has been time wasting all season in my opinion.

I know its hard to condemn because we desperately needed the 3 points but their fan is spot on with what he has said.

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9 hours ago, strawhillram said:

I’m sure the EFL would intervene

I think they could easily “rest” 2 or 3 key players claiming they’re carrying minor injuries without incurring the wrath of the EFL. Especially if they replaced them with fringe players that have featured in the first team this season rather than kids.

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7 hours ago, bimmerman said:

Clearly not mentally. It's not on, it's a game and swearing at kids over it is not cool. All because he wasn't quick enough to get the ball from the stand at 0-0...what an arse

In knight’s defence, if you’re Irish and swear at someone, it’s not deemed abusive. It’s technically referred to as craic.  Did by any chance the kid have red hair and freckles ?

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2 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

How good his season has been is irrelevant to the Exeter fan and should be to all football fans.

Wildsmith has been time wasting all season in my opinion.

I know its hard to condemn because we desperately needed the 3 points but their fan is spot on with what he has said.

I don’t agree with it either. I’ve said in previous posts that Wildsmith actually got a bollocking from Warne against Bristol Rovers for distributing the ball too quickly and that I think it probably cost us as there would be no other way we end up with 7 minutes of added time.

But we see other teams do it to us, and get away with it. I don’t think Warne will really care if it works and we go up, even if it is awful to watch.

My point is I don’t think it’s really Wildsmith to blame. You get booked for wasting time, I don’t think any ref is ever going to book a player for going down “injured.” It also exploits the rule that keepers don’t have to go off if they receive treatment for an injury. It’s a team tactic that a lot of teams use, but keepers just have to be the ones to perform it unfortunately.

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27 minutes ago, Andicis said:

Every other team in the league has done what Wildsmith did to you, to us this season so it's just us finally wising up to the underhand tactics in this league. 

And haven’t we moaned about it? We’ll be screaming blue murder on Saturday if the Burton keeper even thinks about doing what Wildsmith did. So it seems reasonable when fans of other teams complain. 

I hate to see it just as much from our players as the opponents. All we do is accept the criticism as a fair cop but relish, with a tinge of embarrassment that we had to resort to such blatant tactics, picking up the three points. 🐏

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22 minutes ago, Kernow said:

I don’t agree with it either. I’ve said in previous posts that Wildsmith actually got a bollocking from Warne against Bristol Rovers for distributing the ball too quickly and that I think it probably cost us as there would be no other way we end up with 7 minutes of added time.

But we see other teams do it to us, and get away with it. I don’t think Warne will really care if it works and we go up, even if it is awful to watch.

My point is I don’t think it’s really Wildsmith to blame. You get booked for wasting time, I don’t think any ref is ever going to book a player for going down “injured.” It also exploits the rule that keepers don’t have to go off if they receive treatment for an injury. It’s a team tactic that a lot of teams use, but keepers just have to be the ones to perform it unfortunately.

Might be an interesting experiment to say your goalkeeper does have to go off for treatment after a time period of perhaps 30 seconds.

Teams would then have to decide whether to replace the keeper or tell the beggar to get up and stop being a wuss.

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30 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

How good his season has been is irrelevant to the Exeter fan and should be to all football fans.

Wildsmith has been time wasting all season in my opinion.

I know its hard to condemn because we desperately needed the 3 points but their fan is spot on with what he has said.

Yes. There's subtle clever timewasting which he has done well all season and then there's last two games. Issue is the blatant stuff doesnt waste time as it just gets added on and who knows we could give away a late non-penalty penalty equaliser...... oh wait

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3 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

Might be an interesting experiment to say your goalkeeper does have to go off for treatment after a time period of perhaps 30 seconds.

Teams would then have to decide whether to replace the keeper or tell the beggar to get up and stop being a wuss.

I don’t think there’s any solution to it. You can’t really prove that a player isn’t actually injured, doesn’t have cramp or anything like that. Imagine if a keeper picks up a knock as a result of a challenge, has to go off the pitch and then the opposition smash it in the open goal. There would be uproar.

Time wasting will always happen in every competition. In the World Cup there were vast amounts of added time to make up for stoppages, but it shouldn’t have to come to that. I think even if refs tracked the exact time, and added that on, it would still happen, because it slows the game down and disrupts the oppositions rhythm. It’s again a consequence of the fine margins between winning and losing, financial benefits, impact on jobs etc. Fan’s enjoyment is sacrificed for that by managers and players all over the country.

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1 hour ago, fred binneys head said:

Regards your fans, hardly heard you at all but imagine you’ll say the same about us, it’s the acoustics. No doubt we were all singing, but couldn’t hear each other.

Sorry but your post loses a little credibility at this point. Watching the match live didnt hear a sound from home fans whilst Derby fans were very loud and proud all match but yes guess must be acoustics

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Sorry but you don't speak for me here, I certainly didn't enjoy it.

As a football fan I pay to be entertained at matches, not watching time wasting and grown men rolling around pretending to be hurt.

Its really beginning to spoil my enjoyment of matches.

I know there's the argument of 'everyone else is doing it so why shouldn't we', that's how it started when foreigners introduced diving into our game too and look how bad that has got.

We've regularly called out players for cheating this season so it would be hypocritical not to do the same when its our players doing it.

The Exeter fan is spot on and I see why his opinion is what it is. But do I care? Not one bit. As long as we win come full time I don’t care if it’s by hook or by crook.

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52 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Sorry but you don't speak for me here, I certainly didn't enjoy it.

As a football fan I pay to be entertained at matches, not watching time wasting and grown men rolling around pretending to be hurt.

Its really beginning to spoil my enjoyment of matches.

I know there's the argument of 'everyone else is doing it so why shouldn't we', that's how it started when foreigners introduced diving into our game too and look how bad that has got.

We've regularly called out players for cheating this season so it would be hypocritical not to do the same when its our players doing it.

100% agree. Wildsmith has been doing this all season, it’s not a recent thing. I am not sure he is intelligent enough to understand the possible consequences of his actions. After how many minutes of added time did Bristol Rovers score on Saturday? Mainly because of his antics, there were so many minutes added on. He riles everyone, the crowd, their players, a good section of his own fans according to this website and more importantly the referee. The Ref should be totally impartial, but no one like the piss being taken out of them - not saying the penalty was directly given because of the time wasting but maybe we weren’t exactly in his good books.

don’t want to see it in my team, rather they just tried to pass it around. I want Derby to be squeaky clean after the last 2 or 3 years. Know it will be an old fashioned view in these modern times of doing anything to get 3 points!

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7 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

Sorry but your post loses a little credibility at this point. Watching the match live didnt hear a sound from home fans whilst Derby fans were very loud and proud all match but yes guess must be acoustics

Just saying it as I heard it. Your commentary was from the away end wasn’t it? We weren’t at our best at all, the line up and the performance put paid to that, but we sang for most of the game. I could see you guys bouncing a bit but we just couldn’t hear you at all, the sound doesn’t carry well. It’s what happens at a lot of grounds, one team sings ‘is this your library?’ and the other team sing ‘we forgot that you were here’. 

Anyway, my work here is done, good luck for the rest of the season 👍

Edited by fred binneys head
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1 hour ago, Andicis said:

Every other team in the league has done what Wildsmith did to you, to us this season so it's just us finally wising up to the underhand tactics in this league. 

Totally agree, I actually enjoy the fact that we've finally started employing some of the s***house tactics that other teams have regularly done to us. Hopefully eventually we'll see our players getting in the refs face a bit more when controversial decisions go against us! Some of our holier than thou supporters don't see it like this though.

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26 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

Sorry but your post loses a little credibility at this point. Watching the match live didnt hear a sound from home fans whilst Derby fans were very loud and proud all match but yes guess must be acoustics

The Big Bank kept up great support for the home team all match. They have a drummer with good rhythm. 

We were loud from half time onwards but we were split into three areas - two separate standing areas and the side block of "seats" . It took us a while to get our act together (a bit like the team 😉) but when we did, you could visibly see how it drove the team on. 

We probably sounded louder on commentary as the Radio Derby lot were in the middle of us.

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I dont like the time wasting by Derby or anyone else but everyone seem to be at it. There is a difference between game management ie keeping the ball away from the opposition and feigning injury, not only does feigning injury waste time it also breaks up the game.

I would like to see somthing done about it as it is ruining football, fans dont sem to mind it when their club does it but they hate it when other clubs do it to them, lets get on with the football and leave the acting to those in showbusiness.
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