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Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach


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2 minutes ago, angieram said:

I can accept that not everyone likes the tippy tappy stuff, but please don't translate that into us not creating chances, because the stats from every game this season suggest we were creating chances.

Now  if you'd said we weren't converting them, then that I'd understand.

Or even that the chances were harder to take because the opposition have much more time to set themselves up to defend them because of our slow build up play.

But not creating chances? Not true.

Having watched most of it, we tended to take up a chunk of the game doing it and we gave away as many chances from doing it as we created from it

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6 hours ago, angieram said:

I agree, Saffy. 

The interview and all the media around it has made me feel uncomfortable,  it's all overkill at this stage.

It went on too long - very complicated answers, thought Warne was trying too hard. My comment about the coffee was only partly in jest, he really needs to calm down a bit! Maybe the club could do the same. We've hardly signed up Fergie - and if we have he's more Darren than Alex! 

From where I sit, the fans were enjoying the fact we were trying to play football, weren't calling for the manager's head, so there's that bit of unease around the way Liam has been treated. He failed his target - so what was that? We were seventh after the start to the season we had, hardly dismissal material.

As for Warne, I didn't like him before, he's very aggressive on the touchline, a bit of a bully with the officials, I sit above the away dug out so see it every game. Seems to encourage his players in the dark arts, Crooks springs to mind as an example. A good footballer, but playing on the edge of legitimacy all the time - more bullying.

I think some players will respond well to him, but others? I don't know. I know I wouldn't want my boss texting me all hours with snippets - there needs to be boundaries, imo.

So, all that touchy feely stuff left me feeling a bit underwhelmed. 

However, what I did like, was when he started talking tactics. He suddenly grabbed my attention and I liked what I was hearing. My fears about the sort of football we're going to see have subsided somewhat, especially as we've not got those sorts of players available to him (currently).

If he can deliver what he says, and if he can tone it down a bit, I'll be happy. But I'm not in the fanclub yet! 


Wow.....give the bloke a chance.....He gave honest answers and he was only responding to questions asked...I didn't want Liam removed either but he was and I trust Mr Clowes...the man that saved our club...you obviously don't like Warne thats your choice of course but bullying????   thats ridiculous....think its you who needs to calm down 

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48 hours from now, I am confident we’ll be celebrating our first away win of the season.

And to be honest, that’s all that matters. We want to win. I think winning football can be played in many ways. In our position, we can’t afford to be so stubborn. We should embrace change.

Personally I can totally understand the excitement from the club and from local media. We have a proven manager with tangible achievements at this level. What is there not to be excited about?

Warne knows what works at this level and how to win football matches at this level. If he has to make us tougher, meaner, more physical, more athletic, more direct, more difficult to play against, so be it.

Personally I couldn’t care less for style points. I want to win the actual points.

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1 minute ago, Jourdan said:

48 hours from now, I am confident we’ll be celebrating our first away win of the season.

And to be honest, that’s all that matters. We want to win. I think winning football can be played in many ways. In our position, we can’t afford to be so stubborn. We should embrace change.

Personally I can totally understand the excitement from the club and from local media. We have a proven manager with tangible achievements at this level. What is there not to be excited about?

Warne knows what works at this level and how to win football matches at this level. If he has to make us tougher, meaner, more physical, more athletic, more direct, more difficult to play against, so be it.

Personally I couldn’t care less for style points. I want to win the actual points.

Has someone hacked your account @Jourdan ?

Great to see you so positive , agree with you on the main points about physicality which hopefully combined with the skill levels of our players will make DCFC a real force. 

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Lets hope this works:

"I like to have a 'Why Wall' at home and one away from home," Warne said. "Away from home it's like a bedsheet, really. Every player has to send a picture of why they are doing it. What motivates them to play? More often than not it's family photos. Nobody has done this, but it could be a Porsche or a Ferrari because they want to do well and buy a car.

"I want the lads to feel like look we are very blessed to be able to play football. I always want them to put in a performance on an effort level that their loved ones will be proud of. That's the truth. I spoke to one of the players today, and I won't tell you who, but he was a bit emotional with his photo because his parents have literally done everything for him to become a footballer.

People do. They sacrifice a lot to get their kids to training. I want the lads to when they leave the dressing room that it's the last thing they see. They look at the why wall and see their loved ones looking at them.

"No matter what happens in that game of football they are still going to be loved aren't they? That's the truth. I don't care what anybody says, and you can give me any amount of money, if you're not liked or loved there's no point having a million pound in the bank but nobody wants to go on holiday with you."

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56 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Lets hope this works:

"I like to have a 'Why Wall' at home and one away from home," Warne said. "Away from home it's like a bedsheet, really. Every player has to send a picture of why they are doing it. What motivates them to play? More often than not it's family photos. Nobody has done this, but it could be a Porsche or a Ferrari because they want to do well and buy a car.

"I want the lads to feel like look we are very blessed to be able to play football. I always want them to put in a performance on an effort level that their loved ones will be proud of. That's the truth. I spoke to one of the players today, and I won't tell you who, but he was a bit emotional with his photo because his parents have literally done everything for him to become a footballer.

People do. They sacrifice a lot to get their kids to training. I want the lads to when they leave the dressing room that it's the last thing they see. They look at the why wall and see their loved ones looking at them.

"No matter what happens in that game of football they are still going to be loved aren't they? That's the truth. I don't care what anybody says, and you can give me any amount of money, if you're not liked or loved there's no point having a million pound in the bank but nobody wants to go on holiday with you."

Straight out of the Arthur Cox philosophy of the privilege of being a footballer-remember you are well paid to play the game you love- the supporters who pay to watch you and work underground mining your coal are nowhere as well paid and most of them will not live as long as you will.

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1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

Lets hope this works:

"I like to have a 'Why Wall' at home and one away from home," Warne said. "Away from home it's like a bedsheet, really. Every player has to send a picture of why they are doing it. What motivates them to play? More often than not it's family photos. Nobody has done this, but it could be a Porsche or a Ferrari because they want to do well and buy a car.

"I want the lads to feel like look we are very blessed to be able to play football. I always want them to put in a performance on an effort level that their loved ones will be proud of. That's the truth. I spoke to one of the players today, and I won't tell you who, but he was a bit emotional with his photo because his parents have literally done everything for him to become a footballer.

People do. They sacrifice a lot to get their kids to training. I want the lads to when they leave the dressing room that it's the last thing they see. They look at the why wall and see their loved ones looking at them.

"No matter what happens in that game of football they are still going to be loved aren't they? That's the truth. I don't care what anybody says, and you can give me any amount of money, if you're not liked or loved there's no point having a million pound in the bank but nobody wants to go on holiday with you."

I'd personally find that a bit corny but, if it's worked in the past for him, fair play.

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4 minutes ago, angieram said:

Well, I think you know who I meant. 

I did in all honesty... and I agree with you.  ?

I've been feeling like a scamp all day, so I just couldn't resist!  Sorry!  ???



... and it's a lovely pic of our Garth, to be fair, so not all bad!  ?


Edited by Mucker1884
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2 hours ago, Reggie Greenwood said:

Has someone hacked your account @Jourdan ?

Great to see you so positive , agree with you on the main points about physicality which hopefully combined with the skill levels of our players will make DCFC a real force. 

Give him until 15.02 on Saturday and he will be back to his negative ways

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